Ask your questions here – anything goes! Share your story, struggles and successes in your relationship. Leave a comment, ask or give advice, or just write what’s on your mind. Read personal stories of long distance relationships below. Join the Conversation
He’s black, 40, male. I’m Pinoy, 19, also male. We were conservative introverts tired out by the world. We were both on the verge of giving up online dating before matching each other.
We were like yin and yang that bled onto each other. His dating profile was vague, mine over-accomplished. He was a listener, I was a talker. And yet we were both writers. We were both film lovers and (to a small degree) book readers. The most important thing we agreed upon was what solidified our bond: a lifelong relationship along with expected commitments. It took us only three days to become boyfriends.
Fast forwarding to several months, he visited me in the Philippines. He would visit again a year later. The world had its judging pairs of eyes on us, and I almost tried to stab them. The public stares took him back to an uneasy past. I held his hand tight and glared back at them. Once, from the hear, he collapsed, and my life without him flashed before my eyes. I had my first panic attack and he hugged me until my breaths slowed. We needed each other.
Well, “need.” We have been together for two years.
I proposed to him, and guess what, he had a ring prepared for me too. I’m sorry, I think my performance outdid his though. We still are an overlapping yin and yang to this day. And we will discover more about one another for the coming years.
My ex and I met in an online farming game. I’m really friendly in-game with other co-op members but not so much with him. We barely communicate thru friendly chat aside from requesting help for goods needed on our farm. One thing we have in common is we’re both online at dawn playing the game. I usually woke myself up at around 3am (due to frequent sleep paralysis) and fell asleep at around 5am. Since I can’t get myself back to sleep everytime I woke up at dawn, that is when I play my farm game.
However, in his case, he is a night owl. Sleeps in the day and awake at night. Since most of our co-op members are from the same country, every dawn, only my him and I are online in the game. Its that time that we begin to have frequent exchange of chats about our farms and our life. We became friends… but not exactly close and at that point, he began to take interest in me without me noticing. I visited my grandma, as her request, and stayed at her home for a week. The signal there was really terrible so I was gone in the game for a whole week. Before that, he and I had a petty argument in-game.
I went home after a week and immediately opened my game as I was really worried about my farm. Unfortunately, it was only him and I who was online at that time. He asked me what have I been up to and since we had an argument just a week ago, it didn’t came to me that I was the one he was asking in the chat. He was clearly pissed off at me for suddenly gone for a whole week and that how much he had missed me and our early-dawn chats. Its when I began to notice that he actually likes me despite how frequent he argues with me on every little thing inside the game.
Our little chats in-game slowly moved to messenger calls and video chats. We fell for each other not long after. He wasn’t the sweet, romantic-type but he never fails to show how much he cares for me. I was the total opposite of him. I shower him with love every minute of every single day despite the distance but when mad, I am stone cold gal whose hard to budge. Whenever I get mad, I show little to no care for him and I’d rather not talk to him for days if i’m not in the mood to verbally hurt him. I could say I’m the girl who’s either too hot or too cold. He was always neutral, mad or not, sorry or not. Despite our polar opposites, we became stronger and the differences just made us fall more deeply in love.
Fights and misunderstanding always linger around both of us and it was hard to fix due to the distance between us. We wanted to be together, but due to our own circumstances, both of us clings to the hope of the small possibility that we will be able to see each other soon enough.
We’ve been on-off-on again for the span of 4 years. What separated us is that we’re leading our lives on different paths. I always aim high in everything and just like his personality, he settles down on what life gives him. We begin to fight more often, talk less and less and let our egos get in the way of our relationship. On my perspective, I began to feel the overwhelming unhappiness within the relationship that I became too irritable in whatever he do or say. My feelings towards him starting to turn numb and I can also tell he felt the same way. Its our differences that get us together although, its the same reason that pushed us apart. For me, our love is true but i didn’t understand why it feels wrong at the last stage of our story.
I was the one who initiated to call it quits before we end up hating each other. I no longer love him though he still loves me. We no longer have any contact for months now, though I have several attempts to be friends with him and failed. I understand. I do miss him, but not the love we once shared. I can’t force him to be friends with me or expect him to be atleast civil. I tried to reach out to him but he made way that I won’t be able to reach him again. I sensed that he is still hurting so it might take awhile for me to attempt to be friends with him again. We may have fell a bit short on our road to forever but I want him to know that he is and always will be the best that I’ve ever had.
I’m Tey.. 33 years old, married to a military man… We met in a social media app, and never thought that I will be spending the rest of my life with him.. He’s heart is so pure especially when it comes to family, and with the nature of his work, time is really precious, and that every minute counts! We are now married for 2 years, and praying for a baby since I suffered miscarriage last year.. I could say that as a military wife, it requires a lot of patience, trust and understanding to face everyday of your life without his presence.. All you have to do is to pray for his safety and that he comes home alive!
My long distance relationship started when I was almost 14 years old; for anonymity’s sake we’ll call him J. When we met, I was cyber schooled, so my social life was pretty limited with the exception of my sport. The school I was attending (I had just started 9th grade) had a forum where the kids could post threads, socialize, get to know each other a little. A friend of mine posted a thread asking for horror stories – I say “asked”, it was more put in a way that was almost a challenge. Not being the type to back down from a dare, and considering myself a wannabe writer, I figured what better way to “put my work out there”, so to speak. So I posted one. One person who commented on my story was a guy, J. He was very complimentary, so I checked out the story that he had posted and was fairly impressed. We talked for a bit (I doubt the other users appreciated us spamming the thread with our flirting) and eventually he asked me for my Skype. We continued the conversation through messaging, and it was then that I discovered he was 15 years old and lived in Maryland, a good 300 miles from where I lived. I figured okay, it didn’t really matter, we were just friends, right?
Before I knew it, I was on Skype messaging any chance I could get, which was a good amount of time considering I spent most of my time on the computer. I was up for hours and hours at night talking to him, almost in tears from laughter from our bantering. Looking back on it now, it seems like one long, warm, fuzzy dream. After about a week of this, he asked me to be his girlfriend. (That might not seem like a long time, but remember that we were talking every night for 6-7 hours on end, which is longer than most couples talk within their first few months of their relationship.) The only reason I hesitated in saying yes was because he was African-American, and my parents weren’t exactly fans of black people. I hated the idea of having to hide my newfound best friend and now-boyfriend from them, but I didn’t have a choice because although I didn’t know it yet, I was head over heels in love. Later I discovered this, and with the realization of the fact that we loved each other, our relationship only grew stronger. He became my life, my world. My whole day revolved around the moments where I could spend messaging him. But although at times we felt like next door neighbors, with our love grew an insatiable ache to see each other in person, to be able to hold hands and hug like normal couples. I kept trying to convince my parents to take me to the area where he lived for athletic tournaments, but they seemed bewildered with my obsession (not knowing about J) and ignored my pleas.
Finally, after about eight months of dating, we were able to see each other through me sneaking out for an hour after a tournament. That moment of first seeing his face, of being able to be in his arms and tell him I loved him with my own voice, was beyond anything I’d ever experienced. To be able to look at him and see in his eyes the love I’d imagined would be there after months of waiting was above bliss. I only regret that it couldn’t last longer, and thanks to that little excursion our relationship was busted.
As I suspected my parents made us break up, and all contact between us was cut off. I was devastated. I felt as though there was a gaping hole in my chest that no amount of tears could fill. At that point my parents decided to allow me to attend public high school, and I started 10th grade. A moping mess, I lashed out at myself by searching for rebounds. I went through three guys within the span of four or five months, hoping to find a fraction, a sliver of what I’d had. No such luck. Every compliment, every romantic gesture felt like a cheap knock-off of what I had before. I felt like I’d tasted perfection with that moment I’d had with J, and to have it ripped away so abruptly was more than I could bear. After my first kiss on my first “date”, as soon as I got home I felt sick and had to take the next day off of school. It was then that I realized I couldn’t give my heart to anyone else because it was 300 miles away with J. It disgusted me to think about my selfish actions of the past months and resolved to get back in contact with J again, no matter what it took.
Eventually I did, and he was happy to take me back, thank God. Since then we’ve been in a secret, happy relationship – a happy as a relationship can be when you can only talk once every few weeks/months and your family knows nothing about it. Our current plan is to wait until my 18th birthday next year to “go public” – by that time I’ll be in my freshman year at college and he’ll be working; both of us independent. Those few months of rampantly bulldozing guys still haunt me, and I’m constantly torn whether or not to tell J. Even though we were technically broken up at that time, I can’t help but wonder if he considered us still together since it wasn’t our choice to break up. I feel as though I should since we’ve never lied to each other, and as far as I know he’s under the impression that I’ve never been kissed.
My point with this, I suppose, is to tell those of you out there contemplating continuing your long distance relationship that the chance you get to find your true love is once-in-a-lifetime. Some people never find it, and others only find it at the end of their lives. If you do get a chance, nothing in this world will ever make you happier than to be with that person. If there is any light at the end of the tunnel – any possible way for you two to somehow be together – take it. It’s better than having to end it and believing you had “no choice”, when really if you had stuck it out longer you could’ve had your happy ending. I truly believe that J is my true love, and I truly believe I’m going to spend the rest of my life with him. If that means waiting until after college to get married, if that means Skyping every day until I’m 30, if that means walking to the other end of the world, I’ll do it. So hang in there.
Because I found him. And like hell I’m going to lose him. 3 years down, 1 to go:)
Keep strong love. Every moment is worth is when you’re spending your time with the person you truly love and care about. My boyfriend and I have been waiting 8 years to be together and are still going.
A lot of the time that we separate from the people we care about, we look for different people to fill that gaping hole but it doesn’t come close to being with them. I was in a long term relationship during all this time and it never really made me feel fulfilled. I would always call my long distance friend up to check in and talk for hours even if he was in a different country or beyond. He was always there to hold my hand though darkness and through light.
The person you love will understand and always wants what makes you happy, even if it’s painful. That’s what true love is.
You got this!
Warm Regards,
I’ve been in a long distance relationship for something like 7/8 months now. Italy – USA: 6k miles away. They say “play hard or stay home”, right?
So, we met online on a language exchange app; neither of us was looking for a relationship, but probably some things are really meant to be.
So we decided to meet in NYC: we were two perfect strangers, but we did it anyway and that was one of the best choices of our lives. Ever since we try or best to meet every 2/3 months and every time it gets better between us.
I can’t deny that some days are really hard and it feels like we can’t make it, but giving up is not an option so we go on and every time we prove our fears wrong. We even started a blog together to tell about our creazy, beautiful relationship!
We’re planning to get together in some months and we’re both working hard to make it possible.
Never give up guys! It’s not easy, but sometimes it’s worth the pain and sometimes it leads to something beautiful.
I fell in love with this guy, despite the fact I’m more than 9 thousand miles away from him, I love him. we started off as friends, but we got closer and closer and I fell for him hard, then hey…I moved to pretty much the other side of the world. my parents don’t want me flying alone since its heaps far to go visit him, we stay in contact by video chatting and messaging whenever but it just isn’t the same. idk when ill see him next. it kills me everyday knowing he’s not just around the corner like he used to be. I miss him so much.
I have been in a long distance relationship since two years. I live in India and he lives in Canada. When he comes down here things are really different and easy. We spend a lot amount of good time with each other. However when we start with a long distance hell breaks loose. He loves to party all d time, at least four times in a week.. Is free with women but says he would never cheat me, while we are away it gets totally undoable for me to trust him cause he says trust me but is always around for parties with girls and his other friends who only believe in d joy of drinking. I have shared with him my concern but he says he cant tackle that. That i have to accept what he is or leave him. We are legally married for my PR procedures and have his name on all my documents. There have been women there who are overly closer to him and I have talked to him about the same. Now its a big deal for me to accept what he has to offer and a bigger deal to get out of the relationship too.. I dont know how to explain him how I feel about his life over there. That things would be different and the insecurity wont be there if we r together but since we are countries apart it becomes hell of a trouble for me to see him do what he does all d time… I wish he understood how terrible it feels to be so away and see ur partner have so much fun and just tell u to accept it or quit out!
Sorry for my wrong grammars.
I am jocel 24 yrs old independent person start when i am 18 yrs old. I am working at international company. I want to share my LDR experience with Edgar. first we become a friend at Facebook . he is Government Employee we are getting each other with I think 4 months (contact at messenger and texting my phone no. only). we are in same place but we don’t have time to meet in personal. December 2 2017 we meet accidentally before im going to work. I saw him standing by my side while im waiting the jeep (to commute). we are looking each other he said:wow finally we meet. my reaction is ??(speechless) i don’t know what to do. I don’t know waht to say.( I feel palpitation.) I look him up and down.He is so cute with his complete uniform wich is combat uniform. I got shocked when someone who hold my hand which is i think 5 yrs old little girl by saying why you are so pretty I smiled at little girl and say you are pretty too?. He Laugh silently and I look him trigger look. Hmmm..(this is my unforgettable moment when we meet.)
Fast forward. February 13 2018 finally we are in a relationship. in our 3 months relation I meet his parents and he meet my parents too. in a month of june 2018 we start in a Long Distance Relationship which is my first experience ..(before his deployment I give my virginity to him? beacause I love him so much. ) its hard to manage LDR but I trying my best for our relationship to be longer. I learned to UNDERSTAND every time we can’t communicate with in 3days/weeks its because they have an operations.. sometimes Im thinking he have another women but I always remind my self he can’t do that because he loves me. I Miss his hug, he is my alrm clock he is the one who always remind me don’t be hungry and saying take care always my love with a kiss in my forehead. Super CHALLENGING I want to talk him longer but we can’t because he is busy our time also is not match. April 2018 Im happy because he come back again. we spent our free day with happiness. July 2018 he deployed again in other province. Same feelings again PATIENT,TRUST to him,HOLDING on and WAITING him to comeback . September 12 2018 before that day he said he miss me so much so we need to meet. Before that day we planned that day Im go to him.I feel so excited I wake up 3am in the morning because the first trip is 4am .while Im on travel he said just call me if you are already in port terminal .(I transport in a Big Boat) 9am we land so I call him but he did not answer the phone I call in his messenger he did not answer also .I repeat to call him 50× on his phone 68x on his messenger he did not answer ? that time Im trying to HOLD my PATIENT and im praying he is safe. untill 11am im still waiting at port terminal .51x I said to my self this is my last call if he can’t answer his phone i wll go back. Finally my call was answer but he is not, its John his best friend and workmate also he said Edgar is sleeping and his drunk. My trears was falling down. I don’t know what can I do I will be mad or I will understand him. Im crying alone inside the exit area I don’t care if someone who laugh to me. A few minutes there is unsave number calling at my phone I breath so deep to make my voice clearly to speak. I answer the phone while crying its john. he is asking if im still in terminal he want to comfort me and we are going to there bording house to see Edgar. I decided to go home.I ask John just till him. I wll break up with him. Until I got home I still crying. I feel so disappointed to him. After all he do this to me.? 10pm Edgar contact me he give me a sorry. He said he drunk alcohol with his SR OFFICER so that he can’t say No/stop.. So my heart is so smooth? I forgive him. thats all?? I think because I love him .
October 2018 he comeback but he is so busy every day and im busy too we are dating but our time is limited. Every day I wake up in the morning he is sleeping, every night I sleep alone.. (in short he is in night shift )
December 20 2018 he need to get BISOC training he said it is mandatory for his job so I understand. but I feel sad because with in 3 moths he can’t contact me according to him. 19th the night before he go he ask me : You need to TRUST me because I love you so much, don’t be scared I can’t let you go or I wll never find another women because I’m contented in you (with kiss and hug).??.. So again and again i need to manage my PATIENT,HOLDING his words I love you so much don’t be scared I can’t let you go or I wll never find another women because I’m contentment is on you,TRUST him,need to be LOYAL to him and WAITING another months.
March 25 2019 he surprise me. He go home without asking me.I feel so happy that time.I miss him so much. So we spent our time before March 29 he will back to finish his training
March 27 Prince (his workmate )invited us to celebrate their achievements.We have a deal he said he will go first to Prince house after the party we are going sleep to their I’m excited ? so that I wll meet his parents again.
(I have a work in whole day)so after my out I go alone to Prince house.? 5pm Im already in Prince house . 12:00am (yes morning) I said to him we need to go home mu love I feel so sleepy and tomorrow I have a work. he said one moment please( he kiss my forehead) I breathe so deep and I smile to him (they are already drunk ) 1:48am I feel angry to him he don’t have a plan to go home.I look him tigger look. but he smile only..2:13am I stand and ask him we need to go! (with angry voice. )we give an excuse to his friends to go out. (This is our first angry conversation in personal) he said :Your so much unprofessional do you know that? I want to till you that after you meet with my friends.! (I got shocked there’s so many questions in my mind where?when?). I remember every time I meet his friends I greet them a good day with smacks.. He said: (the word’s that make me cry)
THIS TIME IM BREAKING UP WITH YOU im so tired to understand you.??? I hug him because i won’t. I’m just thinking he is drunk so that he till me that words. I didn’t stop to say SORRY and hugging him even though he push me .but I try my best to forgive me.??? untill he hug me back by saying SORRY also.(we sleep in Prince house) 4am I travel to go home..(yes only me because according to him he tired so he can’t travel with me)..
A few days untill he back to his training. he did not Communicate me I call him he did not answer the phone if chat him he seen only. ?April 2 2019 finally he contact me. we having a video call. that day is my rest day so he talk my mother I don’t what they’re talking..(im happy that time) we talk happily im talking his workmates untill the video call was end..
APRIL 7 2019 the last chat I received to him he said :I’M SORRY. FORGIVE ME. OUR RELATION IS OVER.STOP TO CONTACT ME.
I cried again..reply him why? he seen only..i call him he answered the phone but he is not talking to me..untill he blocked me in facebook and messenger…
After a few days. I use the account my brother to search him. My god his PROFILE PICTURE was CHANGED he and his new girlfriend..the girl is in goverment employee also..???
Is this an effect of LDR.???
We are two blind bloggers in a long distance relationship for 4 years…and we never met. That’s our biggest dream, to finally meet, so we decided to start a blog to try to make money. LDR’S Can work, but You need patience and trust.
I wouldn’t say mine is a ‘relationship’ but it’s definitely something me and a boy from Hungary are interested in pursuing. We met whilst on holiday in Mallorca 9 months ago and we fell really hard for each other in the 5 days we had together. It’s so weird to think that’s even possible but the way I feel for him 9 months onwards is too crazy to assume otherwise.
Originally He approached me first but I thought he was way out of my league so I rejected his advances because I didn’t want to be the punchline to his friends jokes In some group chat (insecurity gets the better of me) but I suprised myself the next night when I saw him again by going upto him and starting up conversation. I realised I’d judged him unfairly and he was genuine and lovely. In fact he was showering me with affection, eager to introduce me to his friends and held my hand with unimaginable grip. It seemed to me like he saw MEEEE as out of his league. anyway he invited me back to his hotel and I again suprised myself by saying yes. This was a boy I’d only just met and something I’d never do in england. I remember thinking he could have any odd disease but at the same time it didn’t matter. I was so infatuated with him that my sense of logic seemed to have disappeared into the spanish night.!
Nonetheless I could see that the feeling was mutual.
Next day I didn’t text him thinking that I might come on too clingy. I mean after all it was holiday he could fuck me today, fuck another tomorrow, hell if he wanted fuck two girls in one night- he owed no loyalties to me or any girl there. But that didn’t stop me from thinking about him.
Next thing you know I get a text from him saying he missed me. And I remember leaping from the sunbed and feeling like I achieved something so great my family would be proud. I was so estastic. He invited me back out to meet him and from then on seeing eachother became a norm. A constant thing. An entitlement. The holiday fling I never knew I needed.
It wasn’t even just about sex. There was something genuinely there. We could just enjoy eachothers company for hours although it’s so funny to think now that we had so much conversation by the end of the week but when we first met we were heavily reliant on google translate. The communication breakdown magically disappeared as the days went by and we became more in sync with eachother. The feeling was unreal and something I will probably never ever experience again.
Our last night together was really intense and we kept telling eachother we would miss eachother and That this wasn’t last time we would see eachother. It was so bittersweet to know I’d miss someone who was currently lying beside me. I tried to be dramatic at one point n leave claiming that I HAD TO because saying goodbye the next day would be too painful but shock horror I stayed after he said dont leave me.
Since July we haven’t seen eachother. I’m back in Manchester and he is in Hungary. The first three or so months were the hardest. We texted everyday. Nothing too long just the standard ‘how are you’ ‘I miss you’ and though to someone it may seem trivial. To me these messages meant the world. The random I can’t stop thinking about you messages reassured me that he still remembered me. I wasn’t just a fuck in Mallorca. Especially when he IS this good looking boy who could literally get any one. Knowing that I was the one who kept him up at night well I guess you could say helped me sleep at night. I decided to start learning Hungarian to at least meet him halfway when it comes to communication. I’m still learning it and have gotten rather good. We still keep in touch though we go long spells sometimes without contact – doesn’t mean I’m over him but I’m giving him space to meet others if he has to. After all I am a girl he met on holiday he owes me no loyalties.
However having said that last week he texted me saying he still missed me so badly and he just wants to see me again. I think about this text everyday because it was out of the blue, who knows if it was genuine, if it’s his sense of duty orrrrrrrr? I definitely want to keep my promise and see him again. Currently I think and fantasise about him everyday without a shudder of a doubt, in other boys I look for him but I’m not even interested if I’m honest.
We will see where the wind blows because he is very special to me beyond words & I always think fate brought us together because I rejected him but later pursued him.
Not sure how this works… never really tried this before but I’m Michelle and I’ve been in an LDR since September of 2017, my significant other and I met this year in February and we hit it off really well! I love him very much and miss him dearly, I get frustrated with some comments that make jabs at my relationship – people saying it isn’t real or it won’t last etc, it hurts me especially when it’s people I’m close to and care about. I’ve talked to my significant other about it before and he usually helps me calm down and encourages me to ignore them and reminds me that what others say doesn’t matter as long as we love each other and are committed to the relationship. My mother and two sisters knew about my relationship but the rest of my siblings and my dad didn’t – that’s until yesterday when I told my other two siblings (I have yet to tell my dad) they were more supportive than I thought they’d be. I thought they’d make fun of me or disregard my relationship as a whole I’m really relieved and happy that they seem to be okay with it.
My boyfriend and I met online randomly, despite the fact that he and I hit it off really quickly I didn’t think I’d ever talk to him again. We both felt like we had known each other for years despite having met that same day – but like I said I didn’t think we’d continue talking I thought it was just a one time thing. There’s a two hour difference between us so he had knocked out while we were messaging each other, I thought he had just gotten tired of talking to me and decided to call it a day – but the next day he messaged me apologizing saying he was really tired and didn’t realize he had fallen asleep so we just continued talking from there. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months and you know the rest of the saying – basically it’s been two years of knowing each other and a year and five months of being in a relationship. We were friends for eight months before actually becoming a couple, ironically in those eight months I encouraged him to go on dates with other girls but nah fam he ended up being mine at the end of the daaaay yeeee! I dont know what the point of this comment is, I’ve browsed this website before whenever I feel like I can’t turn to anyone for support it’s really hard to talk about my relationship with others because they either A. don’t know how to relate to my situation so they can’t be as supportive as they’d like or B. don’t think my relationship is valid so they sorta just brush it off or don’t even bother to listen. I suppose browsing this website provides comfort and relief? I say relief because it’s just nice and relieving to know I’m not alone.
I’m 18 and he’s 19, we met when he was 17 and I was 16 – he’s turning 20 this year and I’m turning 19. His family knows about me and most of my family knows about him (My dad is the only one left to tell) we’re not countries apart we’re only states apart but it still hurts I miss him every day and I wish he were with me all the time.
Now that i’m at the end of this comment I guess this comment is really just me shouting my fears and insecurities of being in an LDR into the void, but at the same time this comment is just me trying to make others that feel like I do realize hey y’all aren’t alone there’s literally a whole community of people in LDRs. Even if the relationship doesn’t last it doesn’t make it any less real, the love and passion you felt/feel for the person was real and that’s what matters at the end of the day. I love my significant other so much, the respect and adoration I have for him is immense and I plan to do my best to make the relationship work – I have plans to go back to California in May and we’ve been talking about him coming down to Texas in April or the end of March I hope he and i stay together for a long time. I’ve never had a connection with another person like I do with him <3
My name is Sam and I am 21. I was studying in Canada back in 2017 as an exchange student, where I met my partner. He was also an exchange student, we were neighbors, had some classes together and naturally, we hung out a lot. We did flirt quite a lot but none of us made a move. I liked him but he never seemed to make a move and neither did I frankly. It wasn’t until one night I had kissed another guy (meh was most single 19 year olds do), you could say my partner got quite jealous. It was not until then we both realized that we had strong underlying feelings for each other. Now we are glued to the hip! Well… 10’s of thousands of kilometers away. We only see each other maybe every 6 months since I am in Australia and he is in Sweden. I plan to move over to Sweden within the next year (gotta save some money first)!
This is a 25 year history. We are both currently 37, but started when:
We started the same school in 4th grade (1992). Both pretty quiet and reserved and did not have classes together. We became friends within 2 years. Connected immediately. Have been friends since. As we went through the teen years we tried to explore one another, but I had trauma issues that interrupted all that. Still, there was this unmistakable connection and friendship. High school came. We dated other people. He was with one girl from 10th or 11th grade on. I had never liked her, nor her I. She was a year behind us. Our senior year (2000) we had some moments during their off again times. Still, I didn’t know how to respond comfortably and was conflicted and confused, never taught and still unble to communicate emotions, feelings, most thoughts. Despite this, I knew I loved Him. I also knew He loved me but He wasn’t too aware of that. So, We stayed friends. He got back with her… again…. and was with her mostly on than off until 2008. I, however, married our mutual friend’s cousin. he and I met the last month of our high school life. he was a couple years older than I. That was a situation built out of uncomfortable and survival-like decision making. he and I married in 2003 & after graduating college in 2004 we moved 1,000 miles away so I could, I thought, attend grad school. Well that didn’t happen right away.
I’ll fast forward some because He and I talked less, but enough to keep tabs on one another. My husband disliked Him and did not trust me around Him. I don’t know why. He and I always respected the others’ relationships. So We maintained appropriate boundaries in those times. I had a son in mid 2005 and then a daughter late 2006. He and our mutual friend/husband’s cousin came to visit husband’s family in 2007. Husband had a grandparent local, cousins nearby, and his parents who relocated from the state we moved from when grandchildren arrived. I had no one near me, no family and no real friends. Also He brought ‘her’, that girl He was still dating and I couldn’t stand. By this point, my marriage was heading in a downward spiral. It didn’t help that when He and I were present in person again, a flood of emotion and energy enveloped and overwhelmed me. He seemed off as well. I wasn’t expecting this. I had the notion that what We had was all in the past, that He’d moved on. Apparently not, because We were not left alone for even the slightest minute, husband or his parents were always present. Like I had to be supervised or watched around Him, though He had never done anything to jeopardize my marriage and wouldn’t. Needless to say, I didn’t sleep that night. I just wanted to be with Him. I managed to get through that, they returned to being 1,000 miles away, and I put Him out of my mind again. Distance allowed and provided for that. But that visit only made it more deeply clear that Our connection remained and that it was strong and noticed by others. Hence my being babysat and His gf getting very irritated and jealous.
Ff a few more years. I called Him in 2009. He was the only one I wanted to talk to. We had texted a bit over those few years, but this night I just needed my friend. I explained how I had been in counseling and learned a lot about myself and how I had got to where I was and also where I was going in the near future. I told Him I was separated and filing for divorce. I told Him of the abuse toward the kids and also me. He told me that He and the gf broke up for the final time and things from that relationship. Then We finally came clean about everything from over the years regarding one another. How He cared so deeply for me and he feels this connection he couldn’t explain. How He thought I was happy and that was all He wanted for me, so He didn’t want to ruin that. How during the visit He was hoping I’d come out of the room and just cuddle with Him. I told Him of how I felt the same. But, I was still married and had two young kids.
That stayed there, but always in my mind. I did divorce and due to the abuse and psych assessment got full custody of the kids. I couldn’t take their choices away regarding their father, so I stayed the 1,000 miles away rather than moving home.
We both had been in different relationships of which none have lasted. All His girlfriends disliked me despite the distance and very little, yet respectful communication. The same of my boyfriends.
I had visited home every 1-2 years since I had moved. I have friends and family there, and Him.
After each of us had a 2 year relationship end in 2011, we met up in Las Vegas for a few days. It was like a dream, but I reminded myself that it was temporary. Temporary but maybe my one chance to have as I always had wanted. And DID I! But then we had to say goodbye. That goodbye is forever etched in my memory. Like my soul was being torn in two, one part to stay with Him. Hardest goodbye ever! To this day, that trip comes up a lot between us.
Still, we go about our separate lives, date other people, break up around the same time as the other without knowing so. Call one another to update. Each time less space between communication, longer talks, desires and wishes, and long held thoughts and wants are all said.
Since 2013 I have made several trips home, with and without the kids. I’ve stayed with Him multiple times. Only after one break up did we not get intimate. Each trip got harder to leave him. But each trip we grew closer, emotionally, mentally, physically, even spirituality.
2017 He finally tells me that He loves me. Has for a long time, doesn’t want and won’t allow me to move my kids. Can’t tell me the type of love. I’ve already told Him previously that I love Him and nothing will change that and that our friendship will always come first.
2018 January He identified kind of love to be romantic and genuine. I’m His soulmate, His best friend, His other half. Everything He wants and needs is in me, but He cannot move. He is close to His family, but has a dead end job, no ties holding Him there but the ones he places on Himself. I am in my last part of grad school and kids are now 12 & 13, so even if a LDR is considered there is timing- an end in sight. We talk almost daily, text daily, talk of the future together…
I just don’t get it. He has no real reason given or otherwise that I know of on why he cannot move here other than family and fear. I guess love is not all you need.
I find myself now closing the options of meeting new guys. This I’ve never done unless for an actual reason like a breakup, focus on school, mentality needed straightening out, etc., never Him. This time, it’s because of Him. He’s instilled hope for Us in me. That is dangerous and scary to me. But I’m willing, I just don’t know if He is.
I have been in a LDR for a year and a half, we were great for the 1st year obviously had some ups and downs. I have always trusted him and never doubted his love because he was so attentive and kind and caring. However we started living together after 3 months and then he went back home, he later came back to live with me for the rest of last year and I was the happiest. Until last week we were a year together and I saw his phone by mistake ad I saw he had messaged 5 girls. No the messages were not incriminating but in my heart I know he wanted something more than friends with them. I didn’t want to talk to him about it at first but then I blew up and I broke it off with him. I do not know what to do because I feel this is his first slip up…but after only one year I don’t know if I can trust him again..yea it was some messages but what is it is worse next time.
My name is Helen and I’m 19. Okay so my girlfriend and I (yes I’m a lesbo) met on Instagram. We were originally in a group chat together and then we started talking more. We dated a little then broke up because to me it was just a joke like c’mon we barely knew each other. Then we got back together. Oh did I mention she lived in America and I lived in Australia so yeah. We broke up again and stopped talking for about 2 or 3 months. Then I just asked her for her snapchat and we called on there. I slowly and gradually started developing feelings for her and I didn’t want to because I’ve had my fair share of online relationships and they dont exactly work out too well. Anywho we were playing truth or dare and I know shes a shy person so i dared her to ask me out. She took about 3 minutes to actually say it. She took it seriously and made me say yes or no. I said yes. She was my everything. My one and only, my goddess, my hope, the only light in my life, my future, mine. But we had our fights and it was all on me. I was and probably will never be a good girlfriend. We broke up not long ago but if we were still dating out 1 year would of been on Christmas… (sorry it’s my first time on here so idk what I’m doing)
So um I literally just need to talk or tell someone this or at least just write it down…
I loved her dearly. More than anything. After losing her I changed so much. She was struggling, so I waited. I waited for her. I wanted to help her but she wouldn’t let me. So what I’m doing right now is I’m going to keep waiting for her. I’ve never loved anyone more than this. I just cant move on. Idk if any of this made sense but yeah.. idk what to do. Someone help me
Good evening Maria , I read your message and I agree with what you think. I want the same thing you wish for. I believe I want simple, but also someone close by and someone I can actually date. I want something real and I will never do online. I don’t believe in it and will not compromise on it. I want real life feelings and everything else that comes along with it…
And of course I would want honesty, faithfulness and above all Love…
I don’t understand why men have a problem with you not being able to sleep long?
I don’t sleep long myself, but I am a workaholic…
I enjoy work because I have nothing else to do at home…
Maybe if I had someone to come home too, it be different…
Good evening Beautiful ?
so i met him in 2017 and we had a relationship for 1 year. he lives in dubai and i live in indonesia. we used to talk everyday, but since his mum took his phone, we’re not able to have a text. since december 2017 untill now december 2018 he isn’t coming back for me. erik, if you are reading this, please come back to me. i’m still here waiting for you, i didn’t fell with another guy. please open that apps i sent u a lot of text, i know you’re there. i do still love you
I met this guy over the summer on Xbox, and deep down I knew I shouldn’t be falling for anyone on a stupid console. Even knowing this I did. As we talked more and more everyday people would pick on us about dating, which I was unsure about because he was from Oklahoma and I am from Michigan. Plus we’re both still only 14 (I’ll be 15 in December, he’ll be 15 next August) just last week he asked me out over the phone. I said yes and now we’ve been dating for a little over a week. I of course told my friends but I had yet to tell any family. I ended up telling my brother last night and he was telling me to tell our parents. I’m nervous about doing so because they are kinda strict about anything on the internet (Like I’m not even allowed to have any social media until I’m 16 but yes they let me play Xbox.Great thinking ?) and I feel like they will take away every way I have to contact him and possibly more things. I was asking my friends about what I should do and they all said wait and see I the relation ship lasts because it’s so early but I’m afriad that if I wait my brother will tell them about. It may sound crazy but I believe both answers are correct. My parents deserve to know but if things go south in the relationship then why risk practically losing everything? I love this guy and I would love to tell my parents. Does anyone have advice?
Wait and keep patience.. ..
I am Gabrielle from Latvia and my boyfriend lives in Los Angeles. we are 24 old years.
We are unlucky. We dont know how and when will we meet… he is not legal in USA and my visa is not allow-5 times. we have been together 2 years, we talk on video call and chat. we wont give up because we love each other a lot. but we believe that we will be happy together and meet very soon.
okay,its my story…
I wanted to chat with boys without love in BADOO app but i did saw one,my heart started to have fall in love with him,it was very quick. i didnt know what did i write him, i did think a long TIME. i wrote him ”Hello! how are you?” thats all. i hoped he reply it. after next day he did reply, i was very happy. we started to chat. after some days he told me ”i love you” i cannot believe it because it was very quick, i didnt know what did i reply him. i can feel i do love him also. i back said him i do love him. we was happy. i was afraid that what did i told my parents about my boyfriend. they were angry as crazy, they didnt let me go but i didnt listen them because i really love him. my parents thought i go to usa,he would kill me because he is not legal.
my parents and friends did told me should break up with him. i was very upset. but… I said NO!!! its my life,my life is not their choice… im not giving up. my mom did call police about it all, my ESTA is not allow. i tried to apply visa,my first visa was not allow, i was sad. my boyfriend was upset also, didnt talk with me for 1 month. i become to depression,addicted with alcohol. i did take money from credit a lot. sometimes i cried because my parents were very evil,didnt let me go usa… i didnt talk with my family,i hated them so much .after 1 month my boyfriend did start to talk with me,he was very angry because every day i drank alcohol,he told me he was in the hospital. i didnt know really… i had debt a lot because i did take money from credit.. i started to look for jobs, i did find some jobs. i had 5 jobs,it was very difficult for me but i was very patient. i wanted to be free from debt. i started to stop drink and smoke,lose some friends (bad persons) it was all because of my boyfriend. i really love only him! i found one job *housekepper* it was good salary. i did quit all jobs,i have one job. iam free from the debt…
i applied visa,its still deny. my heart has hurt a lot… because i really want to touch him… for real life…but i never touch him…its hurt me still. but i did saw my dream about him,i did touch him and i can feel to touch his lips… i still remember… forever…
if he break up with me, i wont have a new another boy… sigh… my heart has still feel for him…its my first time… i know i will be fine if alone. but i really do love him, FOREVER
My Name is Kevin Lopez and I am 18 years old living in the United States,I am gay and I dated a boy online in the UK for 5 months,I loved him a lot and he loved me more than I loved him (apparently).during the 5 months dating,we had some arguments that were solved and before I knew it,he blocked me on everything without even asking to talk about breaking up,I was devastated and cried for hours,we never met and I was patient enough to meet him soon,but it also felt like I’ve known him for years. I kinda wish I got back together with him but I doubt it will happen but who knows,I’m trying to move on each day and continue to love myself but the pain still hurts,feel free to ask me anything about my past relationship or to give me any advice
Move on buddy
Am into a relationship for 3years now.but each year it gets worse. My partner has engaged me,promising marriage but he keeps up with one act i hate so much.he puts his phone on code,he sends different ladies same text he sends me,he focuses on his phone wen we talk,until i realised he chats different women on social media,promising them love and marriage,including getting theircontacts and asking to see them.This is getting me sick,i love him so much,i dont want to loose him.if i am being over jealous,then why does he get jealous and quarrel when i chat men on media?. am confused.please i need advice. so as to avoid mistakes in marriage. thank you
My name is Nick and I am 27 years old when i was 23 got incarcerated for a bad life style and choices (drugs). I was released in July 5 2016 with determination to be an adult and move on. I met a Hispanic girl from Mexico and she was attractive but barely spoke English. It started off decent besides the Google tanslate or miscomunication and things got a little bit more comfortable and we moved in together. I knew within a month it was not going to work out we are just from 2 different cultures and raised with 2 different languages. I have nothing but respect for her but she was very controlling and defensive of her son to the point of calling the cops( for telling him not to have sex with thd prostitutes on grand theft auto) I tried even after this only to grow more and more angry at each other with each fight we had. I kept telling her we should separate and i would help her all i could until she could do things on her own. But she would beg and plead not to leave. I forgot to mention we got married after three months of dating and I first said no i wanted to wait and she cried telling me she was affraid of being separated by immigration from her son so out of love and a heart set on.maybe i jumped into marriage and I was miserable. After 8 months is when I was trying to separate but help her and it just wasn’t happening. I work out of town on a drilling rig two weeks on two off and i was eating one night and a coworker tells me shes looking at you every time she passes i tryed to watch but couldn’t tell i ended up getting her number and invited her to have a drink and swim at our motel and I felt guilty at first but i was being very disresspected and told unnecessary names im not perfect but I make good money and provided and paid everything I could for her but it was to the point my best friend and mother were telling me to be happy love your self first all i heard about at home was what immigration attorney we were going to next i am not a bad person if I could i would just give her citizenship for her and her son to have a better life but i also refuse to be used and called trash after doing all that i possibly could for her. Anyways i invited my sweetheart Jessica to the motel and I was beyond nervous she was beautiful and dingy and funny all my worries and stress vanished we drank a few drinks really hit it off and had sex i felt horrible i didn’t tell Jessica i was married and that i didn’t wait to actually leave my wife. But the next night I told her my situation and she was a little bit upset i wasn’t completely honest but forgave me and was understood what I was going through. We are still together and i have never clicked and get along with a woman like her its unbelievable but this is our first time away from each other for two weeks and i since serious trust issues but I understand to an extent seeing the circumstances we met on i have roughnecked on a drilling rig all of my adult life i love it and am good at it but would give it up in a minute for her i am completely honest and give her everything she needs to see im hers but she has pulled two incidents of anger for no reason while eating and drinking a beer with my boss after work this is only two nights i didnt just video chat until I fell asleep. I love this girl and her daughters the youngest loves me so much and i would adopt her in a second i want a womans advice on how to deal with my situation i have other job opportunitys were i am home every day but this is what I love doing and started learning everything I could to work my way up the latter and i am pretty advanced for my years experience and age i just need a womans opinion on what to do to make it work i feel the awesome chemistry i just know trust is key please any advice would be helpful
Hey guys. ?
My name is Jonathan (obviously form the name lol) and tbh it’s good to see a lot of people here on this LDR community having the same troubles and the same relationship problems. But along with my story. It’s a weird one so.. hehe
It all started with me being in junior in high school. (Was at Merrimack at the time in New Hampshire) but i met this girl on a game, and we talked for quite a bit, I’m asking her all these types of questions like “oh well why do you date on here or why are you looking for a relationship on here” her response was kind of familiar to mine, she was tired of the same people she dated st her home town, and she wanted to try something new, I don’t blame her (dating in your state or home town will get annoying cuz you know what they are from the jumpstart and you don’t want to get hurt) so me and her started talking, after a week of talking we exchanged Snapchat usernames and that became Hell of a lot easier to talk with her now. Bcuz instead of relying on a game to let her know your on, sucks. We we’ve been talking on Snapchat, sending eachother silly pictures of ourselves, staying up all night talking about anything and laughing. Pretty much sounds like a perfect relationship. Well, things start to turn a little sour and after the starting of a year, of our relationship. Things went south Real quick, I found out that one day she was talking to her ex boyfriend, and one thing led to another and they were back to gethert with out me knowing, so me being curious and wanting to know what’s up, she told me. And literally all the memeroies of everything we did together in my head vanished and I started to get so upset, so heart broken that I ended the relationship. (Yea I understand it’s a long distance relationship but who TF goes off behind that persons back and gets back with their EX BF? ) but we stopped talking and I finished highschool with out her, glad I did to bcuz I didn’t want any part of her.
Now, mind you that was 2 years ago, I’m curranlty in another LDR and we’ve been together for about 3 weeks, I know it’s nothing now, but I’m waiting for the right moment, her name is Amber and I love her to death. She makes me feel like no other and she’s funny as hell. She also feels the same way, but the problem is that she doesn’t show her emotions as much as I do, and I trust her a lot, but sometimes when she goes to school, idk what’s gonna happen and idk what she’s planning on doing. But I discussed it with her and she promised me that we would move in together in the next 5 years. Hopefully that promise won’t break and hopefully our relationship will stay strong.
LDRs are very hard and hard to manage bcuz of all the flaws in them, and all the trust issues. But with a lot of patience and a lot of trust put into them, you can make it. You just can’t ever give up no matter what.
Thanks for listening if you have any advise or thought you wanna share please don’t be afraid to ask or tell.
I’m from Florida. I was studying in London last semester and for spring break my friends and I decided to travel to a few countries since we had 3 weeks off. The first country we visited was Italy, 2 nights first in Florence and then 2 nights in Rome. I met my boyfriend at a bar on my first night in Rome. He’s a soldier from Australia who was off for 2 weeks and was leaving back to Iraq the next day. We spent the that night together and both agreed we wanted to continue talking, no matter the distance. I ended up sleeping over the hotel room that he was staying at. Unfortunately, I had drank a bit that night and the next morning was so worried about my friends not knowing where I was that I just kind of ran out of the room without thinking. When I got back to where I was staying, all my friends were still sleeping. That’s when I thought about the night and realized I didn’t take any of his contact information down. I was absolutely devastated. But I figured since he was from Australia and currently based in Iraq, there was no way I would see him anyways. A couple days later my friends and I were in Greece, when I received a friend request on Facebook from someone that looked quite familiar. It was him, turns out I actually did give him my full name so he could add me (of course I was drunk and forgot). A couple days later after that, right as I landed back in London, he sent me a message and asked if I remembered him. Ever since then, we continued talking and agreed that there was undoubtedly something between us. Our messages turned into phone calls and we decided to plan a trip together over the summer. We talked everyday and finally it was time to see each other again- in Hawaii, since it was in between Australia and America. We spent 8 days together and fell madly in love with each other. I had never felt like this towards anyone in my life, even my ex-boyfriend of 4 years. Now we are in an official relationship together ( official on Facebook too ;-) ) and we talk everyday on the phone, we usually time our phone calls when it is the morning for me and night time for him. I’m visiting Australia for Christmas and he’s coming to Florida when I graduate college in May. He is the love of my life and I can’t wait to build a life with him. We’re both waiting until I graduate and can finally stay with him for a much longer time. The hardest part is that I just miss him every day.
I met my boyfriend online and never really got around to telling my parents the truth about how we met. He is 16 and lives in Washington and I am 13 and live in Virginia. We have been together a year now and I am planning on suprising him by coming to see him. The thing is his parents aren’t really too happy about me coming. How do I get them to like me? They won’t talk to me so they don’t even know me and won’t try to get to know me.
Hiya! My name is Mckenn Villamor, a young high school student in the Philippines. I have a relationship with this boy, his name is Johny Lalfakzuala, living in Mizoram, India. We were chatting since January 14, and extablished a relationship on January 25. I was hoping for his coming soon one day when we get older. I really missed him and we chat rarely often. We’re both Otakus, anime lovers. So anyone who reads this, don’t be shy to post your long distant relationship. Thanks for making me share my story. Arigatou Gousai Masu!!!
Hi Im Jane 23. Where you became attached to someone you met online for four years but had not met in person?
I don’t know how to start my story, maybe because it’s already over but I need to get it out of my chest. So hi, I was in a long distance relationship for one year in 2017. We met completely by accident because I was on holidays in Sweden. My sister wanted to visit her friends in their home town and asked me, if I would like to join her. It was like we had the time of our lives but I met Lasse on the last day of our trip. He was so funny and kind, I still remember how shy I was. I left Stockholm so heartbroken, as I thought I would never see him again. So two days passed by, I believe until I had a friendship request on Facebook. Lasse wanted to keep in touch, he said. A year later I still can’t believe how all of that changed my life. We texted everyday and skyped almost everyday until we fell in love. People may say how could it be love but I know it was so innocent and honest. We also sent each other presents by post. But why did I say I was in a ldr? So we don’t talk anymore since six month because we couldn’t handle how we weren’t able to meet in person. Although we wanted each others company, him and I knew how toxic the situation was. Our discussions were too emotional, maybe because Lasse and I were too temperamental but in the end we both destroyed our relationship. I loved him and he loved me even when I said we need to make an end. Today I regret my decision!! We deleted us everywhere, and now he is like a memory which I want to experience again. Guys if you are in a ldr, please don’t make the same mistake. Probably be more calm during arguments or be more careful with your words. Or don’t try to make each other jealous after. To be honest! Enjoy every moment!!!! I improved my Swedish in these six month, made sad playlists and dyed actually my hair :’). I hope I’ll be able to say that I don’t miss him anymore next month, but who knows. Greetings from Finland!
I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for a year and 3 months. He lives in Pennsylvania and I live in Ohio. I love him so much but we are too young to actually see eachother. I’m 17 and he is 16. It’s been a whole year and we still haven’t met. I tried saving up money to go there but flying is so expensive. It’s hard sometimes because I really want to be with him but I can’t physically be there. We video chat and that’s amazing but one day. Hopefully soon. I wilk actually be there with him.
I am 16 and I live in Florida and my long distant boyfriend is 20 and lives in the Philippines. My boyfriend and I met when he was a transfer student in Florida for a year. After that year ended he went back home but we still stayed in contact with each other. We’ve been best friends for 3 years and we started dating in October of 2017. People are always surprised about our ages but to me it feels like we’re the same age. I know I’m 16 and still learning about life but with him I know what I feel for him and what what i want and how he feels about me. We do love each other and we do want to be together for many years to come. I know he would never cheat on me and leave me for another person but i am scared he’ll leave. He’s tried to walk out 2 times because he thought i deserved better than him but now i have those thoughts. He just graduated college and has a huge life ahead of him and I’ll still be high school for two more years and then college. I dont want him to hold out life because of me in any way but i do want to spend my life with him. I feel that maybe I’m too young for him and that his family would never really accept me (his mom does but not his grandfather). i hate feeling like this, I believe that we can work but then other days I feel like I disappoint him. And yes i do know the laws about dating minor and that we can’t be intimate and that we can get in trouble (without my parents consebt which i do) if we’re not careful. He was supposed to come see me this summer but it looks like he won’t because he has to start working which i understands but i wish i could see him. If he doesn’t see me will we be okay? I love him, I actually do love him..what do I do?
We met in Rome, December 2015, we spent 3 days together and feel in love. He was living in Germany and I came back to Brazil. We kept in touch talking all the time. I decided to apply for a scholarship in Germany through my college to be close to him. When I got my approval to study one semester in Germany he received an scholarship to do his masters in The US. We had some disagreements and stopped talking for some months. When my time in Germany was ending we started talking again. He started talking to me. Now I am back to Brasil, my last semester in college, he is The US, his last weeks finishing his masters. We know we need to meet up. It`s been more than two years. I`m working here he is working there, but this time both of us are graduating. I might go visit him or he comes here, we don`t know yet.
It’s almost two years since i met him and I decided to leave everything behind and stay with him. We both feel such a strong love.. he is from Nepal, Asia and I’m from Europe. I’ve spend maybe 3 of the 24 months that we know eachother away from him and every time it was hard for us both because of time difference, insecuraties, jealousy and his drug abuse. We have gone through a lot and lived and traveled side by side for such a long time but it’s about to change in 47 days. I will be starting a study course in my home country for at least 16 months to get a job, at the same time he has to pass for the inaugration exam, we plan to get married once that is done so we can move to my country and be together. His home country is not a very secure place for us so I am determined to make our plan work. He wants to come with me but while he can’t for now, he is very insecure and scared I will move on without him.
Which I can imagine, the same insecurity applies for me, while I will be studying and working hard to get him to live with me, maybe he will move on?
I just hope we can make it through the 16 months without giving up on our love, and that I will graduate and find the job, and he passes the inaugration language exam so we can be together and build a future.
Im 22 and my bf is 29, i met him online on a dating app. He lives in Manila while I live in California. The distance is hard, some days i will be strong then other days hes the one who makes me strong. Its a constant team effort to keep us going to our first meet. It has been 6 months since we met online and will take us 8 more for us to meet in person. We have helped manage it by sending eachother messages throughout the day, sending voice messages too, having time for skype dates, phone calls and sending gifts to remind eachother that we are presnet in eachothers lives. We celebrate every month we have been together which was uncommon for me haha, but I love it. Not only is the distance making our relationship tough, there are other factors as well. I think that what some dont realize is that when u are in LDR, the distance makes it hard but other relationship struggles also make it hard. So not only do u deal with struggles of face to face couples, but on top of that you also deal with not being able to see eachother and be present with one another. My bf dad is older and his health is not the best, both of his parents have been diagnosed with a serious lung disease. So my bf has had to take up another job and its hard on him, and also shortens the time we have to spend with eachother. I try to call him whenever he has time and we update eachother on our days. I know he needs me the most right now, especially because i found out he had taken up smoking again. He had confessed to me before that he smoked when he was stressed, but then stopped. And now with his parents being sick he started to smoke again. He told me he dosent do it often, only when he is super stressed but i know its such a bad habit to have. Since we are long distance i am not there to know when he does and when he doesnt. However, there are couples who are face to face and their partner smokes behind their back. In the end, my partner is very honest he cant keep a secret for too long. And i have an investigating, curious nature so i find things out easily. I trust him right now, when he tells me that he is not smoking anymore. I dont think he wants to make his parents worse since they have lung disease or make me upset and add more stress to his life. There are too many problems as it is. He plays games on apps and chews gum whenever he gets a craving, and he messages me for support. Being that a plane ticket is so expensive to see eachother, and that the immigration laws are very strict in the U.S. it just makes it harder for us to see eachother. However I am hopeful that one day we will be able to meet, I have to be. Im currently saving to go see him over there and I can not wait. My bf has made it very clear that he is serious about me and our relationship and that gives me alot of hope. I have met his parents through skype and his best friend from childhood as well as other relatives. He has also met my parents and close relatives and so far everything is going well in that respect. My bf also has had a daughter with another women before in his early years. Upon me finding out about it, he confessed that he didnt want to lose me and told me that he just didnt know how to handel the situation. He didnt even tell his mom or any of his family until the little girl was 5. Now she is 9, turning 10 later this year and she is living abroad with her mom. At first this concerned me and worried me so much, on why he hide it and what his relationship was like with his ex. But after we talked it out, we came to an agreement. My bf keeps me up to date on his daughter and when hes in contact with his ex. He has slowly rebuildt my trust and he is much more open about this topic with me. I think in the end, this shows that i am one of his top priorities. Even with all of the craziness and stress, he has time to message me every morning and every night. We talk about a future together, and I know that he is serious with me. He really wants me to meet his parents in person since they are sick and a bit older. The ironic thing is that his best friend from childhood lives here on the east coast and he too is in a LDR with a filipina. After a year they met and my bf got jealous lol, that they got to meet. His friend has a better job than me and hes older and more established. And his gf is also older and from a well off family in the philippines so its a bit easier for them moneywise. Its just hard on us because his parents are sick and im young and starting out with my savings. But I know that as long as we stay true to eachother and keep loving eachother, we can overcome things together.
I tried to like this guy but he wanted to use me because his girlfriend was away studying hairdressing and no intentions of marrying me
He also invited me to come stay the night by him. I am not a fling and please don’t get in between 2 lovers who share a long distance relationship . He was planning to use me until his girlfriend came back into the country. Also why would you not want to further a date because i cancelled the first time, I had proper reasons that’s to show you wasn’t even interested in the first place . Why would you want to go out with a beautiful girl if you still have pics of your ex girlfriend on Facebook . The new girl will think why you all break up, you ain’t all that special after all. Blasting up pics of your ex and want to move on with
Me . Even if I went out with you on the first date ,after a while those pics would have turned me off and I would just not further date you because the same way you are treating me the same way you were probably treating your current hairdresser lover.. only obvious . This is how I am and definitely a girl won’t take you serious unconsciously neither consciously because of those pics . Even if she was excited about her new date and talk to her friend about it who was jealous . She will avoid at all cost because you sounded like a serious guy which means you were serious about your hairdresser girl also and why did you break up with her and girls do compare. This sounded like distance broke y’all up and if she was still living in the country . You probably won’t want me . Simple as that, why are men so dumb , no one cares about your ex, why still have pics of her especially if you meet someone online. No smart no beautiful girl will take a man seriously online even though he sounds serious , of a man who still have pics of his ex . Even if he sounds mind blowing and perfect in all way, you will still not taking it serious and think of your ex because you have pics of your ex . Things may seem perfect on the first , second date and no problem at all but when feelings kick in, I was out the door because of that pic .. I’m a princess and a very complicated one. If you can’t see my point of view , good bye .. so many other fishes in the sea who won’t make you think of your past neither make you feel like you need to beg for love .. if your a princess and every guy treats you and look up to you , don’t fall for a bastard who still has pics of their ex up.. I am perfect and it’s your fault..if you don’t understand .. let me post of. Pic of the guy I previously dated . I will let u know exactly
How I felt ..
I am currently in a long distance relationship with an amazing man that I have talked to for about 15 years. We met online when we were about 13 or 14 (so young) but we kept in contact first by emailing one another then by text and calling. I live in Canada and he lives in the US about 2150 KM apart. I was always to chicken to go there to meet him and he never came here because I was in a relationship for 10 years and he didn’t want to be disrespectful of that (he was also in relationships of his own) When I broke up with my ex boyfriend and he was just getting out of one himself he, he took a camping trip close to where I live and I got the guts to finally meet him. We hit it off instantly. I know it sounds weird to say and corny but it was like i finally found that missing piece in my life. We have spent a total of a month together in the past 7 months I have met his two kids and the rest of his family and friends and he has met my family and friends. I could not be happier he is an amazing man and I love him. We have decided to be together and get married, but because he has two kids and their moms live in the States that I would move there so the kids didn’t leave their moms. I made this choice for myself and for us. His family is supportive of what ever we decide to do. My family couldn’t be any more pissed off at me. They think i am being irrational and selfish and childish. I love my family and I want the in my life but I want to make myself happy and I love him and I am going to move and be with him. I guess the question I want to put out there is how did other families react and how did you deal with it? Did they come around? I am not meaning to hurt them I just want to be happy and he makes me so happy.
I just need to get this off my chest. My girlfriend of 9 months is going away to university in September and I am so scared. You hear all these stories about what goes on, cheating, sexual assault just growing apart. Since the moment we met we have been inseparable I hate even having to leave her to go to work. I want to marry this girl. I can’t imagine being away from her. She is looking forward to going and I just have to fake excitement. It’s eating me up inside.
Hello, I have been in a LDR, for almost 5 months in a few days. I live in the u.s. he lives in Costa Rica. We met may of 2017, so we got to know eachother for a little while before we started dating. Things are tough sometimes, of course we argue here and there, but we always talk it out. We always try to communicate.
I will be meeting him in person next month on the 24th. I am excited, anxious, I just can’t wait to finally be in his arms.
Our problem though, is when i leave. You see, I have kids, and my youngest sons father wants to fight for custody of my 3 year old because i want to move to Costa Rica.
Why does there always have to be someone or something holding us back? Money, jobs, ex’s… for the time being, I am looking forward to seeing him and being with him for that week. And I truly hope, the world helps us bring us together. :(
The guy I’m sorta seeing lives in New orleans & I live in FL. Its so hard to not see him. I cry all the time I love him so much…??
Hello! Im Brontë Lee and I really want to ask a question about my LDR. I’ve been best friends with someone for 4 years now. He’s helped me in more ways I could ever imagen and we both see each other as the person we want to marry and spend the rest of our days with. During the past two years we’ve really struggled within the fact that we can’t be together in person. We think, dream, hope, everything we possibly can just in order for that day to come closer. Now with that said, he strongly belives that no matter what when we meet it’s gonna be perfect and nothing could possibly mess up what we have especially after everything we’ve already been through together. I on the other hand keep letting my anxiety get the best of me which makes me feel incapable of doing what I want just because im scared it’ll mess everything up. I understand im just nervous but what if my overthinking is right? What if we hate each other? Get in a fight? What if spending over a week on Skype together during every second no matter what wasn’t enough? What if we seem completely different when we see each other? Im genuinely terrified of my with out a doubt forever, not being my forever. Even if I know it’s not possible.
I am Kelly and I met my boyfriend during a study abroad program. We instantly hit it off. He is from Puerto Rico and im from South Africa. I didnt want to get into a relationship while i was abroad but when i met him i changed my mind very quickly. We spent a lot of time together but my study aroad program ended in December last year. We decided to continue the relationship long distance. Sometimes its hard because after an argument we can’t kiss and make-up. But we are making it work. He is planning to visit me in June and stay until july. We love each other and plan our future together almost everyday. His family hasn’t met me in person but they already like me a lot. They jokingly ask me when im going to marry Ray and they are planning a vacation too in South Africa during December, 2018. I hope it’ll work between us. I pray it does.
It’s been 11 years…
I met him on a last minute trip to Montreal, Quebec Canada. My friend was meeting up with her then boyfriend and thought it would be fun for me to tag along. Her boyfriend made a call to his friend to hang out and keep me occupied. No expectations during this trip but I met the love of my life! We were absolutely hooked on each other. I made frequent visits and visa versa. Train, plane, chartered bus…however I was getting there. We had our share of insecurities (more on my part), fights, tears, doubt etc. but it was worth everything when we were together.
Fast forward 18 months….things took a turn for the worst. He seemed distant for a little bit and tried breaking up with me but we would always get back together. Then, on my way back home via charted bus, we got into an argument and he dropped the bomb on me and said he “cant do this anymore and it’s best that we break up”. Just like that…the love of my life who I thought I would spend life with, who I thought shared the same feelings that are as
deep as the ocean floor broke up with me. No further explanation. My life was over…
and so a I thought.
As always, life goes on with or without you. I have definitely grown stronger as a person since then and I have moved forward but the one thing that I have not experienced since then is the passion. As deep and raw as it was. That vulnerable love. I’m ok now but every once in a while I remember us and it hurts my heart. I now realize we are terrible for each other. Lol
Hello Montreal!
I love my girl from South Carolina, USA. Her name is Carson Gwendolyn Forrester and she is 15 years old.
Our story is slightly complicated but because of that, quite interesting.
I am 20 years of age and I live in England. How we met, I bet you wonder? There is a social app game called ‘Line Play’ and on the long run of us two playing the app we had no idea we were on each other’s contacts online. I mainly used Line Play to right diary blogs on how I feel and just to let out vents. Little did I know that Carson was stalking my diary and although never having introduced or talked once, she knew me a bit and I knew none about her. One day she decided to pop up and sent me a picture of her Mixed breed poodle telling me via text to cheer up. That is how it all began. At first I did not really have any sort of romantic feelings for her but as the time went by she grew on me and I started to see her in a different light. Every time we texted, called or even video together I was the happiest alive. Around August we officially became a couple and the days were very chill. Or so I thought it was chill. Nearing to the end of our 3 months together she started becoming more agitated and tense, every time we would put the topic about ‘cheating’, ‘honesty’, ‘trust’ etc… she started to flip. It also changed me and every day I started to doubt. I tried so hard to hide my doubts however as I did not want to break our relationship – but honestly it was already at the brink. She broke up with me around mid-late November as she said it is unfair that we are always fighting. I knew it was unfair but that is how relationships are it won’t always be full of sun shines and rainbows I mean how do you even think a rainbow is formed? Of course the rainy clouds has to come pour down first. I tried so hard to get her back, but she kept pushing me away and slowly blocking me on all social medias. To the point where I could only talk to her via one last social app. I wanted a reason, a valid reason so that I can just leave her alone in peace as she wishes. All of a sudden I get a text from her friend saying to just ‘F***k Off’ as I was making her cry and upset every day by trying to reach out to her. I was really lost and confused. ‘I just want to have an acceptable reason’, I said. Whoever the friend was replied… ‘ Don’t ever talk to her again, just leave her alone, she is dying in 2 months so there is no point. Goodbye.’ I was utterly heartbroken. That is it I needed to move on. (Fast Forwarding after Christmas and New Year)
I don’t exactly remember how it happened but she unblocked me on all social media alas! Our texts were slow and its like strangers starting to talk and get to know all over again. We went through the process of getting to know each other again. The only difference from before and after is that everything now is factual and real, whereas everything before was a delusion and a lie. Back then in 2017 she claimed she was 19 but really she is 15, and I believed in it because she seemed slightly mature, physically and personality. She also claimed that she is sick and dying but she isn’t. You might think that she is a bad person but apparently she was peer pressured by her friends to prank and scam me but not expecting to fall for me. Which now makes sense why she felt like she wanted to break up because she was ashamed of going out with me with all her lies.
It is 2018 now though. I have forgiven her and we both had a good open talk. Patched up and after a week we are now trying to be a couple again but this time the right way.
My love for her is unconditional I am just happy she feels the same.
We never lost our feelings in the end. I am happy. I hope and pray it works out this time.
I hope we work out Carson, I sincerely love you.
Itz Nobody again… was October’2016, When I proposed her. But very frankly I would say u guys, I never ever felt heart broken, or feeling of end of life, missing her is quite different thing. I always stay happy because I’m source of happiness, I look forward on my future and just pray to God for sending my love to me.God designed our life so nicely that no situation in our life can make us weak.
I loved a girl since July 2015. We used to met each other for only 20-30 days for only 1 hour in tuition. Then my college started and I moved 300km away. We chat for around 1.5 year. I think it was difficult to understand her from long distance, phone calls were rare. Then I proposed her on October2017, and never called her back just to check whether she loves me or not, nor did she called. M not communicating her since long, BCS her number is not reachable. I don’t know she loves me or not but sometimes I think that I love her. Because today more then 2.5 years had been passed to see her face and 1.5 yr approx to talk and m still writing this msg. For her….I Love u ASHI
Hey my name is D”Asia i am only 15 and my girlfriend Hannah is 14 we never met and we been together for 8 months. so one day i was on her live talking to her so have live ended so i started to text her. then we started texting everyday and all night. one day she told me she was taken and her girlfriend told her she cant talk to me anymore. so i was falling for her and catch a lot of feelings i just didnt want to tell her. so i started posting stuff ab her and than she asked me if it was ab her and i said no. so we stop talking for months. than on june 3 she text me and i was sick and i called her and we started talking again and she stayed on the phone with me all night and all day the next day too. so i asked her out on june 4 and she said yes. so we started taking everyday and night getting closer and closer. so summer came around and it was perfect we face time every night and never went to sleep we had no worries. than school started and everything started to ess up i started over thinking that i wasnt over my ex and i wasnt treating baby right so she left me for two months and i figure out that i need and i loved her more than i thought but i never gave up on her and now is back to being mine and we doing better than ever
Hello,,,Oh where to start ok first I am in a long distance gay relationship,I have been with my lover for almost ,5 months .Now for me I was totally in love with him from the very start .everything about him ,it was as if someone knew just what i was looking for and hooked us up.Even for him,first,he lives in Russia and i am in the states .ok ready ? I kid you not after 4 days of communication it seamed that we were both on the same page with each other as far as what we were looking for ,it was like the same wants and expectations,in 2 people,i must add that on the second day when sending letters,my heart was pounding every time i received,his letter to me,personally ,I knew than that my feelings for him were very strong,but I did not want him to know of this,at least not at that time ,ps,he knows of it now,.Oh the letters of so much heart felt words that we passed to each other would make the meanest person cry ,just beautiful so beautiful that i copied them every day ,to this very day i still have them,.It seamed like the first 2 mounts I was just going through the motions of my day to day work sometimes i could not even remember what i had done,My mind was totally on him nothing or no one mattered ,my life was consumed with him,and you know to this day ,and it is sad to say but it seams that my day is worked around him,I am in love with him this much,we were making plans to have him come to the states to visit ,but at the last min,there was a problem with his visa,so we must reschedule , we now have plam
now for February 2018,so far things seam to still be going as planned .How ever,,,,for the past 4 weekends i have not been getting but one letter a day and it is between 11 pm -12-am his time ,meanwhile i am sending him at least 3 sometimes 4 a day,his letters still told me of his love for me however they had become much shorter and more to the point some od them he did not start it with ( my beloved Greg ) and was not ended with (i love you forever yours Alex)..nothing ,, you know my heart was so broken , tears would come for many days,I was keeping a close eye on this action ,it was off and on,I did not want to think of something was going wrong with us , but i still asked him of this ,he never answered my question, so i asked again maybe 3 more times in different letters and worded it in different ways,I also started to ask him why had his letters to me stopped coming 2 or 3 a day to only one ,and of there shortness,i also never got a answer,he started to sign them and they started getting more wordy ,but the words were not the same he had always sent to me they seamed harsh and cold ,blunt and to the point, so i felt that it might be time to quit him before I would be totally devastated !! the thing is I just could not do this act ,oh i felt like someone was killing me,we sent each other a few more letters and than his stopped coming all together.I need not tell you the amount of pain and depression , this had on me ,3 weeks of nothing from him,the thing is he never blocked me from his e-mail and i did not ether , so during this 3 week time i still was sending him letters it was the only release i had ,i had to go to work and keep my sun glasses on through out the day, i get many phone calls in the day at work but i would start talking and hat to cut them off as i could not stop my tears from coming ,it was beyond my control ,I could barley work it was most difficult ,this brings me to the third week,if i tell you all of this story it will be about a short novel so i must leave some out sorry,3rd week, i had a doctors app.this week so i to it first off i had dropped 14 pounds keep in mind i only was 150 now down to 136 pounds and i am 5:5 i dropped from a 32 wast to 29-30, not the way i like to diet ,oh my doctor was not happy ,to start with i take 150 ,milligrams a day of happy pills, she than puts me up to 300 a day ,you would think i would be as happy as a pig in poop,wrong !!well at the end of the week on a Friday i got up to go to work ,but this day would be different ,i refused to go no this way any longer i told myself it ends third day no more, and you no i did real good for myself oh he was still in my mind but not the same way,i never sent a letter that night,i was so proud of my self ,Saturday ,is here ,the day is going close to my norm,around 3 in the afternoon I get a letter from him,i felt my heart pounding so hard ,my hands shake ,i did not want to read it ,but i can not lie to myself ,,i was still in love with him ,so very much ,so i read his letter this day he answer to one of my letters , but never starts it ,,to me and never signs it at the end,just words, i did send to him a letter,and tell him thank you for this letter to me,the next morning when i get my phone there is his name,he sends to me another letter,this letter says ( My dear Greg my love for you is so very strong i simply can not stay away from you ,i miss you i still very much I want to continue are communication with you,I am still in love with you, love your forever Alexander,)……oh even now just to think of this ,my tears come to me ,oh i cry most hard over this .so we start sending letters once again ,they were once again full of most beautiful words to me,,they just take my very breath from me,OH i am now more in love with him than before,about 4 weeks ago i get letters all week and one on Saturday, late around 10-30 his time,than i do not here from him again until Monday night he tells me his computer was out and he was sorry,well ok this was the first time so i let it go and thought no more of it the same pattern over the weekend still is going on but now i get no reason,so ,knowing if i ask of something on he might get offended , so i do not ,well today is Christmas Eve I got a letter from him again late Saturday night 11 or so,and i send to him 3 letters ans a on line Christmas card that i fill with my words of my happiness ,and love for him, it is now 6 am his time and still no letter from him .and it is Christmas day !! my feelings are so hurt,am i over reacting?am i jumping to conclusions ? i think he has a weekend lover,if he sends me a letter should i even send one back? the thing is we have made plans for him to come to me this new year,The very thought of someone else making love with him makes my stomach tight and my heart falls to the bottom of me,like i just want to die in me there is all this love i have for him ,but now i feel i waist my time trying to love him,You know i have stayed true to him, in my eyes i see no one else but him,my heart belongs to him but yet i feel his is not the same,i have no prof of this but there is no other way for me to think,to me , i feel he meets up on the weekend with who ever and stays with him until Monday as i have been getting letters around 11 pm his time Monday night,,Can some one please tell me what i should do ??? You know i have to wonder if in my life i will ever find some one that will love me as much as i would love them ,,I am truly heart broken, thank you for reading my story ,feel free toe-mail me if you have an answer,Merry Christmas to every one …GOD BLESS…
I once took a 2 and a half week trip to Europe. I am a 20 something Australian male. It was quite the standard trip, I went to Berlin, Paris, Niece and London. I just wanted to see the sights and take as many drugs as I could. I spent the last 5 days of my trip in London. By sheer luck I met a fellow Australian girl named Kathryn at some lame karaoke bar in Chelsea. Kathryn was about 5’8 in height, and she was wearing a dark blue Dr Denim Jeans from General Pants Co with a red top.
Kathryn was working as a waitress in London to fund herself as she continues her backpacking trip around Europe. From what I gathered she had no intention of coming home anytime soon.
Kathryn had these amazing blue eyes and the most beautiful brown hair I had ever seen. She was truly amazing. I just don’t say that because how good she was at sucking me off, but she was intelligent, cultured and witty. She was pretty much what I always thought my perfect girl would be.
We spent the entire 5 days together. We would fuck anywhere from 3 -5 times, as well as spend the entire day talking about our favorite movies and books. We did not discuss our futures though. I was not in the right situation to give up on my commitments back home to travel around Europe, nor would she leave her travels behind to come back home.
On the second last day of my time in London, me and Kathryn took the train to Hastings after a huge night of drinking. She was wearing this cute shoulder shift dress by Dotti, it had a diagonal white and sky blue pattern scheme. The smooth cotton fabric matched the smoothness of her skin.
We both fell asleep on each other. I woke up before she did and felt her breathing below my neck as she had her right hand resting on my leg. I wished the train ride would never end.
In the moments before I left for the airport on the final day we fucked in some alley way in London. I know that sounds seedy, but we just had to have each other once more. She was sorta sobbing as I said goodbye and awaited my taxi. I watched her fade away on the street corner as my taxi drove off.
It has been two years and thirty three days since this all happened. I think about her everyday.
On the 31st of May, I started talking to a girl who I accidentally matched with because my location was incorrect, all the way in America. Eventually we talked more and connected so well, which lead to something more, and have continued to talk everyday since. She is the most beautiful girl inside and out. We eventually met in New York on mutual ground for the first time, I know people say meeting people in person always ends in disaster after talking for so long. But, this turned out to be a success story, we were inseparable for the entire time we spent together, thanks to the internet I have met someone I want to spend my life with. It just sucks because of the 5000 mile distance, but we both know without the web none of this would be possible. So, I just hope this gives some of you encouragement to not let distance or the amount of negativity surrounding online dating be a factor in finding someone you love, whether that be online or in person! There are 7.8 billion people on the planet, there is somebody in the most unlikely of places for everybody!
Hi I’m Kate.
I met my girlfriend online, we’ve been living together for 8 months till she went away to finish her last year in uni. I am in Dubai and she is now in UK. We got engaged on our 6 months and had planned our future. LDR was not something we thought would be difficult as we are sure about our relationship. She move away Sep this year and our communication was amazing it was light hearted as if LDR was not there tho we cried heaps when she left and there were nights you just missed your partner. We saw each other again after a little over a month on October she visited me. We were so Happy, nothing has changed in our relationship. It made us even more connected and in love. Now November came I have to travel Asia for almost a month due to work making it impossible for us to see each other that month. November was one hell of a month and it was our anniversary. We celebrated it apart and tried to make it special tho 8 hrs difference is there. When the month went on and due to the time we get lesser time to talk. We text and chat everyday but just for couple of hours. And due to this circumstances came in. We had a big fight, trust started to strain and it ended up driving a wedge between us. Before we planned to see each other early December and on the Holidays. Before November ends we have decided to take a break as we have not find a common ground for the past weeks. This break created more distance until she decided she wanna move on as she cannot find a way to make it work. I didnt want to give up but she has a point. We will be apart until July next year its gonna be tough to visit each other due to some restriction. I love this woman but our relationship went downhill. Right now we are still undecided.. We had planed our future together. We will be getting married and move together. Help i dont know what to do
My name is Sophia and I’m in love with someone miles away from me.
It started December 28th 2015,
we met online, exchanged snapchats and have been talking since then, we first started dating in september 2016, but of course we had bumps along the way, its not easy to maintain a long distance relationship.
He lived in West Vriginia and i lived in Mexico City.
Long story short, he started working a lot of hours to save up and come meet me, he finally bought tickets and reserved a Airbnb room to come see me in January 2018.
You would think, then? whats wrong? We’ll see, my boyfriends dad was completely unsupportive of the idea to the point he called the airline behind everyones back and cancelled the flight, with no right becasue that money Elijah worked for really hard, day and night and not to mention Elijah is 18 and doesnt need permission.
Elijah and I find ourselves in a rough situation, because its not easy to just find a job, it takes time.
Me being 3000km away from him cant really do much to help, ill get a job and get as much money i possibly can, but im afraid it wont be enough.
This next thing is a bit more personal but i belive it needs to be said.
He and I met in terrible times, we both have been through so much and it may sound exaggerated but we saved each other lives, i can speak for myself when i say that if i havent met him, idk where i wouldve been, where i wouldve ended up.
I love him. I fell in love with a boy miles and miles away from me, and when we finally have the chance to be able to hold each other, this third person comes in with NO right and takes that away.
I currently made a Go Fund Me account, if anyone think they could help sharing please do.
I am currently starting out in a long distance relationship, and i’m still learning about what it takes to be in one. I currently live in California and my boyfriend, Andrew, lives in Washington. I feel like my story is a bit more unique than others I’ve been reading. I’m 16 and I deal with BPD (Bipolar Disorder) I take medication, but sometimes this causes me to act out on myself and I end up hurting myself. I told him about this and he says that he will be here for me as much as he can, and to call and text him when I have a breakdown. I just don’t know if he could honestly handle it, I don’t want to hold him back from someone better. I might be overthinking it. He does say that he is going to come down here soon, for my prom actually, and i’m extremely anxious that I am not going to be enough for him.
He also deals with suicidal thoughts,and he has hurt himself in the past. It really doesn’t make me like him less, he means a lot to me, and I would never forgive myself if something were to happen to him. I really wan’t to help him and be there for him as much as possible. I was even looking into getting these “Long Distance Bracelets” that could make sure he knew that he had someone waiting for him, so he doesn’t feel alone.
I also asked him if he could come out here for prom, and he said that he could, now I would like to ask him in a better way but I am not completely sure how to do that. I was thinking about making something, then just shipping it to him. Or something like that. Any ideas? Or tips? About any of this, and if we could make this relationship work..
I’m Reva. I live in Indonesia and my boyfriend lives in the US. Started with i met him on kik it’s july 2017. Well he’s younger than me. He’s 19 and i turned 21. But the age is doesn’t matter right? I think i fall in love at first sight. I got a message from him. He said “Heyo” and i replied “Hey” and our conversations are great and then i asked him to do video call to make sure if he’s real. We did it. Finally i saw him for the first time but he’s the type of shy person so we just seeing each other for 3 minutes. Omg it’s so sad. We’re so close since that day. The most unexpected thing is he asked me to be his gf and he knows that i’m older than him. I’m so happy because i do like him. He never stop saying “I love you”. He calling me princess. After a week he calling me it’s for the first time. He didn’t talk too much. But he knows how to show his love. Guess what??? He said “would you actually marry me?” I feel like omg are you sure? Ye he’s positive. He wants to be with me, have a family with me and makes me happy. But after a few days he didn’t pick up the phone and he didn’t reply my messages, i got no response. What happened to him? Why he did it? And i feel tired so i decided not to talk to him anymore. I’m sad, i cry, i felt down, i disappointed and idk what to do. And ye i should let him go. Day by day i always thinking about him but i know he left me already and since that day i can be survived.
I feel lonely i needed a friend to talk to. And i opened kik. I talk to people on the group and we’re on the same group. I was surprised. He messaged me “Hey” at first i don’t wanna talk with him. But i can’t. I missed him and i said “don’t you remember what you’ve done to me?” I’m hurt. He left me without a reason and then he come back like nothing’s happened. He said sorry because he didn’t have internet. He wants me back, begging me and he promised that he won’t hurt me anymore. So i gave him a second chance. We’re fine. Talking in everyday but not long. After a week he’s busy with his school so he can’t message me. He repeating his mistake. I’m sad and wait for him to message me but he didn’t. I thought i shouldn’t gave him a second chance. It all ends with the same mistake. I lost my patience. I just wasting my time. So i decided to broke up with him for the twice. He simply said “I’m sorry i have to go to school” he is hella wicked. I tried to move on.
After a few months since we broke up. I still think about him. I can’t forget him. I look at his snapchat story. I really missed the old him. I have courage i said “I miss you” and he answered “I miss you too tbh” it’s been a long time not to talk to him and finally we did. I want him back to me and he still love me too. We’re back together for the third time. I hope this is going to work. I’m tryna be patient. I love him even more. I love him more than he knows. He always make me smile. I cried when he said he loves me because it’s the precious word that he said to me. But sadly my relationship is different with others. We never do video call since we back together. He’s busy so he can’t. I know this is hard but it’s okay. I can’t wait to met him on spring, i’m so excited. I want to be with him in person but we’re so far away. I’m so lucky to have him in my life and i’m so grateful that God has sent him to me now. Once again i hope this is going to work and we can get married as soon as possible. Nothing’s impossible and i’m sure if it’s meant to be it will be.
Hi everyone,
I’m writing here hoping getting my story out into the world will make me feel better. My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years now, and for the last 4 months we’ve been long distancing, since we had to move away for college. While I’m in Georgia, he’s in Minnesota- that’s quite a distance. The both of us are 19 and our parents don’t know so we have to save up money to meet each other.
He was supposed to meet me for Christmas this year, after 4 long months but I don’t think thats happening. It breaks my heart because I’ve been waiting so long for this and its not happening.
Sometimes, everything seems so hopeless so I have to keep reminding myself that things get better. This is a tough time for me and for him and I try my best to be okay. It’s funny how long distance works. In the end, none of us knows how it’ll end but we’re still going at it because it’s the only thing that’ll ever seem right to us. Long distance is both beautiful and heart breaking at the same time and I send strength to everyone who’s doing it right now. <3
Hey I need some help. So I’m 19 and I met that guy, who’s 22 in italy and we started a very intense relationship for about 2 months. We were living togehter and spend all of our time togehter, 24/7 days and nights. But came the time he had to go back home (usa) and I will soon leave for university in another country. And sadly he decided to break up wirh me for not being a hold back in my life and said that in the future we never know when can meet back up. But I just can’t give up on him I just think of him all day long and miss having him around me, I really love him. Is anyone have been in the same situations and how did it finnish? Should I keep trying to win him back or just pray that in 3 years when I graduate I will have a chance to meet him again and get back with him?
My name is Carlos i’m from Venezuela, actually im living in Buenos Aires, Argentina im here studying, as you probably hear anywhere, my country is going though a really bad situation so i have to move to continue my education and find a better life, however, ironically i left my life back in Venezuela at the same time, my girlfriend, Romina i met her one and a half year ago, she’s the prettiest girl i ever meet we have a really good relationhip, we’re still together, but she’s still in Venezuela, now im studying and working, but i dont earn enough to bring her with me, despite of our situation, we love each other every day more than the day before, so we keep a distance relationship, however the way we feel even being separated by ditance make us feel a little bit closer. if you want to share your story with me and some advices send me a mail.
Im 16 at the moment and i met my lets say crush thru social media because of my friends.(ik big mistake)!! He’s 17 and super nice.. Hes also lives in CA while im in PA more that 2000 miles away. we always are talking on the phone or snapchatting most of the time i fall alseep talking to him. My mom hates the idea of him but idc. Hes my favorite. im telling him i love him tonight im afraid of how he will reply wish me luck!! I hope he feels the same rn im so nervous and afraid.
Hi ? I met a woman from Columbus & I am from Ireland ??, I have such feelings for this woman , haven’t met her yet only online , do u think we would make it as a couple if she feels the same for me , how would we keep the relationship alive , would one of us have to move to be together forever , I’ve never felt this way about a woman in my entire life so I’m thinking is this real love
that’s only happening now, it’s an amazing feeling I feel so alive
Hello, I’ll go by the name Saturn because I don’t like sharing personal information online.
My boyfriend and I have been together since May 2016. I met him through a friend and we would always play lots of CSGO together. He was really good at it while I was a noob so we’ve had a lot of fun times him helping me. He currently studies in France while I live in The Netherlands. So we are only a few hours apart :). We both are IT students and are planning to meet each other in 2018. I’ve never had a boyfriend before and I never really fell in love. I can say he is the one, because as a shy person, I feel completely comfortable around him. We always have fun times together. Ldr relationships are harder than I thought. There are times were you want a hug but it’s not that easy TwT. I can’t wait to meet him and I hope the rest of you ldr couples will meet your love ones too!
I joined a pen-pal site in December 2016 to find pen-pal for my young incarcerated son. I decided to look at profiles of ladies my age as well. I saw JC an Attorney from S.Africa, and fell in love almost instantly. She was 48, and me 56 and wise about Love and foolishness. I wrote a story on January 4th about her coming to see me in America for a week,which we take a once in a lifetime road trip on my Harley and fall madly in Love.
The story makes this romance as a fling, a romantic tale of Lovemaking, Passion and Togetherness. But it ends when she returns to S. Africa. She loves the story, and we cannot stand how it ends. So on January 5th I write a second part. This is where the weeks go by and my heart is sore, I cannot let our beautiful week together end.I come to South Africa, I tell her I cannot live without her, and forever starts.
Then the real story starts. We chat,talk,text, and skype nearly constantly until she comes to see me in April 2017. We take off on the Harley, make love in a covered wagon, and LOVE takes hold. She takes off to go home to S.Africa with talk of returning to be my wife, we were engaged during visit. The father of her 16 year old daughter will not allow daughter to leave to America.
Sadness sets in, we wonder how we can manage for 18 months apart. She is self employed, and works from home. I have never been out of the US before this. We decide that we cannot live apart. I retire from my career, sell everything I own besides my clothes, leave friends and family behind. I come to South Africa to be with my Love, and we Marry in August 2017. I am here living now, in a strange place, with my beautiful wife,my stepdaughter, 3 cats, 3 dogs, and a chicken.
My God this has been this the best decision of my life, everyday has been a blessing, and I am so glad I had the stones to follow my heart.
My advice, be honest, supportive, and faithful to your online love. Set aside conventional wisdom, put your heart in the wheelhouse, and set sail following a dream. Listen to no-one but your own heart, try the impossible. Send your love notes,songs,letters,forget the petty nonsense and let love guide you.
Well i have been in a relationship since 3 years like we dont often meet due to family related problems we fight most of the times.Once we broke up but still “the heart wanted what it wants” so i could never get over her and we were back again.She is like 16 hours far away and yea it sucks to have only person who cares about you live so far away from you.I dont really get to meet her even if im in a place near her *strict indian parents* but when i do i swear that moment is speech less even if its just for seconds or mins thats the better part about this relationship we are going through.But you know living like this sucks. There are fights,tears,pain,love and everything but you will get through it when you get to see the other persons face.I pray for all that they get to live with their long distanced partner soon and yea i hope me and girl we get to live togathet soon!!!
me and my fiance have been together 4 years next month. he lives in USA and i live in the UK. we met through a game on the xbox and i sent him a message. he was 17 and i was 13. i know its a 4 year age gap but who cares i love him and he loves me thats what matters. we were planning on seeing eachother, but my mother never liked him neither did my brothers or sister or my father. it was hard for me to try and find the time to talk to him. somedays i would have days off school and say to my mother that i was feeling ill, just so i could talk to him. we finally gave eachother our mobile for whatsapp and usernames on skype. we had waited 3 years and 7 months to see eachother in person and it was an amazing time,but very unbelieveable. he proposed to me when he came over for 7 days. we have been engaged for 14 months. we are planning on getting married next year when i am 18 in the usa. it has been hard for us for all the years we have not seen eachother,but we are feeling loved and trust in this relationship. for both of us this is our 1st time in a long distance relationship. i cant wait to spend the rest of my life with him and be old together. if there is eternity as they say, then i will be with him in eternity. we do have lots of arguments,but we make it through and we talk about the problems that we have. sometimes its hard for me to talk about my feelings so my fiance actually knows if there is something wrong with me. im so happy to be with him because ive never trusted someone so much to tell all my failures, stories and my secrets. some of my past experiences have been dark and secretive and hes the one who i really trust to tell. hes been there for me ever since 29.10.13. thats how long we have been together for. i will always love him no matter what we go through. hes the first thing that is important in my life. i would not be the person i am today if it wasnt for him to be in my life. im a completely different person and i feel like me. when i didnt have him in my life before, i never was able to talk to any one about my problems and i was scared of so many things. so once i was speaking to him i felt the urge to talk to someone about the problems i was having. hes my rock,my everything and my bestfriend. hes got an amazing sence of humour. people from my old high school would say that we wouldnt make it because they never had what i had. the only reason i wanted a long distance relationship is because the people i were dating would cheat on me and they were complain about things all the time. so i had an idea where i could actually have a long distance relationship and see what would happen through that. it was a big, big step for me to take that chance and from this day on i have no regrets and i will not stop loving my fiance. i love you finace xx
I decided to write this after searching in the internet for people who have experienced the same as i am going through and feel less lonely to know there was someone like me
My story is about the difficulties being in a distance relationship
I met my current fiance 4 years ago
He lives in Denmark and i live in México
9000km away…
After many efforts, economically and emotionally we could meet in real life a year ago. Making the agreement of visiting each other twice a year, after seven months which were difficult, the frustration of wanting to see someone you love so much, someone you met and in a wink became someone you got used to.
Emotionally we overcame many problems, his neighbor wanted to get her way with him while i stayed home 9000km away just being angry and in tears. Self acceptance became almost impossible and i began losing weight to the point I became addicted to it, addicted to felt more beautiful and in my mind earning his love. Which of course i already had, he was there all the time and i didn’t see he was just watching me in pain how i was destroying myself with self hate because of a person he didn’t even care about.
After i lost 20 kg i felt really beautiful, to finally reach a goal of being in a healthy weight and not heavy as i was when he met me.
When July came, it was my turn to visit him, i arrived to a whole new country, my first time in a plane, my first time leaving home, my first time visiting an airport.
I have social anxiety which makes me going out to crowded places uncomfortable in an almost unbearable way.
Anyways i decided to step in that plane after months of saving money and help of my boyfriend since it is very expensive to travel that far from México.
When i arrived he was there like if time didn’t move
I was a new woman i felt great and self hate was not present all the time as before.
We created a lifestyle in the time i was there, we enjoyed life like never before, he made me feel comfortable wearing new clothes and being around people became bearable. We realized then that we wanted that, we wanted to be together, to break distance.
So we decided in a rush love moment to go to the government office to see if i could extend my visa
So i could get a work permit and i could live there with him, because we both wanted it, we discovered a life we never thought we could share with someone.
After all our tries, the reality stroke.
I couldn’t have any of that during vacation visa, there was no way, no choice and i had to return.
We both returned home devastated, we both knew that our life together had to wait.
I would return to my job and he would return to his, sleeping apart and the 7 hours of difference would make our time together very limited again.
The day i was returning home, he held my hand and asked me to promise him something.
I was devastated heart broken, i found a home in him and i was about to leave him for at least a long period of time.
He told me to promise him that was the last time we would say goodbye.
I couldn’t held my tears and we both made a scene in the airport crying, holding each other so hard wishing something happened to make it possible to be together.
I promised him that would be the last time.
After i arrived home and i returned to my daily activities we began our plans. We didn’t know what to do but we began searching for ways i could move with him
And we began to think that studying might be possible for me there, we searched for schools so i could apply for and most of them didn’t have winter programs, so a lot of time we were rejected.
It felt so impossible to get, that the pain grew stronger every passing day.
Until we found an option that could be good, i was going to study architecture.
But of course as i am a foreigner, i had to pay a tuition fee which was really expensive
And it had to be paid in euros. Our little window of hope was fragile so we needed a plan
We both have steady jobs and we made numbers to manage the bills but the only problem was the money for the fee.
There was no way we could get it if we didn’t get a loan, so we began our journey through bank rejections on my account because my age ( I’m 20 ) and the bank requirements are that i had to be 21 for it so a lot of doors closed.
Getting the papers for the school was difficult as well as expensive, English proficiency exam, translations of all my documents etc. But our promise kept us going.
One day, talking about stuff as always he mentioned a tradition in Denmark where you get cinnamon throwed at you if you don’t marry before 25, i said it was funny and i was so sure he would be cinnamon attacked and i would be the first one in the line.
And his answer was he wouldnt experience that.
I asked why, and then he asked it, he asked the most important question I’ve ever heard
“Do you want to marry me?” he said
Of course i said yes, because i love him.
He said we had money problems at the moment but that we could get married when he arrived to México. Which that will be in 2 months.
When i mentioned my family about his proposal of actually making our relationship formalised they were so happy and supportive that they offered to pay the wedding.
To their response we were thrilled but of course we wanted to put at least something to pay.
Then our promise took shape. Now we would start our life as a married couple, of course i still needed the loan for the school but i was in process to it in a different bank so i was calm about it, the planning of the wedding came, we were both so overwhelmed that we couldn’t be in the same page.
He wanted blue i wanted red etc etc
Our financial problems at the moment which were that i had to pay all the paperwork for school and my job barely covered those expenses so i couldn’t save enough money
And the fact that he didn’t have as much hours at work to cover everything since he was determined to pay my application fees.
The problems began stressing us both and consequently we began disagreeing and arguing.
It was so difficult to start a new life together when both cultures were so different
And the fact that we didn’t have enough money since we are both young (he is 23 i am 20)
Step by step my bills became stable since i began working to visit him and i had all my income dedicated to school paperwork and some of the wedding.
He got more hours at work and things began taking shape.
The paperwork needed for the wedding was difficult because of the translations but we managed.
And now we are facing the maturity of making a plan b and a plan c
Which is that architecture is simply too expensive so i had to apply for teaching school.
And the fact that it is hard to get a loan when you don’t owe anything and dont really have a credit card or constant credit movement plus the fact i had to be 21 years old
Yes i needed the loan 12 days before turning 21 but the system is weird and frustrating.
Now we are facing the fact that we marry in December when he visits and stays for a month and i apply in summer period which begins in march. To be 21 years old, get the loan and be able to have more time to do needed things.
Now i have all my papers for school, the only thing holding us back from moving together in january is the loan i need to pay the tuition fee.
My grades are excellent and i have the required paperwork, so my chances of getting in are certain.
But now we face the frustration of waiting for us to live together some more months after we get married. Which is really difficult for us emotionally, we love each other we are sure we can face every challenge and beat it, but now i feel like choking and I’d wish a bit of good luck hit us to make it possible.
So the plan b if we dont get the loan is waiting… Breaking our promise and say goodbye again.
I don’t know what to do now, we will be married but only 15 days as husband and wife because after that he returns.
We agreed that if moving together in January then i apply in March, get my loan and visit him as fast as i can
With more saved money for my job and the loan i can be there for 3 months while i wait for the answer for school.
Then i return briefly and make the paperwork for the permit.
Yes we faced defeat many times before
But now im proud to say i have all my documents translated, i passed my exam and i have everything set to go. To begin a life with my husband without risk of deportation.
Now the main problem is getting the loan.
Our money stability besides that is good, we don’t have debts and we both have jobs.
But the system is holding us back.
And he can’t get a loan in Denmark now because he is recently employed but he already got full time.
Now we have less time to talk but our conviction is stronger than ever.
I am marrying my long distance boyfriend of 3 years and now we are fighting to be together.
Distance love does exist
Diatance love works
It is very difficult but even after all our defeats and that we are starting young, our families support us, we support each other as a team we are.
And not even once we have said we don’t want this life, we are fighting for being together and for having a future together as adults, as a couple.
We fight a lot sometimes, it is not easy.
But it is worth it.
I write this because i want to share how long distance have been to me.
I wasn’t prepared, i never stopped and thought that long distance is not forever, and when it reaches the end you fight for beimg together political, economic and emotionally.
A lot of people ask me why not live in México. The reason is because getting naturalization in Mexico is nearly impossible and his opportunities of development in his actual job are a real opportunity, and i want him to succeed. I teach in a kindergarten so it is easier for me to give up on my homeland than for him with all his working opportunities.
That is how our journey has been and i hope that if someone feels as lost as i was at least know they are not alone in this journey called long distance relationship
I’ve coming up on my finalization of divorce in Dec. Of an abusive husband. I have a small child. I’ve been seeing this really amazing military guy for 8months now. He just recently deployed for 6mons where he will return right after our 1 yr. He may or may not have to be reassigned to another country for 2 years but has said now all of a sudden contradictory to conversations before that we would break up bc he couldn’t do the distance that long. And if he came back to where I live as long as it’s in somewhat of a drivable distance no more than 8 hrs we could continue this bc he loves me. My question is what should I do bc I’ve said I’d wait I’m waiting til he returns now but he still says even though he loves and feels strongly if it was a considerable distance we’d end this. What do I do?
My Vietnamese girlfriend and I met in England while she was on a work Visa. It really was love at first sight, and I didn’t want to waste a single minute so we jumped into the relationship fast. When she went back to Vietnam it was a feeling like nothing I was expecting. Almost like walking into a brick wall. We were hanging out every day, sleeping together, and then no more. But we were still together. I speak to her every day, and about absolutely everything and anything. At times it is very hard to be away from her, or even when she is busy and unable to talk. At this time she has more work to do, and she is planning our engagement party. I really do believe at this time she needs to chill out more, and the only way that I can help is by taking a step back and talking to her less. I mean I would not want her to think about working hard, planning the engagement and entertaining me 24/7 from 6,500 miles away. The distance between us is an experience. I get even more excited when she speaks to me. I do believe at times even though we want to be with each other all the time we need to also have our own lives. If not we will feel too lonely and somewhat obsessed for each other which does not sound healthy. I do not want to drive her away, and at the best of times I can be too much as a person. This relationship has taught me to be calm and patient for the things that I want in life. And it is true that distance makes the heart grow fonder. We work as a team to plan what we will do when we see each other, and work together to eventually get her a UK Visa. That is the only obstacle in this relationship, but we are working together and learning more about each other. I have been over to Vietnam once in October to visit her and the family, and will go back there in March for 3 weeks. The problem with this is that I now only have a small amount of holiday days left. And travelling to Vietnam a lot becomes expensive. She does worry that we won’t see each other for a long time, so if for any reason we cannot move her here this year I will visit her sometime this year again.
I met my bestfriend in January and we became bestfriends around February. Ever since then we’ve practically been inseparable. We always hung out together, whether with friends or one on one, and when we weren’t hanging out we were either texting or facetiming. He was always there for me when I was upset and even came over to my house just to give me a hug and just talk. He left mid July for basic training for the Marines and should be back mid October and I can’t wait. I miss him so much. I bought the bond bracelets around May and it said it should be coming sometimes during the summer. Once summer was over I checked the website again and it said it should arrive late October. I really hope it shows up before his 10 day leave is up. I really want to give him his bracelet already. I miss my bestfriend.
I don’t exactly have a long distance boyfriend, I have a long distance problem. I met this guy when we were both 10, I’m 15, and started to kind of like him but not really because I was a young child (well,younger child). We grew close and our friends shipped us together… until I moved to another country at the end of the school year. We didn’t see or hear from each other for two years but then I moved back and we got reacuainted. We became friends again and hung out in the same friend group. Our friends shipped us but nothing happened except for the fact I fell for him. I moved (again) but this time we talked a lot through messenger and I liked him even more because of that. Over the summer, I visited and I finally told him I liked him and he said it back… on the last day we were in the same city. We agreed that we wouldn’t really work but we still texted. I want to move on but I know that when I see him again, my feeling will come back and I want to tell him some things person but I also want to meet other guys who are actually there. And so instead of doing my hw, I’m writing about my sucky love life in a ldr when I don’t technically have one… ^_^
Me and my coworker from the summer started talking. We have a lot in common like tv shows, sports, fashion, like to have fun and the same zodiac sign. We make each smile laugh and always talking junk to each other. Our vibe it’s crazy it seems like I kno this girl for years. We had our ups and downs but we manage. I knew on her last day I wanted to shoot my shot and I did and it work. She kept dropping hints and finally did. Now we talk long distance and at first we talk a lot but once we started classes it became less. I really like her and I kno she really like me because it’s something she said to me that no female has ever said to me when we talk. My problem is that when I text her she may either read and don’t reply or don’t at all but watch my snaps especially when I post one of my female friends and when we FaceTime we only talk for about 2 to 5 minutes. Like I feel like a bored her sometime but I also feel like she might be telling me the truth because she might be playing games with me. I want to ask her are we talking or not because i some days I don’t feel like the chase in mutual and I got to go through this to just be with her and it may not end up happening. What I’m trying to figure out her is that she sent me a love emoji a couple of times but also a this ? and I’m 21 and she is 19.
My boyfriend and I met on the internet one and a half years ago. We started out just talking on skype several times a week as friends. Over time feelings developed and we descided to meet up to see how we got on in real life. He’s from Norway and I’m from Switzerland, so there was quite some distance we needed to cover to meet. We descded to meet in the middle, Germany.
We spent a wonderful week together and really got the assurance that we matched and loved each other.
Unfortunately the point came where we had to go home (this was around 6 months ago). It’s difficult sometimes and you can feel the distance when we’re not talking. Missing a person honestly gets a new meaning.
But when we talk it’s wondreful, amazing and perfect.
We couldnt meet up this summer unfortunately and my boyfriend is struggling with some health issues at the moment but we’re making it work. it’s difficult sometimes and it takes a lot of work to maintain a realtionship with a person that you cant physically see every day, but in the end what counts is that we love each other and ulitmately make each other’s lives happier.
But it’s worth the tears and it’s worth the time because love is scarse and with each other, we have an abundance of it. That’s what truly counts.
Hello long distance survivor..
My name is adelia,and im from Indonesia.
Right now my age is 20 years old and my boy age is 18 years old.we have different 2 years old.
I have been long distance since my age 17 years old,that time everything looks so beautiful with him.
My boy is Zafar , he is from Oman-muscat. Close with Dubai.
We are meet in dating application ( We Chat )
That time i was broke up with my ex boyfriend and zafar always support me to move on.
Until finally we decide to make relation,he looks so cute and better than me.
He always remembering me for those things.
Im a girl who always geeting sick,my body so aweek i can get different sick for 3 times.
He always remember me about my rest and medicine.
The first year of my relation we are so really close , even problem is there.but we face that together .
Zafar family is typical religious . They are not trust about relation before marriage . Until finally zafar uncle catch us have special relation .
That time its morning here when i wakeup then i get a long msg from him . And the point is he want me for leave zafar forever . Because im not worth to get zafar .
But i replay him i will never leave my boy . Whatever condition . And he was so angry , he tell to zafar family about our relation until zafar parent’s took his phone and its really make us sooo far away..
I tried to contac him from Facebook but i never find replay . I was cry day and night.
Day goes so fast,month chance..
Finally he can touch me with a phone his stolen from his mom to infom me .
In a month we are talking just 3 times in a week,he infom me everything . And I miss him soo much
In a second year , our relation became normal but im feeling so bored with him and this relation . Until finally i always going out with my friends for traveling and always leave him . I give thousand reason for him so i can going travel with all of my friend . And he was so good with me .
Until i get financial problem and all my friends leave me , then i realise there have one boy who never leave me and always pull me back when i was in wrong path . Thats zafar. Then our relation became good .
In a third year , we get problem from all of my past . They are come again to my life and trying to bring me back . Zafar and me get missunderstanding everyday . Im a typical girl who most care with other feelings than me . Its so hard to reject them come to my life even they was hurting me in past . How can i reject if they just wanna being my best friend? Maybe It would hurt them..
But i also hurt zafar because he burn in jealous and dying.
And in this year , everything has change , we are soo closer . Not like boyfriend and girlfriend again but like wife and husband .
I never shy to say a rude words to him like i do with my friends . Im really so enjoy . Because i finding my self on him.
This is last year of zafar in senior high school . He have planing to visit me as soon as possible . I was so excited until finally im sick and stress because i always finding the best ever place for i bring him later . I do serching from here to there and so rarely for sleep .
He want to continue study and i agree about that . Between Aus and Canada is his dreams country.
Actually, i really dont like Canada because a things in there its so freedom . And there no relate family from him.
More that that..if he choose Canada means we will different day and night around 12 hours and its so suck. How can i live in loneliness ? What he do when i was sleep ? How can we manage time ? And if im waiting to him for 5 years did he will marriage me ? Thats really on my mind right now .
Im just a poor girl from Indonesia and live in jakarta , i didnt earn money for my family because im still college and there nothing proud i give to peoples around me . How if he finding best girl in Canada ? Best in work , study , or maybe smart than me ..
Im really damn fear right now , i want to jump..
Tonight we are discuss about this and again he back to point that he loves Canada for staying . Because for many reason .
In other side i want to say him for not going there and he can study in Aus .or maybe i want to force him to stay in Aus.
But in another side i dont wanna be the one who stop his dreams just for my ego .
Yeah maybe in this case im so ego ,because i want to safe my relation i have build from these years from a shit later .
I wish , we can meet soon . So i can express all my feelings to him .i want to jump and cry in his shoulders for fisrt time. Maybe he would understand i have reason for this all .
If he really move to canada , i really wish he can manage his time with me and there no something change from him and make me little apart.
I wish i could not waiting for him 5 years again for meet each other or marriage because its so really crazy.
I really want to marriage with him,and build empire together.
Right now i have been safe my money for daily in my lovely box . Because i want to give all best service for him in our fisrt time meet ..
May god bless me and zafar so we can going to next step in relation.
For this heart, please be strong . It might so hard for accept everything . But trust god is there , he will make everything perfect on time . Ameen
Hey everyone…so me and my boy friend have been dating 4 and a half months it will be 5 September 3rd. I am currently starting my sophomore year in high school , when he is starting his junior year. I live nebraska and he lives in illinois. We met on a app called friendlife.This is the best relationship i have ever been in even though we are 9hours and 44 minutes away. I just don’t know what to do because he wants me to move in with him when I’m 18 and out of high school but, then he wants to have a kid when I’m 19 and he wants to get married when I’m 20. If i get pregnant when I’m 19 he will be 20 and if we get married when I’m 20 he will be 21. I don’t really want that with my life like i wanna go to college and start my career i just don’t know now……..
Me and my boyfriend have been together 2 months now I’m 14 years old and he is 13 I met him a week before I moved away I met him through my close friend Jessica every time I would stay at Jesse’s house she would try to introduce me to Gabe (my boyfriend) but I’m a very antisocial person so I didn’t want to meet him but finally she convinced me to go meet him we went to his house and she texted him to come outside and apparently he did and he saw me and he knew that he look like trash and I looked great so he had to go take a shower but when he finally came down I knew that I really really liked him we sat underneath a tree and talked for a couple of hours it was nice he was nice and finally me and Jess went back to her house bit while we were at her house Jessica got a text message from Gabe he said( your friend is pretty awesome) and Jessica told me that he liked me I didn’t believe it I thought she meant liked me as a friend so she texted him and asked him and he said ( yeah I like her more than a friend) and I almost had a heart attack I’ve never had any of my crushes like me back but he asked me on a date he asked me to go rooftopping with him and of course I said yes because I did really like him and so we went that night at around 9 p.m. it was so beautiful the sky was so clear you could see all the stars it was so peaceful just us to Up on the Roof he brought me back to Jessica’s house around 11 p.m. he walked me to her front door and we had an awkward side hug I really didn’t think he wanted to hug me but when he left and I went inside Jessica was freaking out and my sister was there now Amanda they’re both freaking out and asking all sorts of questions and then she got a text message it was from Gabe he said (I don’t think she wanted to hug me she just gave me a side hug) and I felt so embarrassed because I didn’t think he wanted to hug me but in truth he did but we went to bed because it was already 12 by then but the next morning we hung out he took me to a underground tunnel because there was a lots of graffiti there and I want to be an artist and he knew that because we talked about this the night before he wants to be a pilot but that day was really nice I met his little sister nothing really happened much that day the we hung out by Jess’s house we just sat there and talked all four of us Jess me Gabe and Amanda but when he had to go home Jess and Amanda were inside getting water and me and Gabe were hugging goodbye and as we pulled apart he leaned down and kissed me it was really awkward because I really wasn’t expecting it but it made me happy I remember my stomach feeling like a tornado but then he walked away and I wasn’t going to tell my friend but then Gabe texted her and said( I think I f***** up) and so I Knew by then I had to tell Jess so I told her and she freaked out but then we went inside and went to sleep well Amanda and Jess went to sleep I couldn’t sleep but the next morning was when I went to the pool with him and I’m not even going to talk about that it was super awkward we hung out the next day it was nice but the day after that we went down to the creek and Amanda and Jess were already there and I was walking around while they were swimming in their bathing suits and they pulled me into the water and Gabe felt bad so he got in the water with me I was really happy but I felt really bad because he was wearing socks and jeans but we walked all the way up the creek together and found Jess she ran away after she pulled me into the water she was up on the bridge and we kind of sat underneath her in the water and we all talked it was really nice and that night we watched the sunset together I was so happy but the day I left he woke up at 6 in the morning and came to Jesse’s house to say goodbye to me I felt really bad but he said it was worth it because he wanted to see me one last time we sat on the steps by her house I guess I haven’t mentioned this yet but she actually lives in apartments so does he but we sat on the steps and just talked it was freezing and raining so I had a blanket and he was all wet cuz he ran in the rain so I put the blanket over both of us and we kind of just cuddled but as we’re sitting on the steps I thought to myself if he doesn’t ask me how I’m going to ask him we just sat and talked for awhile but finally it was time for him to go back home I was so sad but as I was about to go in the house I turned around and said Gabe and he just turned around and said yeah I close my eyes and held my breath and said will you go out with me I open my eyes after I asked the question and he had the biggest smile on his face and he said yeah and then he walked away and I went inside I really regret not hugging him one last time or even kissing him but when I walked inside I was so shocked it out of breath I couldn’t even speak all I could get out was I asked him out and he said yes and I flop back on the couch Amanda and Jess were freaking out they tried chasing after him but they couldn’t find him a few hours later at 9 a.m. my parents came and picked me and Amanda up I was crying all the way home I didn’t want to move away from him but I had to and apparently he woke up 5 minutes after I left apparently when he found this out he cried but I got Skype and we talked a lot but then finally he wanted me to get Discord so I got that and we talked on that for a while (I only had a laptop at the time) but then finally I got a phone and I got Snapchat and we’ve been talking on that ever since we can’t wait for the day we can visit each other again but I love him so much and he’s not afraid to talk about our future together he wants a future with me and I won’t one with him and I know we’re still young but it’s only 4 years until I’m 18 we want to do a Skype date night/movie night well that’s my story and I just felt like I needed to tell her
I just recently started dating someone long distance, we are one state away about 500 miles apart. The connection we feel is very strong, and chances are if it continues we wouldn’t live near each other for at least five years. But we are both in the mindset that a connection is just that and it’s rare. We will meet in person in a couple months and I guess we will go on from there. I have hope that anything is possible if you make an effort and you are honest. Here’s to possibilities….
Hi everyone , am Lorenzo from Italy and am in Love with a beautiful Chinese girls , but from the different culture that we have for her it`s a very hard times .
I’m 18 years old and at the start of 2017, I met my boyfriend Jae online when I was on a penpal app to study German. I wanted to learn it to help with my History course and I unintentionally found love as well. Jae was also trying to learn German so we helped eachother. He is from South Korea, and I’m from the UK. It’s a long distance away from each other, but he speaks perfect English as he’s lived in many English speaking countries including a few countries in North and South America. Infact, I will be meeting him on the 8th August 2017 for the first time ever (which is tomorrow) aandnd i will ne staying with him for a bit over this summer. He will be living in the UK for a few years as he has come over to study at a University here, and he plans on living here for good after he has finished his Army Service in South Korea, as over there it is Compulsory for men before they reach 30. I am very nervous about tomorrow… we have called, video called and sent things to eachother..and after waiting for months I will be seeing him tomorrow. I’ve never been in a LDR before so this is very new but exciting! For months I’ve been trying to visualise the moment we meet! I love him so much and I can’t wait to finally be in his arms.
Forgot to mention we live in California he lives in Oakland, I live in Fresno and we see each at least once a month.
I’m 21 my other half is 34, we met 7 1/2 months ago online on a dating site. Before I met him I was talking to 2-3 other guys who seemed okay but I didn’t click with them. They were in their 20s but I’ve always had an attraction to men in their 30s. When I came across his picture I swiped right on him even though I knew what his age was. I thought he wouldn’t be interested but it ended up being a match. From that day on we talked for a couple weeks and made plans to meet up in my hometown. I was really nervous about meeting him, and so many thoughts were going through my head. I was just hoping he wasn’t a serial killer or using me. I spent the night with him and was amazed that I was finally with someone who liked me for who I was. The only problem I had was telling my family about him. My mom eventually asked about him, when I told her his age she wasn’t too happy about it and didn’t want me to get serious with him. I eventually invited him to my birthday party and he was fine with meeting everyone but when I told my mom and dad he was coming, they didn’t want me associating with him after the day of my party. My mom and a few other family members drilled him with questions at my party. He answered them honestly, the only one who didn’t talk to him was my dad. After my party was over my mom talked to me alone and told me that he lied about his age and other stuff. Sadly I believed them that night, but something told me to talk him as well. He told me what the conversations were like with my family and he told me he was completely honest. I believed him and decided for once I wasn’t going to do as my family said due to me always wanting to please them. My mom kept asking if I was talking to him still and I told her I was and she wasn’t happy about it. Now my mom is slowly accepting him but my dad isn’t but I know he will one day. I don’t regret meeting him and taking the risk of meeting him in person. He’s treated me like a queen since the beginning and he’s never pressured me to do anything that I didn’t wanna do. We’ve been together for almost 8 months now and this is my first serious relationship. I plan to be with him for a long time, and I feel hopefully that everything is going to work out in the end.
Luck..I’ve been dating this guy for 10 months and I still haven’t seen him ?
Hi! I’m reading u guys’ stories and I think ours’ is pretty unique. So, me and my bf met in Omegle (I know right!? How weird is that?) We seemed to like each other so I we kept talking on Skype after that. Guy I met was just a regular high school guy from US and me myself was a girl from Finland. Well, it didn’t take long for us to catch a little crush to each other. First I was a little doubtful since I didn’t think I could actually like anyone that much without ever meeting them. We talked and talked for MANY hours in row. I may or not have effected it but after a while he lost his interest in school and eventually became a high school drop out. He spend all his time talking to me. Then later on he got a job at a warehouse where he was working night ship ( Later he told me that he wanted a job with night ship so he could be there when i woke up and after my school day ended). Well I guess you could say we had our ups and downs… We did have one breakup ’cause I was kind of scared of the whole thing when it started to get more serious but in week from that I realized that he is something I want.
Ok, Let’s move on a bit. I’ve been talking about all the non-relevant stuff. So after a bit over a year of talking he enlisted to USMC. Boot camp was the hardest part. 3 months without talking in any sort of way. I saw a couple letters that he sent to his friend (You’ll probably understand why he didn’t send one to me soon) Now he is a Marine and soon ready to get shipped to Japan. LD was hard in a first place but now when he is in military the “talk time” is a lot shorter. He has like 4 years of deployment left. So we will probably meet for the first time after that and when I’ve finished my studies I’m planning to move to USA. That will also take its time since I’m 16 and he’s 19, heh. That also makes the whole relationship bit more difficult ’cause we need to hide it from people.
Together for almost 2 years.
Never met each other.
He’s a Marine.
I’m from Europe.
He’s from USA.
I’m 16, he’s 19
I can’t talk about us to anyone.
I love him.
He is worth it.
I’ll wait for him.
ps. He couldn’t send me the letter ’cause I can’t let my parents find out about him.
Being in a LDR is really hard and sometimes I just want to give up.
I’m 16 and my bf is 25, what make our relationship more difficult because my parents do not support it. And his mom doesn’t like me because of my nationality.
We live in the same country but in different city, cuz I moved. If my parents do not support, obviously, I’m not allowed to be with him, what is pretty sucks. We’re waiting till the school year begin so he can come to my city (without my parents permission) and be with me.
But sometimes it’s really harddd and how I said it before sometimes give up seems to be a good option. We fight over stupid things (because of me), I’m really jealous because I’m sooo scared, I don’t want to lose him and see him with another girl, I’m scared of not being enough. He’s always trying to prove that I’m more than enough and that he love me. I really love him, with all my heart, soul and body.
We got to wait for two more years till my 18 birthday and the we’ll live together.
I don’t know what I’m writing and doesn’t make sentence anymore but all that history showed me that LDR are possible and I just wanted to share my history.
And if you are into a LRD do your best to this relationship works and if tou truly love him/her distance means nothing.
Love ♥
My gf just moved from Denver to a little city called Bayfield. It’s in the same state of Colorado, although it is a 6 hour drive. I am only 14, and she is 15 so there isn’t that much I can do. My parents have told me that it won’t work and LDR’s are basically impossible. Can I please get some advice on how to keep an LDR alive in my case? I would really appreciate it, thank you.
Hey. I just found this sight cause I wanted to know how long distance relationships or going and is it really worth the wait and worth fighting for.
I’ve watched so many ldr videos of couples meeting even couples younger then me. And i just can’t wait for the day me and my lover meet.
I am in a ldr with an Ghanaian guy name kennedy (he stays in Africa.)he’s 20years old ?
And i stay in warren michigan (united states) and I am 16 years old.
WE meet may 13 2016.
When we first meet , I was 15 and he was 19, I didn’t know he was 19 untill the last 6months of us being together because I thought he was 16 and I didn’t bother to ask him his age, we decided to keep the relationship going despite or age differences because we loved one another And we already came so far.
We met threw facebook and instantly clicked. Since we were dating I have made some bad desicions where I did talk on the phone with other guys and had a lot of guy facebook friends. That it even came to the point where 1 of my Facebook guy friends that I’ve been friends with for 2 years LONGER then any of the other guy friends I have.
sent me a paragraph of how much he really liked me since the day we meet. I also felt the same too when me and him became friends. (I meet this guy WAYYY before I meet or even had an relationship with Kennedy) but I never told him how I felt because he was involved with his ex girlfriend . So I was shocked when my friend said that to me.
I also hated that he told me cause during the time that he did ,me and Kennedy where dating.
So I went to Kennedy for answers as what to do. And he told me he didn’t want me talking to him anymore. He made me choose between my close friend or him. And i chose him and left my friend. Days later I went back talking to my old friend. Not once but 3 came to the point where me and my friend was calling one another or love and just things I wish I never said or let happen?.
Because I just couldn’t let him go . I don’t know why. But Kennedy found out and we almost broke up and he was just so heart broken and broke down.
So I finally let my friend go and stayed commited to Kennedy. Because I see that he really love me and would fight for me through anything . He just won’t give up. And i really love him too . And even when my old friend kept coming back I just couldn’t leave Kennedy something kept telling me to stay.
For a while it’s been drama free now every since I let my old friend go and we’ve just been happy. (But not for too long)!
it’s been a year now since we’ve been together.
BUT everything just changed. Kennedy started to have trust issues with me. He always thought I was probably still talking to my old friend and that I was talking and flirting with other guys.
BUT it’s not true . Every since I saw what I did break his heart from last year 2016 I just dropped all my friend guys and I’ve just been talking to Kennedy and only him .
And even though he has my account information he still Thinks I have other accounts flirting with guys and stuff .
And it breaks my heart.
He calls me all kinds of hurtful names. And continue to say that I’m cheating on him.
All the time I though of leaving him.
BUT I just couldn’t cause something keeps bringing me back.
BUT most days things where good. He would treat me like a queen and tell me how much he love me.
I started to think the reason that he sometimes change on me is because he’s trying to punish me for what happened in the past.
I had a talk with him about this and he actually admitted to it. And also said another reason he say these things Is because he doesn’t want me doing them.
BUT like I said some days or good some days or bad. He hasn’t went off on me in a while.
BUT if he does I just don’t know what to do after.
Sit and take the pain because I feel I deserve it for cheating on him? Or just leave.
I just love him so f**** much .
He’s been here for me threw everything.
My family problems, school , everything.
I guess my story is kind different, because my love is not for each other. I love her, but she consider me as a good friend, who can talk any shits with. She is in the other side of the world, probably we wouldn’t meet but I love her so much, because she has been there for me everytime I needed, comparing to other people who I know in real. All the jokes, all the love shown, still not enough. I suppose she is not looking for a long distance love, but she had one in the past and it ended bad. So, I guess it wouldn’t be different now…the distance would kill the relationship…and I won’t be accepted as a bf. I have done so many things for her and stopped to do other importants. I really would like to take their hands, walk and talk through the forest where she lives (Europe) being there all night and looking at the sky…Pathetic right? lol For me it isn’t. Love is love and it may be shown by different ways. Good luck to all long distance lovers
but the fact is she lives in fillipines and i am living in india so that its very difficult for both of us…
well my story is like i m a diploma student and currently in third year ,,,,,i m making u feel bored bt sorry for that kk so lets come to story …. i like to play online games too much one day i see my best friend playing clash of clans then after some days i also sarted playing it too many people like me but one day i go to a diffrernt clan i see a girl i fight with her when i talk to her for the first time then after few days we both were good then we started talking each other more then one day feel like me the person who never had a girlfriend never had a crush is now in love with a girl in the game then one day i propose her. then she also say i love u too that day i feel something else then we started to talk to each other in the day as well as in the also then we talk more and more but we both have to wait for 8 years to get together because me nd her we both are studying so that we have to wait we both have to be strong coz we both love each other………and yeah i will give you one tip be strong always for your love
Long distance relationships SUCK!!!!
Well, like everyone here, I’m in a long distance relationship as well. My boyfriend and I have been in this relationship for 7 years now! I’m 19 and my boyfriend, well, I don’t really know how old he is but, he told me when I first met him on online gaming, he was 27 at the time, and I was 12 or 13! So, I’ve been thinking he’s at least 34, 35 now considering that it’s been at least 7 years now…But see, that’s the problem I’ve been struggling with in our long distance relationship…I’ve given EVERY possible detail about me to the way I look to him, and he BARELY can give me his last name or age! We’ve had our ups and downs and still are because of that and the fact that we live miles away from each other. He keeps telling me that he’s “Not ready” and he’s BEEN telling me this for years! Everyone around me tells me that I should just give up and forget about him because he seems to be playing me and leading me on but I don’t know why, I just CAN’T! I don’t know if it’s because I love him so much, (but how could this be love right?) Or because I’m just REALLY gullible and believe every little sweet thing he tells me and believes that he REALLY does love me…Recently, I found out his race and birth date, and I’ve already known that he lives in California and I in Texas. And after FRANTICALLY asking him when will he EVER be ready to tell me EVERYTHING about him, he FINALLY gives me a little hope that by this Thanksgiving he’s HOPEFULLY gonna drive down to come get me and let me stay with him for 2 weeks and if I wanna stay forever, I can! But that’s what’s kinda bugging me now…I’m just HOPING that this year will FINALLY be my chance to go be with “I think” the love of my life and live my Happily Ever After if that REALLY is true…But if it doesn’t happen, I keep telling myself to just give up this whole long distance relationship thing and find someone that I can physically be around and hang out with because I will and NEVER wanna go through a long distance situation like this again! So, I’m just trying to wait patiently and hope that my Prince Charming comes and gets me…
My bf lives in New York and I live in Georgia. We started dating when my mom went to see in New York her son and I hit it off and went on two dates know we wont get to see each other and its super hard to think I wont get to see him. Plus he’s about to got to collage and im just now starting high school. {he’s in his last year of high school starting collage next year}
Hello, so I met my other half , my soulmate 7 months ago through twitter. He was twitter famous and One day i added him
on snapchat and i accidentally snapchatted him and it started from there. We had so many things in common . At first i thought he was a player because of how famous i thought he was in twitter. but he proved me wrong he was just like me. Resonsible, going to school, work and then home. We have the same religion which is a bonus. The only problem is that he lives in Texas and I live in Florida. We’ve been facetiming, texting, calling.. everything we can do to keep in touch. He decided to come visit me 2 weeks ago to see me and I was so excited because I finally got to see him. Everybody like all of our family members kept telling me “how are you so sure it’s not gonna be different cause when you see someone in person it’s different than how they are in the phone.” I never payed any attention because I just knew deep in my heart he is the one for me. So when I picked him up at the airport , it was like a movie . Nothing had changed everything was the same and I honestly fell deeper for him. I was a bit nervous but all my nerves left as soon as I saw him. Right now he’s back in Texas and the pain I felt hurt more than ever when he left. Like another part of me was leaving. We’re just trying to finish school right now to get our degrees, but he’s coming back to see me soon and I will as well till we finish school and get enough money to start making decisions that would accomadate us both. Of course we had a blast and connected more than ever but it just hurts me because none of my family members approve because he lives in another state and they don’t really know him to trust what he’s doing. But with time, I know they will . He’s my happiness and honestly just do what makes you happy and believe in it and have faith that it will work out. But just wanted to let you all know that long distance relationship does work and it is possible. If you love someone so much and that love is impossible to find somewhere else and there’s no love like yours then don’t let it go because you’ll regret it. Keep it forever and try to make it work. I know it’s hard at times because i feel lonely and i miss his touch, smell, kisses, hugs, but I love him just as much as he loves me and time is our friend. It will work out trust me! Trust in God because with him anything is possible.
Hello guys, this January I met a boy through an app. We started meeting and that stuff, we have travelled together and we have done many things together. We have talked about commitment and we are decided to try being a couple. I am from Spain and he is from The USA. We haven’t seen each other for a month because he left and in the next month I am going to visit the country. We have a long distance relationship and it is very hard sometimes. After me coming back to Spain we will have to wait at least 5 months to see each other again. Next year I finish my degree and I am planing to study a master in the US because it is one of my dreams. I am really scared becase I love him and I don’t want this to end. I hope the distance doesn’t tear us apart because I think he is the love of my life.
Well, here is my story. I met his guy at a church trip. He lived in Chicago and I live in Texas. I had a bf at first, we were on the end of the relationship anyways. Then me and him started texting everyday. Texting lead to facetime all day everyday or on the phone all the time. We hit it off like crazy. It felt like love at first sight but i was confused. we saw each other again three months later. we have so much energy and chemistry when we are together. he made me happy and i could not even explain the happiness that i felt with him. things started to change, communication was off so i felt like there was someone else but i was not sure. we saw each other after five months and it was like we never stopped talking. but then communication fell off again and i was getting confused because i did not want to be lead on. two months passed and then we would talk every blue moon. so i decided to do some research. of course social media is the devil…i found out there was another girl and she had been around for quite some time. three more months passed by and we saw each other again. i acted like i did not want to have anything to do with him but that was a lie. at this point i was in love with him and i did not care what it took to get us back on good terms. we had a great week together. we left the church trip and he came to visit me a month later and it was still amazing. i knew he loved me and he didnt even have to say it. so then, 2 months pass by after he returned home and communication falls back off. i was crazy hurt because this time he told me that he could not do the distance. therefore i knew the girl was back in the picture. months passed by then he wants to send me a message saying that he loved me but we dont even talk. why tell me that you love me this late. i was so hurt by all of this that i lost so much weight. my family was worried about me as well. i still love him and would love to be with him. but just because distance is a barrier doesnt meant that you have to use another girl to keep you company until we see each other again. i felt like he was the one but then realized he could not do the distance thing. it was a crazy situationship that i thought was a love story. best of luck to you all with your LDR. they are so sweet for the ones that can endure but are painful for the ones that does not last.
Me and my bf are together from 3 years ago but know for university I’m in Canada and his in another country. we love each other so much and we promise to stay together. now it’s 1 year and 2 months that we didn’t see each other and I wasn’t able to go there and also he wasn’t able. 2weeks ago he told me that I want a space to think more about our relationship so I said ok and I wait. After 2 weeks he called me and he said I missed you so much but this distance is getting to much and I’m getting tired of being far from you. I give him a hope that we can do this and we love each other so we can wait. But he told me that he is so tired of this distance and he want to see me face to face not from phone or just talking on phone. I told him that this is hard for both of us not just for him but he is still telling me that I want to feel your hand and yourself and I’m tired of video calls. I love him so so so much more than myself and when he talks about these things I get crazy and sad. I don’t know what to do. I’m sure that he loves me too but he is tired of this distance between us. I love him so much and want him in my life but I don’t know what to do :(
Im here to give general love advices and to share my love story. I meet my boyfriend on a language exchange site around 2 years ago. In less than 1 week we confessed to each other. He is Thai and I’m Romanian. He is the greatest man I have meet. He is caring,loving,a good listener,understanding and very cute. But of course as anyone we have fights and we do mistakes. I must say that “you never know the worth of a person until you will lose him/her” isnt always true. Sometimes just an “almost” is enough to see their worth. One time,at the begginning of our relationship ,he cheated on me online with a girl that liked him. He confessed to me and I almost wanted to break up with him but he told me he realized how much he loves me and he doesnt want to lose me. And it was around 1 year ago,and yes,since then he’s been faithful! (I have his password on social media, so yes I can check).And I also trust him. So,the point is,if someone makes a mistake once,forgive them ,despite the sayings,people can really learn from a mistake and become a better person. I also think its not always the case that people who stay together will get bored of each other. With my man,I feel we love each other more and more as time passes.Other advice: Never let bad emotions do actions instead yourself! I was once very angry at my bf in a fight that I told him “lets break up!” and yes,he did that! Just one minute later he blocked me on facebook and our app for chatting daily,but luckily I managed to make him unblock me by using another fb account that he forgot to delete. So,we said that we will always calm down and talk calmly after a fight,to avoid bad things like these happening or simply hurting each other with words. The key to a happy relationship its communication,acceptance and honestly. I can tell anything to my man,good or bad and he always tell me how much he appreciates me for being sincere with him even about the things that arent so easy to say. In a good relationship both partners must not let their ego act,and when they are wrong they should be enough brave to say “im sorry” together,if they both feel they are wrong and just showing much love to each other after every hard moment that you have to pass. Always communicate with your guy and make him open up to you! Always try to be different than other girls so he’ll never find the one that can replace you! :)
Me and my girl, Franchesca have been going out for 3 months so far (2.3.17), it’ll be 4 months on Saturday, and she is honestly one kind of a unique girl! I love her to death. I’m graduated from high school, she’s still in high school. My plan is to meet her at least once this year, maybe even twice. She’s gonna go to Virginia to stay with her friends and eventually do some moving around. Her family isn’t really the greatest (can’t even date anyways), but I really do hope I get to see her this year.
She’s the best thing that happened to me. She gives me hope about love still existing. I love you Franchy!
I’m 24 and my boyfriend is 31, we’ve been in a LDR for 8 going on 9 months. It has been the most amazing and life changing relationship I have ever been in. It does have its downsides: I miss him everyday, it’s difficult because you don’t want to be that person who tries to pressure the person you love and make them feel guilty. I do try and hide the pain and sadness I feel because I don’t want to worry him. Nothing beats seeing him and hugging him but when he has to leave, it crushes me every single time. Would I give it up? Never. Do I wish it was easier? Of course but relationships are never easy in the first place now are they?
Hello Lucia my name is Marion Im living in France and my boyfriend is from Jordan too. I understand your story… we are in the same case. I had the chance to fo twice in Jordan which is an amazing country. If you ever have the chance you should really go visit it. If you need to talk and share this experience I would love to share with you mine.
So here’s my story I suppose.. My boyfriend and I met in my junior and his senior year of high school and for us both it was pretty much love at first sight. Right now we’ve been dating for 8 months and he’s about to graduate and join the US Naval Academy, where he’ll emd up serving in the military for probably 18-20 years or so after his 4 years of school. For us and especially our relationship, this has been difficult, but we both decided that we are determined to work for it. We’re very good at communicating how we feel amd we both know the odds are against us, and we’ve even agreed that if any of us feels the strain is too much to handle that we will emd it there to not cause the other any enduring pain. Yet, I am in love with him and I want to spend the rest of my life with him (I know, it sounds dumb for a 16 year old and an 18 year old to think they’re going to end up married forever, but I truly want that to become a reality). I’ve never felt more at ease nor at home with a person, and I will do whatever it takes and wait as long as it takes for us to be together, but I am so scared that life’s variables will get in the way. I know it won’t be our love, but I’m so scared of him joining the navy (he wants to be a naval doctor) and I worry about him all the time, and I know he worries about me. I know that together, if we try to work through this and truly focus on bettering ourselves and thusly bettering our relationship it can work, and I have no doubts about our love and our devotion towards each other, I am just so disheartened about not seeing him and not being able to be with him or talk to him for weeks or months at a time. Does anyone have advice on how to deal with this kind of struggle? All of these stories have goven me hope in my own, thank you all.
I’ve been in a long distance relationship for almost 8 months now. I’m 17 and I live in Chile. My boyfriend is 20 and he lives in Jordan. Oceans, continents, and religions are putting us apart. And I’ve been looking for a story like mine, but almost always the same thing: my boyfriend had to leave, we live in different states, we see each other every 2 months. I haven’t met him yet.
So I just wanted to leave this comment for someone that’s in the same position that I am right now.
If there’s love, there’s hope :)
I’ve been dating this beautiful girl, and I was shocked that she was the one who started the talks of our chat in Emeraldchat. I know we’ve been dating for only a month, but we only met last month. Time sure flies and so does love.
Anyway, I am from the Philippines and she’s from Canada. I am 17 (turning 18 this October) and she’s 19 (turning 19 this December). Also, she’s half-Japanese. I am into Japanese people, and I don’t care if she is half. My ex (from LDR, too) is also half-Japanese. Anyway, she was the one who started the conversation as I clicked various people. I find her as a well and nice conversant. Suddenly, she sent me a ‘friend request’; I accepted it. I didn’t know she is a Japanese, because she looks like Nadine Lustre. Hahahaha… Somehow, it was one of her picture. That’s how our long conversation began, and until now, we’re talking about our life. I tried to hide it from my surroundings, because at the end, they’re just laughing at me and will never trust me. What can I say; I hate my society I live in. That’s reality.
However, there were three problems we are facing; time zones, school days and her family issues. Time zones, because we are 12 hours away from each other (why it’s very hard to communicate and stay up all night to talk to her, while my mom tried to go back to sleep TOO early.) School days, because we have different curriculum of school days; my summer break is in April to May, while her place is on June or August. Family issues, because of her parents.
I am a Christian and prayed for her ever since then that she’ll come back with me safely, because I am worried about her. She even planned to come visit me this year. I never gave up on her, even we are not communicating for days. I love her so much. We wish for a video cam for a few weeks. I will wait for you, even it will take me a week. I know you will come back for me.
hi friends…I really missed you precious……
it me an a girl for almost seven years unfortunately she’s still living with are parents and we started dating in the 2010 the girl love love and I love here also…..she do slink out and came to my house every present Saturdays…we keep loving our self over and over again the was so strong that she loves me Alon…….so ending of 2016 she told me her mummy said she will go and continue her study at Canada —- the day I felt to lonely even she has not move ,….nevertheless… she move the following year which is 2017 January 21st…..since that day we’ve been facing the word apart and she has never come back to checked on me but I was not angry with that one I love her still and I am passing some agony Alon she’s far away from me ..I missed her present and every think about her…..friend I really love precious…………
I’ve been 3 years with an Indonesian boy(I’m from Spain),we met online in 2014, I though he could come here for meet me in person although Finally he gave up at all and he cant meet me, he broken up with me, I feel dissapointed,sad,broken dreams et. I don’t belive in the distance anymore,Ldr is sucks, It makes you waste time Just people with good luck and money can to be in ldr.
Hi guys,
It’s breaking my heart knowing that there’s so many us who are suffering from long distance relationships.
Here’s my story,
Me and my partner we’ve been together to 3 years but we’ve been apart for 2.5 years, i’m from Aus and he’s currently in the US. Not going to sugarcoat it, it fking sucks!!! There is a 15 hour approx. time difference, meaning my night is his day time and my day is his night time.
At first we started off strong, we call each other whenever we can, we always kept each other updated at all times. Eventually it got tiring, i was always complaining and whinging about him not being here, indicating that i’m so sad, i hate where i was in life with him.. I’ve cried 1000 + x times, at first he would sit there, listen and comfort me, and giving me the support which is exactly what i need, and i would feel better for a few weeks, then it starts all over again. I would yell, scream, and cry. After awhile it became a routine, i would chuck a sook here and there, blaming him for everything and putting all my anger on him for no reasons. Then, eventually he got sick of my shit, he doesn’t have the patience to sit there and listen to me complaining for 2 hours and then he goes to sleep feeling shitty and all angry, he would ignore all my comments, all my feelings in words (meaning, i swear, i cry, i yell and i use all sort of words trying to indicate that this is all he’s fault and he should always comfort me 24/7) and to all the girls out there WE ARE ALL ABOUT FEELINGS & EMOTIONS!!! Let’s be honest we can’t think like a guy, we can’t be rational all the time, i mean yes in general we know what is the right thing to do, but when it comes to feelings!!!! we are all about finding ways to express how we feel and trying to obtain some sympathy from the person we’re trying the seek the attention from.
In 2016, we broke up because we couldn’t agree on the location where we both want to settle down in, we were both too stubborn to move a step backward and compromise. He suggested that we should let go now, before it goes any further.
it’s very important with LDR to discuss where / the location, “where it’s going to end’. We broke it off, and decided it was the best to give each space and just cut everything off, it was for the best. So on that basis we continued with our lives separately, i continued to work and he continued with his studies. After awhile we spoke again, and learnt that we have so much love for each other, we were both stuck in the same spot. Decided to give it a go again, and this time i was the one to sacrifice my life in the Aus, and move to the US in the end.
It’s been over two months now since we’ve been back together, and i feel like we have both grown so much…. Especially me…. However, we are taking things slowly and not trying to be in eachother face all the time… just still doing our own things and we’re talking once or twice a week when we both have the time to. Things are going well with us, i think that the break was good, not only realizing that he’s my best friend, but the love i have for him is crazy…
Hopefully, one day you guys can figure out the best solution with you and your partner, and just let time past by till the end of LDR….
LDR isn’t hard anymore, once you both have your future figured all out, and the trust is there, then it’s just a matter of time.
YES, you don’t get to spend the weekend together going to the movies, going for a hike, and going for dinner dates. But it will come, and it will be all worth it in the end.
Have you ever have someone around almost everyday for 3 years and get attatcbed to this person and spent most of the time together and do everything together. Like you’re already used to having him around. But then things changed and you have to face LDR and you just can’t help but to miss this person so much that everyday you crave for his attention and physical contact and etc. and you both don’t even have time to talk or videocall just text and chat. Damn it’s fucking killing me. They told me I’ll just get used to it but damn it’s been a month and I’m still crying every night just because i miss him so much and can’t do anything about it.
So I met a guy on Facebook in June 4 2015. We started talking, getting to know each other. But before we met he started his driving business and got committed to it. We talked for one year and 6 months and finally saw each other for the first time…. it was so hard and getting annoying. He had to work because he had a lot of debt and wanted to take care of it before he could come see me on regular bases. We saw each other in end of September 2016 and then again in December. A lot of people are against this kinda relationship but we love each other. He’s a very nice guy it’s just for now he needs to take care of it and said this year finally he will be done… we’ll see. We are in a committed relationship and we are not talking to other people. Btw I live in Californian and he lives in Massachusetts but he travels all over USA.
He keep making promises and stuff but I just don’t know how long I should be waiting.
I do love him and I am willing to be patient and just let him take care of his debt situation. I told him I need to see some effort this year bcs the last two times we saw each other that was bcs of me. I planned it out. Now I need to see if he will put effort to our relationship or I will just walk away because I am 26 years old and don’t want to waste my time on someone who are not making no changes.
These stories make me so happy, unfortunately mine ends sadly. Me and the boy I love actually met on one of those silly chat apps when I was 15. We started out as just friends as I wasn’t interested in an online or long distance relationship, but it grew into something more. We skyped and watched movies together, laughed and talked about everything; I really grew to love him. we never officially considered dating until we met in real life, but both shared mutual feelings of love. Now, 5 years later, he recently told me that he no longer feels the same about me and only wants to be friends… I was very hurt, but agreed to keep talking to him. It’s been a few months and he still acts flirty/ says things that aren’t quite appropriate for just a “friendship”. He says he doesn’t mean to, he’s just used to talking to me that way. It does mess with my emotions and honestly makes it hard to try to move on. Should I distance myself so I can get over him? He’s one of my best friends so I’m not sure what to do.
Hi! My name is Vanessa, I’m from Colombia and my husband is from England. We are in the 20’s, I NEED HELP, well, we got married the last year on may and we still not able to live together, is very deppresing, He is not Comming to Colombia to live with me (well is obvious ,Colombia is not the best country) But I can’t even go there because of the home office rules from England. I have never been there and my husband has been here 4 times, this is so stressing, I’m living with my parents and now my sister is comming to live with her boyfriend too, ahh!, I don’t know what to do,I’m thikning about renting and apartment and just do my life, but he is not with me :( I want to be with him but the easiest way is him coming here and staying at least for one year, he says he loves me, I know it, I don’t doubt about it, but he still not making the desicion if he will come and stay with me till we save enough money and leave the country. What should I do, please give me an opinion, this is very upseting. (Sorry my English, I’m stiill learning)
My boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship for 7 years now. We haven’t met in real life, but we will someday. I used to live in the same country but different state, due to my mom’s work I had to migrate to a different country. We are still both in college, working on our future, and finding out what we want and who we are as an individual. We skype and watch movies, anime, k-drama, or vlogs everyday. Everything is out in the open, we don’t hide anything from one another. We both are honest and trust each other. Yes, there are some down times but what relationship have only happy times. I love him so much. All the waiting and dreaming will be all worth it in the end. our hope. Communication, honesty, and love is definitely the key to our relationship. Good luck to other ldr couples :).
Hello, my name is Xalon. And I’m going to tell you about the best two years of my entire life. This is all started when I wasn’t 14. One day I was on Xbox talking to my friend Aaron and he mentions a girl about to join the party. So me being a nervous, shy person. Accepts and says invite her. She joins the party and her voice is the voice an angel. So I know I can’t even see her but love at first sight. Is really a thing I know I was 14 at the time. And she was 13.(only two months apart in age) I live Arkansas and she lives in Louisiana so we don’t the farthest distance. But regardless its distance, and it sucks. Continuing with how we met. She joined the party and I didn’t say a word her and Aaron were just talking and I was just listening. She says she’s going to go get something to drink so then I ask Aaron for her kik. He gives it to me and me being a giant weirdo I message her, over kik. Being as creepy as possible I tell her I’m outside her window to mess with her and I text her everything she’s saying because I can hear her just to freak her out. She didn’t really fall for it. And to this day she says the first time she talked to me she though I was thirty years old. Moving on, we start talking over kik after I reveal it was just me messing with her. And we talked a lot then eventually sent pictures of eachother. At first she was like like “Wow, ok.” And I was like Like “What” she then tells me that I’m hot me being a not outgoing person not really having a real relationship was very flattered because I didn’t have the best self image of myself. I then tell her she was very pretty too. From then on we talked all day and played lots of Xbox together. About a week later I tell her I wanna date her. I’ve done this long distance thing once or twice but neither lasted longer than a week. But what i felt with her, was special. We cliqued almost immeadielty and it just felt right. From then on we talked all day every day for about…. 8 months. One day during these 8 months we were going through some hard times and decided to take a break. A very long one to be exact but we act like it never happened to not damage our relationship. About three months into the break we weren’t taking or anything. I’m on Xbox one night and I’m talking to one of my friends asking advice because I still like this girl a lot and he takes it into his own hands to tell her that and luckily she still had strong feelings for me too. So we talk for about two weeks all day every day and everything just kinda went back to normal this weight got lifted off my shoulders and everything just felt right again like I had a purpose nobody really ever made me feel with this except donielle and I hold her very very very close to my heart. And I love her. I know that’s weird to say af only 15 because you, the reader doubt it will last long but here we are two years later still strong and fighting. I love this girl and she loves me back and it’s the best feeling ever to share with somebody. We hope to see eachother in about a months time for the first time and I can’t wait to see her. I don’t know what’s gonna happen but all I know is It’s going to be the best week of my life. That I get to spend with her. I know I’m not asking for advice but I’m just telling you anything can happen as long as you have a strong bond and are both willing to go through hell and back through eachother. There will be amazing times and there will be horrible times but in the long run everything will work out just fine. Trust me. I’ll update this post once I’m sitting her next to her and we will write another story of how meeting eachother was. Goodbye
Hi, my name is Eric. I am 33 and from the US. In November of 2015 I met the woman who would turn out to be the best thing to ever happen to me. We started out friends, as she had just come out of a very abusive LDR and said she would never do it again and I was currently in one that made me more miserable than anything. For the next two months we talked everyday, becoming closer and closer, the best of friends till I broke up with my ex and she and I decided to take it to the next level. At first it was a challenge. I am from the states and she was 18 and living in the UK with her grandmother. But the high of us being together kept us strong and we came to be even closer. The first 10 months of our relationship after the initial bumps were simply amazing. However, she got an acting role that put her in a romantic situation with her costar. They shared a kiss and feelings and she started pulling away from me, talking to him. She finally got to the point where she broke up with me. However, it lasted a day and she told the other guy that she loved someone else. The next two months were great and we made it to our one year anniversary unscathed, becoming even closer. We talked everyday and we were writing stories together as we wanted. But after our one year mark, she started suffering from anxiety and stress and started pulling away, after we had just said that we got through the hardest part; the first year. It got so bad that she pulled away for near a week, taking a break from our relationship. She started coming up with little excuses why our relationship wouldn’t work, and I offered counter assurances that it could if we just communicated with each other. She had also started talking to the other guy again and admitted she had feelings for him. He is in a relationship himself mind you. After the toughest week of my life, we started going strong again, though it was evident she was still holding onto scars from that encounter. Another month passed and then she got hit with anxiety again and decided to take another break from me. In this time she was talking to the other guy yet again and they admitted their feelings for each other, though they said they wouldn’t act on them because he was in a relationship. And she finally admitted to having feelings for him to me. Well, today, she made the break a break up. She told me that the lack of physical intimacy was too much and the fact that we don’t know when we will see each other. I told her we could make it work but she said that she didn’t want to, that she just wanted us to be friends. I am devastated. I love her more than life itself but she doesn’t feel the same herself, or if she does she is keeping it to herself and not acting on it. I love her enough to hide my pain and misery from her and agree to be her friend though all I want is for her to change her mind again and give us a chance. Love does conquer all, but only if both believe it enough. I miss her so much, however and wish she could just take comfort in that love and trust it. I don’t think I could do another long distance relationship again if it’s not her. I can’t handle that pain again. Though I hope that others stories turn out better than mine. If anyone needs advice, the best I can offer is to keep the doors of communication open always about anything no matter how painful. I believe had she been more willing to communicate with me we could have saved our relationship. Trust, communication and an us against the world attitude will keep you strong, even when the nights are lonely because the other isn’t there. I will do the only thing I know how to do, which is help her move forward and find happiness now, even if it makes me bitter for the cruelty of life in the end because even today, I can’t imagine life without her, even if she can without me.
Hi. I met my boyfriend when I was in my second year of college and he was in his third year but we didn’t really notice each other then because he was kinda in a serious relationship but something happened between him and his ex and they broke up. In my third year, we became a bit close, sharing greetings and making fun of things. oh! well, I know you guys want to hear the details so here it is
we started dating on the 7th of May, 2016 and we’ve been together since then. after we dated for a month, we parted ways because we both live in different states in the country. At first it was kinda hard because I always think about him, miss him and I felt kinda insecure but as time goes on I began to loosen up. we try to keep the relationship going through phone calls, what’s app chats, we share songs we love, quotes and a whole bunch of things. since our first separation, I’ve seen him 3 more times before the year ran out and right now, it’s been 4 months since I last saw him and it’s kinda frustrating but at the same time it gives me time to focus on my finals. he is currently undergoing his National youth service and we talk like once in a week but for at least 30 minutes. I am satisfied with our degree of communication but
there’s just one problem I have with him, he doesn’t really expresses his emotions, sometimes I send I miss you messages to him but he doesn’t always say it back all he does is just call back. am I supposed to take that as “I miss you too” or what. sometimes I just feel like he’s not totally committed to the relationship, other times I’m just like oh! I trust him and I’m sure if something is going on with him he’ll let me know. But am I supposed to just wait for a guy to just come and say I’m tired of this relationship and I wants us to break up or just re evaluate our relationship and see where we stand? I’ll be seeing him by first week of April and I’m going to make sure we discuss important issues and not get to caught in just cuddling and kissing. I will be convocating by June 10 God’s willing and I intend to further my studies at Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge and he has no intention of furthering his studies just yet. what should I do? does it look like we have a chance? should I stick to this relationship or end it?
My boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship. I’m currently living in Texas and he lives in Florida. We can’t meet right now so we are waiting until the right time to meet. We love each other so much and with the love we have for each other it’s making the distance not as big of an obstacle. I’m truly happy with him and he’s happy with me. He is honestly the sweetest guy ever and I can’t imagine life without him
I met him at a website. It was fast for us, he courted me two days of getting to know each other, I know it sounds crazy well it is was crazy. Two months and a half later we’ve been fighting about how hard the communication is. What’s weird in our relationship is that I can’t save his photo and he gets mad if I saved it, he’s not trying to get to know me, how he tells me I’m clingy because i always asked about what he’s been doing, how he’s always busy because of school but when we have sex chat he have a huge time for that. I forgot how his voice sounds because we don’t do phone calls or even video chat. Sometimes we fight about my stupid questions. And when we fight I always say let’s break up, I don’t know what to do if this relationship is worth holding. He said yes when I asked him about taking a break. Maybe it is good for us. I’m just tired because I feel his not trying about calling me, video chats, I really don’t want to do. Maybe he wasn’t ready for a long distance relationship. It sucks! I’m tired of falling in love.
Hi i’m maria. I’m 24. I am from philippines. I am in a long distance relationship with a guy from sweden. Hell yeah! Far right? We haven’t met. It’s been 2years. I have 2 kids from my ex bf. I really thought that i will never find someone who can truly love a woman like me, but then one day while playing this simple game called habbo, it’s like a social community game, we talked. Like talking in other social apps. We became best friends, you know, when u just don’t know how to open up yournproblems to others, but u can to him. Yeah that feeling is nice. Knowing soneone out therr listens to you, makes you happy, accepts your kiddos. He is 25 and very matured. He just graduated masters this year. I am just a single mom who cant work yet. Undergraduate and has big family issues. My mom left me when i was a kid. My dad helps me support me and my kids. I always think that our relationship will not work in the future, that we may not meeet coz of my dad who i cannot leave alone. I am also a bit negative bout myself of who i am what i never had successfully accomplished. If hos parents will like me. Or will he like me till the end. Reading your stories made me build the confidnce to have strength with us. He is such a good influence. I had ALOT of bfs before, all of em where a douche, gold digging ceating bastards. But him, he helped me in everything, taught me good things and made me more stronger in life for my kids. I am looking forward to meet him. I hope one day we would marry just like u guys tell here. :)
I met my boyfriend online about a year and a half ago. He lives in Texas, and I’m from wyoming. we talked for a while and I thought it was just a game. We ended up fighting and he endednup getting a girlfriend where he lives. So I gave up. We talked a little bit the next month but it was awkward. He ended up getting with another girl and they dated a while. We just stopped talking he was with this girl for a few months. And then his mom died. A few months later he found me again on Instagram. And we started talking it was all going well and then I don’t even remember it kinda just stopped. Then October came around and by Halloween he confessed his feelings to me again. I had a boyfriend but I didn’t tell him that. I thought it was another one of his games. And then I noticed he was really down for me. I dumped my ex because I was in love with this guy. We are still madly in love with each other and I’m glad I did what I did. The sad part is that he is graduating this year and going into the navy. And I’m still in highschool. We won’t be able to see each for a few more years. But we both promised it will happen. He even wants to marry me. But this will be so damn hard??
well, i met this guy at a resort, and we just really like each other. like the day we met we just traded snapchat and we’ve been talking since then. like once we spent all night talking (through text) and he was being the cutest, i just felt like loved. i can be myself with him, i have the best feelings whenever i talk to him. but he says that he can’t be in a long distance relationship, but that one day we will be together. i just wanted to wait for this day with him, like he just makes me the happiest even from so far away. we live in different countries though, i know it’s hard but i wanna go through this with him.
Hey so my name is Ghada, I’m 15 years old and my bf is 17, I really love him and I used to think he loved me back, we’ve been together for 7 months now :) we’ve been fine for a long time,we were happy,it wasn’t perfect but it was great!! So yeah the problem is that suddenly he left and I didn’t heard anything about in a month,so I asked his bff who didn’t knew cause I was so worried about him,his friend told me he was fine and he sent me the link of his new account.I was in chock,this account was created the day he left!! I really felt heartbroken and I spent a week crying, however I was about to accept it when he added me with his new account,I was confused.. However I accepted his friend request ,a day later he talked to me,he called and said that he loves me and that he’s sorry,I said it’s okay and I didn’t question him about where he was because I had the feeling that I will regret it if I do so.He changed now, he’s barely online,he talks to me 10 minutes in two days and then he leave,and he still says “I love you”.
I really don’t know wut to do.. I love him so much but what do I do?? Please help me guys I need you..
I am so young and wish to not have dated at a young age which probably started in my elementary years! I am now 18 years of age and I don’t know if this still applies because I’m still in high school but if you are still with me, bare with me! (:
As a young person dating it’s like “wow where were your parents in all this?”
Well to be honest none of my parents knew the relationships I’ve been in so I was clever with my love life. As of 7th grade I’ve come out the closet as a lesbian and let me just tell you that it was such a game changer but either way I love myself (that’s an important factor) so? I left out the part that my family is Mexican, so? in their era is was just boy and girl, now it is pretty hard getting to be the only person in my family who is a lesbian. I’m still living so that’s good right?!
As I am now a senior in high school, I never expected to find love…not least “real” love. I didn’t believe in long-distance relationships whatsoever, I didn’t know how someone can really do that…Until this summer I found love and I know I’m young to say that but what I feel is truly real and I am restating that long-distance is worth it! if it feels right, then work together as a team. Me and my current partner Miranda, have met on a lesbian app…as click bait as that sounds it happened! I only had that app for friendships and maybe if I had any luck maybe I’d snatch me a girl, but Miranda changed my life. It always surprises me how people are so shy to talk to me, although it is adorable! (Miranda was one of them) and so she actually made her move into messaging me for the first time and I was in love with her personality! so so kind and genuine and sweet.
We began as friends and I just had to give this girl my number she was too darn sweet! After awhile we began to bond, like really close! it is amazing to find that in someone. After months and months…She told me she liked me and OMG it was as if she read my mind! now, for me it takes awhile for me to actually know the person and know whether I’d date them or not but for her I didn’t need to decide because she is spectacular! We have begun dating last month and it is already going to be 2 months on the 14th of this month. Even though this girl has not met me before our communication is stronger than ever, we both have school so we try to talk as much as we can. You just have to be completely understandable within the other person’s life structure. Although I am Arizona she is in Chicago, and honestly I am totally okay with that, I have family there so it is okay!
She is currently 18 as well and is in a university down in Indiana so we try to talk as much as we can and help each other along the way!
Since I have not dated in a long time I sometimes do not know how to handle some situations so me and girlfriend talk about it and it helps out.
As being mature, I came to my senses that this is worth the wait! Miranda was really a girl I have been earning for. She is beautiful!
I will continue my journey with Miranda! and also see where our future takes us because the path is looking beautiful.
I signed up for a long-distance relationship and I’m going to work for it, FOR HER! (:
It is worth it! gals and pals!
So me and my boyfriend met in grade 10 I new I liked him from the moment I met him he was more awkward, shy and reserved. But we got to know each other through out grade 10 and in grade 11 we were best friends. Beginning of grade 12 he asked me to date him and I was so happy :) we by no means had an easy relationship I had quite a bit of family drama and he also told me he was bi, which I wasn’t sure how to feel about it at first. Over all he made me happier than anything in the entire world, I would do anything for him. I had never felt so deeply in love with anyone before him. We would spend every single day together. We loved to go for sushi and walk his dogs to the park, also loved to take after school naps together. Grade 12 was the best year of my entire life. Eventually grade 12 came to an end and we both graduated. When the summer came around he told me that his parents put their house up for sale and they where gonna move to the other side of Canada. He had no real job or clear idea of what he wanted to do with his life so he had no real choice but to go with them. I was in the same boat, not exactly sure what I want for myself. It’s been just about 5 months since he’s gone and it’s been….tough. Tougher for me than for him I think. I miss him terribly. We text every single day and try to skype or voice call as much as we can. At this moment we are both 18, neither of us have a job. His family is still settling in to their new home. We both know we wanna make it work and I feel like it will work but I want nothing more than to hug him and kiss him again. I miss him so much. We argue more often now cause he feels like I don’t give him enough attention but I am trying my hardest to balance everything. I plan to try to find a job, which will make me more busy than I already am but over time maybe I can go see him. LDR are difficult and I really hope it is worth it in the end
hi everybody!
My name is Sandra Castillo I am from El Salvador a smaller country in Central America and my husband is Ali Kader from Bangladesh,Asia. We met through Facebook on 2010 for two years we were good friends. After that, we fall in love.
from 2013 we tried to meet in person but was not possible for the immigration barriers. I traveled to Mexico and he traveled to India looking for the “tourist visa” in ours embassies but they told us: “We can not issue a visa, because Bangladesh and El Salvador has not diplomatic relation”. That news were very painful for us. But in 2014 I got my visa for Bangladesh in NY, USA.
I traveled on april 10th, 2015 to Bangladesh. In the Airport around 6:00 am he was waiting for me with a bouquet of flower “At that moment the time stopped for some seconds, when I heard your voice, I’ll never forget it. I saw his eyes full of tears. So, I took his hands strongly [It was, our first human contact]. Then, we gave a hug. It was the most special moment in our lifes, even seeing us face to face. We were thinking, is it a dream? Are you true? During the road to our hotel, we took our hands in the taxi. I looked at his hands, his skin, his nails, every hair of his fingers. Yes, he is real, it was not a dream. He did it also! Still we were surprised, astonished of that moment”
Now, we are going to have 2 years of marriaged and we are enjoying every moment of our life together.
Sandra and Ali
Wow.. I’ve just read all your stories. I’ll guess it was good for me, because sometimes I feel like I’m alone in this lonelyness. That no one understand what I actually go or went trough..
I met my LDR partner (that’s what I call him for now because I’m not really sure what our current status are) for 1,5 years. I was on a spontaneous holiday in Spain, I went there alone to see my sister. I bought my ticket the night before and stayed for only 3 days. I’m from Sweden by the way..
The reason I took this short vacation was to clear my head. I needed time to breath and forget my latest heartbreak. I thought the sun and the atmosphere in Spain would do the trick. On the first night we decided to go out on a nightclub, I really enjoyed myself. Dancing, chatting with people and just felt happy. I noticed a guy standing on the other side on the club, always with an eye on me. My sister whispered to me that she thought he was cute and wondered what he was looking at? I couldn’t help but wonder myself, but this trip was not to meet a guy. I reminded me of that and continued to dance the night away. Suddenly this guy stood behind me on the dancefloor. I didn’t turn around. My sister and her boyfriend pushed me into him and I just looked at him and apologised for bumping into him. Then I went to the bar, he followed me. I felt like “ok, I better go talk to him” because honestly he was pretty damn cute. When I started talk to him I understood that he could barely speak any English. He answered me in French and that was not a language of my knowledge. But somehow we could communicate anyway. It all ended with he followed me home to the apartment and there we spend all night talking. Yea, actually talking. About life. About everything.
It was something special, and the feeling I had was something I haven’t experienced for a long, long time. The following day we met up again. Same nightclub but this time it was me who followed him home. Imagine my face when I found out he lived in a tent. But that was one thing that made me caught. He was mysterious. We didn’t do anything, he never even tried. Just some gentle kisses and he held his arms around me the whole night. The day after I needed to rush to the airport. He left me outside the apartment and I knew that it was the last time I saw him. He looked at me and said “I really want to see you again.” My heart bumped. “If you want this too we make this possible” I looked into his beautiful eyes and all I could say was ” I do”. We stood there for some minutes and hugged before the reality came across and I knew I had to run. “Goodbye” I said.
I sat with a smile on my face during the flight home. Something in me said that I actually were going to meet him again. Didn’t know how or when, but I just knew.
And so I did. Now it’s 1,5 years later and trust me it’s been a hell of a ride. There’s so many times I’ve wished that I never did met him in the first place. It’s turned my would up side down and my life here is totally on pause. We meet once a month and there’s a lot of arguments when we’re together too. Deep down I know it will never work, but something in me
Can’t let go. Something in me hold on to him so hard. It’s not easy and it has never been.
I’m sure we met for a reason, weather that is to spend or life apart or together. I don’t know yet.
Hello everyone,
My boyfriend and I met over one of my favorite online games and have been together for 2 years since then. We skype everyday and when we arent on skype text each other as much as possible. I’ve recently become very upset over the fact that we have only visited each other once since being together and most likely wont see each other again for another 2-3 years. My boyfriend will be transferring colleges and living on campus so money will be tight for him and already is for us. I just don’t know if I can wait another 2 or 3 years just to see him again… The distance between us is getting to me a lot lately and even more so knowing i’m going to have to put my life on hold for years just waiting to be with him…
I’ve just found this website and I think I need some help.
I’m italian and right now I’m living in Canada as an exchange student. Here I met an amazing guy, and of course I fell for him so badly. I have never liked someone as much as I like him and we are in a relationship right now and everything is so perfect. The problem is that I’ll go back to Italy next month and he will stay here in Canada. I’m afraid to have a long distance relationship if I have to be honest. I’m telling myself that waiting for him won’t be that bad, but I know that it will and I’m not sure I can do this. How can I handle a relationship like this? I need some advice please!
I met my girl friend when we were about 3 we were close friends at that time but my dad got a job opportunity in Australia so we moved there (where I currently live). I one day found her on Instagram so i added her and we started talking and she fell for me first. I’m only 15 and I am putting my dreams and careers on hold to save up to go live with her so we can have what we always wanted. the distance is terrible but I would do anything for her to be happy
hello my story is no different from others, met my man in FB looking for accommodation in ontario canada where in i actually couldnt make it. we started talking over phone even when i couldn make it as we were best budies now and we realized we are addicted and love each other. i was in india and he was in vancouver now. he wanted me to come down and that exciment made me reach canada. i went to visit him in vancouver but when i was there with him he had no excitment. instead his friend(roomie) showed interest where my guy did not tell any1 that we are in relation. yes i did not like it and moved back to toronto. its a year and he keeps asking me to visit him but keeping last incident in mind i dont wana go there. few weeks now he wants me to move for ever to vancouver as i completed my studies, he booked my tickets and pampers me alot over phone. he even mentioned me that he doesnt know how to express his feelings and want me to teach him. well i am preparing for it. i know its hard to be in “LDR” but the trust, feelings and love will definetly help you. we love each other a love. i realized he is my man and yes we are getting married on 29th april 2017. i am a good advisor so any help or advice i am here. just inbox me on X and it would be glad to help.
I’ve been dating my boyfriend Grayson for 1 year & 7 months. He is 2 years older than I am, & When I was younger I had the BIGGEST crush on him.. like in love with this kid. We had always been friends and would text a little bit here at there but one time we hung out at a friends house together and we’ve been together ever since. Well we’re in high school and he is a Senior about to graduate in the spring.. he is playing baseball in college. I don’t know what to do when he leaves for college.. do we continue to date and he wait for me for 2 years to get out of high school or do I let something go that I know is really real? I love him & I don’t want things to end.. but I feel like I’d be holding him back from the college experience
My LDR is something special. My wonderful boyfriend makes me feel loved and special and I love him with all my heart. We are both high school seniors, off to college next year. Currently I am in California and he is in Texas, and it’s really tough to schedule time together to call and facetime or whatever because of the time difference of him being two hours ahead. I know he and I have never met in person, and this is a risk in its own, but I know he’s the one for me. I trust him and care about him and know things will work out. He even tells me that he will come to my school prom so I don’t have to go alone! That’s so sweet and amazing. He wants to go to college in California so he can be with me, and I know there is hope for the future. So hold on and be strong and look forward to your time together, and you and your loved one can live happily ever after :)
Me and my boyfriend have been together for about 4 years. We have been an LDR from the past 2 years..nearly i would say.. Initially, since we could see each other every day, it was a lot more fun. In a long distance relationship, you really need to communicate. It seems like the honeymoon period is over. Both of us get busy in our own lives, leaving no time for the other person. Sometimes, i get really worried..what is going to happen to this relationship if we donot talk! Even when i am busy, i manage to take out my phone every night, just to leave him texts, but mostly, his replies are one worded and really late. Both of us are still in college..i don’t think college students dont use phones!
When we meet, the spark is back. But when we don’t, then we are like strangers. A very weird graph, i must say. May be i am over thinking things. May be he is really busy. I don’t know! Please leave a reply if you think m just over thinking things here.
Hi, I’m Rosmery and I am in a LDR. I met this guy by an online class. I’m 24 and he is 21. We started chatting and now we can’t stop. I love him so much… He wants to marry me and I want to get marry with him too. He is the lovely guy ever. We haven’t met. I met him on July 2016 but I’m so desperated. He doesn’t work cause he is finishing college so… I have to wait until he gets a job and at the same time I need to save money to visit him. I’m so much in love of him. This is crazy…
I just came across this website and I really need an opinion on my LDR. I’ve been in a relationship with this guy who I really love. Although we have only been in a relationship for 5 months, we had an instant connection from the start. I really want to be with him and he wants to be with me. He’s 19, almost 20 and I’m 20 turning 21 in a few months. He found an apartment and he has a job. I only have 1 thing stopping me. My family. They don’t think it’s a true relationship considering that I never met him in person. Yes, it is true that I haven’t met him in person, but I have texted, called, and video chatted with him. How can I convince my family that he is a real guy and not just someone trying to catfish me? My boyfriend lives in Ohio while I live in PA
Hi, I just broke up with my two years boyfriend cause he is going to finish his carrer to another country. I wanted to try a LDR but he just said he doesn´t believe in that, he doesn´t even try. I´m heart broken. I believe if there is love distance is not a big problem, and I know so many long distance relationships work, and I want to make him see that. Any advice please?
Ps: Sorry for any grammar mistake, my native language is Spanish.
Hea guys I really want to clarify an issue on LDR. Forget the fact that communication, trust is present and all other elements but what is missing is the the fact that the person is missing in person you won’t feel that love really because the love is on the internet . You begin to wonder what makes you unnecessaryily depressed and when u sit and question yourself you find out y U make regrets…in a LDR u seeing or meeting the person is of importance high importance I no how that really feels let me just say I never got to see my boyfriend for 3years of LDR it ruined me as hell and was really depressed my depression was on a daily basis.. I know how it really feels when you don’t get to see the person . He is in Cyprus schooling he really broke my hear with all the promises he made and we never meet. I will advise even my enemy not to be in a LDR it sucks
I met her in 2014 March while playing an online game. I felt like she’s an interesting person and always wanted to talk to her, but was way too shy to start the conversation. During summer I was quite busy so wasn’t playing as much. Then from September I had much more free time and my interest on that girl was still there. And one day, all of the sudden, we had a long conversation which she had started. After that we used to talk daily once in a week. She became the only person I trusted and I opened up about my worries and fears (I was always scared of people and very negative about myself). 1 year had passed and I felt like she is my best friend. She would understand how I feel and know my mood just from the first words when we talked. Also I felt a strong power dragging me into her. I did not realise what’s that and why do I always think about her, why I feel need to hug her or why I wanted to say that I love her. On November 19th 2015 I added her on facebook. She was a bit different than I had imagined. She had many many problems and my heart was breaking every time when she would say something really bad about herself. I knew it’s not true. It took one month until she felt brave enough to send me a picture of her. And when I saw her I though she is beautiful. Of course she always said the opposite. We got to know eachother better and I was finally brave enough to tell her that I love her. She thought it’s a friendly love. So did I. Until one day I realised that I had never loved any friend like that and she was so dear, so special to my heart. On January 11th 2016 I told that I’m in love with her. I don’t think she felt exactly the same about me. Later I did some things I can’t really explain. I broke up with her 4 times although the reason wasn’t really her. It was something in me that in my opinion still had to grow, learn and realise things. After May 5th everything was fine. And it is still fine. We started calling and I absolutely loved her voice. And her laughter. And her being mad sounds. Of course, we had our ups and downs, but everything worked out. I felt like she is my soulmate. And I missed her even before meeting her in real life. We met on August 19th (19th is our lucky day, because it started not a one new beginning for us). I was exremely nervous, happy and excited about meeting her. When I saw her, I froze, because I forgot how to move. After 2 secods and ran to her, hugged her, started shaking and crying from happiness. When I calmed down I whispered in her ear ‘I’m finally home’. Then we hugged again. I felt like I had known her for one million years, like I was finally where I belong. We spent 3 wonderful hours together (sadly it was just 3…). I had never felt so much happiness, peace, joy in my heart. With her I was safe and brave and all my worries went away. It was just me and her in our little magical world. And now a bit over 3 months after our meeting I miss being with her badly. Sometimes I even cry. And nowadays I feel so empty and I don’t really know why. I just know I missed my girl so badly over the last few weeks. Maybe I’m just scared that distance will separate us too. I hope I can find strength in me, because she is surely worth fighting for and I do not want to lose her cause of my insecurities.
My boyfriend (let’s call him Ryan) however is nearly 18 and has finished college and is looking to go to university next year. Recently I’ve been feeling rather distant from him and have developed a what seems currently to be a serious crush on a guy (let’s call him Keaton) that is the same age as I am. I’ve just come back from camp, and it’s really made me stop and think about whether my relationship is healthy and if I jumped into it too quickly, as our relationship is/was a serious one. I’m not sure what to do, as I don’t want my boyfriend to feel hurt or betrayed if we break up but I’m also scared that Keaton might lose interest, because I get the feeling that he could be keen but I do have doubts. I spent quite some time during camp hanging out with Keaton as he’s got such a great personality but everytime we get closer (mentally) I feel a stab of guilt because I don’t want to cheat on my boyfriend but I also don’t know if a distanced relationship is going to work out.
I’ve been in a long distance relationship for almost a year but I’m about to give up, I think my boyfriend will never understand how hard is for me to have him away when I’m living in Venezuela, the most dangerous country in the world and one of the most dangerous. I told him I wanted to go with him to London but he kept repeating that I had to wait a bit longer, now I have no job, no money, no house and I’m kinda ill and of course I cannot find the medicines. We haven’t speak in four days and he just told me “I need to find the words” because I told him I had lost faith, hope and dreams, and actually I have, this place is hell. I think he abandoned me when Im the weakest now, and I’ve always been, he will never know how awful is this hell, where I queue for hours just to buy sugar and most of the time we can’t buy food, real food. I’m devastated but he thinks I’m just weak. I think he was selfish and he thought love is something that has to go through challenges and tests. Love is about love, nothing else.
I’m currently in a long distance relationship with a person who lives overseas, hours and hours away from me. I’m from Ohio, and he lives in Holland, in the Netherlands. We’ve been dating for a few months, and want to make things work.
We’re both very serious with our schooling and making sure we have as much time together as we can have.
This all sounds lovely, but the kicker is, I’m seventeen. As soon as people realize this, I feel like they immediately tune out, and assume that our relationship will end soon, and that we’re too young to be thinking about a future.
However, we both came from a rough family background, and we share the same goal. We want to create lives for ourselves distanced from our struggles at home, and I personally have found a lot of comfort and love in him and our relationship.
Between my age, the distance, and the fact that yes, though we spend hours and hours together, those hours only add to a few months, I feel that I have a significantly small amount of support around me. And I truly feel defeated when we run into issues, (We ran into a rather large one recently) because everyone expects me to just immediately break up with him. I’m told that the distance won’t work, that I’m too young to be serious, (though I’m not too young to be starting college a year early, as I will be doing next year) and I sincerely feel down when I sit back and look at all of this.
Does anyone have any advice?
I have a LDR. We’ve met in a online game. He’s from Colombia and I’m from Argentina. I was hurt because of my ex. I found him with another girl. Months pass by and I was still hurt until I met this guy. I remember each word we said. I was complaining about the weather, It was freezing and I said: “I’m cold”. He laughed and answer: “Nothing that a hug can’t repair”. He sounded so calm and sweet. The next days we kept talking. I told him about my ex and was very comprehensive. Day by day something started to grow inside my heart. I was not feeling alone any more. He stayed next to me. His laugh and way of speaking calmly made me fall in love with him. But the day we decided to see each other in SKYPE I was like: “OMG, I’m going to see him! Will he like me?” I fell in love with him with out knowing how he looked lke, but what about him? He called. I answered. I saw him. He saw me. It was the most perfect moment in my life. He started to smile. I fell for his smile. After many calls we decided to start a relationship. Since then we still together. On November, Sunday 20th, we will be celebrating our 1st anniversary. I hope one day I could visit him. If Only…
Sorry if my english’s horrible :c I just needed to tell someone who believes in this relations like me
Hi my name is Bee. I’m in a long distance relationship for a year now. I meet my partner in 2012 in the same town then he had to move to Capetown because of work in 2015 and I’m in Johannesburg. My problem is when I want to go and visit him he tells me that where he is renting they don’t allow visitors but still he is not even willing to move out of that place and go somewhere where they do allow visitors. And for him to come back
I must shout, scream at him then he will come and be with me for two days then he goes back. My problem is now he is telling me that where he is staying he signed a contract which is expiring this year December but still he want to renew it so that he all be still staying there. He only came back twice since he went there. I don’t know what to do . what to think after I have done it all I was suppose to do please help me
I am Acevedo tuma I met Yoania Rivero online and we love each other so much even if we get mad at each other we resolve it and I want to marry her to make her my wife and have kids with her
I went to my father’s in summer 2013 and met my soulmate, i had to go back to my country, we had an on and off relationship but i never believed he cared about me. But i was madly in love with him, end of 2015 and beginning of 2016 my parfnts got together again and decided to move to the country where my father lives. And few months later we did, since then we had so many peoblems and fights( now he is my neighbour) he was very disrespectful many times and now we are slowly fuxing our problems but we have a long way to go. No distance doesn’t mean happy relationship! L&U
Hi, I’m Gabor! My tip to keep alive an LDR, is to find goals together and don’t be afraid to make steps forward. I did it , like this ;
I met my boyfriend online about a year and 8 months ago, we met in person after around 2 months of speaking. We live 250 miles away, I have to say meeting for the first time was the best feeling ever, after speaking for so long not being able to see each other it was amazing, we’ve now been together nearly a year and a half. People say LDR’S don’t work. What do they know? The people that say that have obviously never fell in love with someone who lives so far away, haters will hate. My boyfriend is my bestfriend and my soulmate! You need to give it your all, I saw another story that said it’s not about how many times you or your partner go to one another’s houses, it’s about how much you love eachother, spending time with your loved one is the best, you need to be dedicated to your relationship and you need to fight, because everyday is hard being away from that one person you love but you deal with it because you can’t imagine life without them, my LDR is my life now,until we live together when our life really starts, but it has honestly changed my life and I couldnt be happier! Anyone who’s thinking of giving up, yes it’s hard now but it is worth it every single day that you see them smile, that you hear there laugh, hearing there voice in person! We are all so strong. LDR is all of our lives.
And remember you aren’t alone, it is getting so common now!
Sorry I’ve went on but I need to share ??
My Long Distance relationship is kind of stressing. But I hope I can inspire also tips will work out for me thanks! So I’m a Junior in high school. Met my significant other when I was 12 on this fan account. At first we were alright. He was my friend and I was his. We would on occasions talk but not much. It took us about a month of that “just friends” stage. Then we realized we spoke more together until many months came when we realized that we spoke to each other almost 24/7. Okay like about 15/7. That’s still a lot! Anyways, it was finally until May 20, 2015 he asked me to be his. Notice we have never met in person! But we FaceTime, text, all the time. I can’t imagine a life without him. But here’s the problem. At least my parents do not approve. reason being is because he is atheist when I’m a catholic. Religion shouldn’t be a reason why I can’t be with him. We understand the situation and he told me once that when he turned 18 he would earn as much money to go to USA and see me. Oh! That was the detail I forgot. He also lives in Poland. I love him more than i have ever loved any other man. I hope we get a happy ending.
Hi I’m Micah from Philippines, 21 years of age My boyfriend lives in Texas there are still some thing keeps bugging me which is our age gap he was just 16 years old turning 17 this coming october, I just came up here to share the beginning of our story dealing with LDR, I met him online callled *Kik messenger “Chatlog” * I don’t like being bored at home so I posted my picture on Chatlog, then in a minutes someone kik me on my account then we became friends there, He said ” Hey” So i respond then we started chatting there he seems so nice and yes he has the good look like every girls will fall for him because of his face even to his attitude then sometimes I ask him If he has a I.g so he followed me there ofc I follow him back then he ask me If I’m single then I said”IAM single for almost 5months” Then he said ” His single too” I started to look some pics he posting on I.G I found out that he really likes funny memes, and he has a lot of pictures there which is he look very funny with it he has a lot followers he’s really close with girls, I do not remember who asked us who have snapchat then he already snap me, so we move on snapchat for a talk and we actually talking there like every day and night, Then he took me by suprise of asking ” Look will you go out with me” I can’t say that I’m easy to get, Because he told me that he really likes me since we met there in kik messenger. I’m pretty hesitate If I’m going to say ” I might get hurt again I don’t wanna be broke again I tried to push him away and telling him you’re too far you’re parents will not like me because I’m too old for you” he frown of what am I saying he just said to me ” They’ll like you as long as I’m happy” then *I hold my breath* I said the word ” YEAY, YES” I will be you’re girlfriend. 09/24/16 We are official as a GF/BF in Ldr * Btw guys sorry for my bad grammar I’m not really good in english :( * I like him too but not that much because I have trust issue, It’s a real quick we already Falling inlove to each other he always telling ” I love you so much baby” and I always respond ” I love you too” That’s it for now, I just want you guys to be one of our witnesses to Our Ldr Story..
-Follow me on I.g @thisismeyyca I followed back thank u guys
Well we met in chat. At firts we were just friends, but the more we talked the more we more like each other. That was a year and 9 months ago.
I really love him and I know he loves me too, but, there is always a but, I don’t know when he can finally be together.
I have days when I think that maybe our lives would be better if we end. I know it a stupid and weak thing to say, but this last months are killing me. The last time we here together was in May, and we don’t know when it would happen again .
I am really sad and starting to lose hope that someday we could be together.
Hi! We working on an art project in Finland and trying to find couples in long-distance relationship using Skype (or other video platforms). The end result will be a set of portraits, as well as a experimental short documentary. There are some portraits of the couples photographed so far. Great if you can help!
Hey everyone…….. i just involved into a relationships. And it is the first time falling in my life and also my guy…….after a long long time later Almighty Allah just gave me such blessings sending him in my life….we have such similarities that is undoubtedly different than others.we used to laugh how such huge huge similarities we both have……..He is my soulmate……..i just love him…….he also loves me……..its not possible to describe about his sweetness attitude in some sentences..yes now feeling great to get birth in this world…….coz if i could not get birth i never get such persons in my life……….enjoying a lot what feelings we are realizing being long distance…because he lives in Australia and i am in other country…….Hoping all will pray for us… that very soon we will be involved in marriage………and always being swimming such a loving tremendously caring rivers where happiness showers on us all the time…………..
Oh so, hello. I don’t know how to start. Well, I met him 9months ago, it was like ‘fate’s day’ in my country. It means that whatever happens on that day or whoever u meet will be there for u forever. So i met him in a game called IMVU. Our mutual friend wanted us to know each other. He’s 16 (I’m 15) At first talking with him felt awkward. I didn’t know what to say because i was too shy back then. We were talking everyday, we even talked about our secrets and childhood things that nobody knew about us. That was the time when i first realized that i had feelings for him. This was after two weeks of meeting him. I decided to tell about this our ‘friend’. And do u know what she did? She confessed to him next day. He rejected her and cause of that she said that she was joking. I didn’t know if i should’ve kept being friends with her. But if i didn’t then i wouldn’t be able to talk to him. So i didn’t say anything. That girl was always so jealous of me. Cause people would talk to me more and i was more known there. So she was talking behind my back. I ignored that. I didn’t say anything about that also. And like this 3months went by. It was April 29th. He was at his grandparent’s and he texted me on my phone. When i woke up and read it i was just so confused. We often joked about being together as if i was Juliet and he was Romeo and we loved each other. So when he confessed to me it was a bit different from what we used to joke about. I didn’t know what i should have answered. And i texted him the stupudest thing. ‘truth or dare, right?’ I was so mad because i thought he was kidding and i loved him. So in the end we somehow did it xD We usually don’t fight. But it got serious in the middle of July. I had a friend (boy). He was playing that game with us, he was like my brother. My boyfriend didn’t like him from the start but he didn’t say anything because that boy was my best friend. But he said really bad things to me. My boyfriend was drunk that day and that made things worse. My friend invited me in a room (i mean in the game) And told me that he had dream about me that i raped him and things like this. I felt really insulted. I didn’t know if i should have told my bf about this. But i knew that i’d have to talk about this later and he’d get super mad. so i told him that my friend had some weird dreams about me. He was really mad. Thanks god he wasn’t in the same city as my friend. He’d definitely kill him. I was so scared. It was the worst day in my life. I thought it’d be end of our relationship. But no. He loves me. He really does. Our main problem is age. Well it is distance aldo but we don’t live that far away from each other. Only 300miles. Travel takes 4hour i guess. Our family membrs know about us and i’m happy because of that. I know that i won’t fall in love with anyone but him. I just wont be able to forget about him. And i hope i won’t have to. He’s the only one i wanna spend my whole lifetime with, i just want him to be the only one who’ll stay by my side forever. And i’ll do my best for it.
Im good now.. me and him almost broke up the other day…but we figure it out how to survive..just hold on and have faith to both of us and especially to God…and just held on each others promises of love…even there is no sureness if we will meet soon or be together soon, because of love we need to have hope and faith that everything will be ok soon…if we will survive of having a LDR, what more if we are already together facing every trials together..I know we will survive..
Looking forward to what future will bring next..
Hi, I’m Ann. Im 30 yrs old when i started to have a long distance relationship with a 49 yrs. Old divorced man with 3 kids ages 18, 20, 22 when I met him in a dating site way back Dec.2014. He is living at New York and I am in Philippines. At first we chatted then sent emails and eventually go on skype. He doesn’t have any account in other social website like facebook so I can view more of his profile and see who are his close friends and family as well. As time pass by we decided to use Viber as way of communication daily. I can use the video but he says that he doesnt have any option of a video in his Viber..kinda weird..but i still keep on believing him..may its depends on the signal..we talked about serious topics like if he wants to settle down soon and also the most basic ones like what are those we likes and dislikes, some family stories and experiences and personalities. He has was been in a traumatic past years before we found in the daing wesite, his mom/grandmother and twin sisters dies in a car accident all at the same time..after that his ex wife leave him but i dont know exactly whats the reason about it may be because their family face a financial crisis after the death of his family member and he ad his father are only left. Then after thay his father married a self centered materislistic widow woman. I fully understand his status and i keep on understanding him and do my best to make him feel that I am willing to love him and be here for him even I know it will be tough for both of us to face everything away from each other and even we didnt yet met in person I already trusted him a lot. On Jan.2015 i became sick and he actually send me money for me to be able to go see a doctor even i dont ask him to do so because its awkward since we just met on dating website..he also send money as a birthday gift to me on March 2015. He planned to go here to meet me on April 2015 but it didnt happen because his boss didnt approved his leave..then planned it by July 2015 because but still it didnt happend his savings is not enough to buy a plane ticket..then he said to me he will already be finished the last child support for his youngest kid by Sept 2015 and then he is sure that he can save more for his plan for us. He surprise me on Aug.2015 that he finally get a plane ticket for last week of Sept. 2015 to go here but when Sept. came, He suddenly needs not to go and meet since he said he received some kind of a letter that he already had a big debt not paying their house property tax and he needs to refund the money that he paid for the ticket so he can pay the tax even not in full but at least the house will be saved and not be taken away from them..and he also found out that he has a disease that came from ticks that he might got from outdoor activities and doctor advised him not to travel for the meantime and he needs to go to the hospital daily to have an injectable antibiotics that he needs so he can be cured..but After two weeks of lettingme know about that he cant go here and meet me, he inform me that he needs a vacation and his uncle invited him to go out of city by last week of Sept. and have a week vacation near the shore..this made me confused again..but i told him ok may be he needs space and time to relax unwind after the stressful and anxiety is going on to his we dont have communication in a week because he said there is no signal on the place that he will be going..after that when he finally came home he message me and said he miss me and he loves me so much and he cant live w/o me..he wants to be with me for the rest of his life..he is sure about his feelings..we actually lots of common likes and we feel like we are soulmates..then months pass again, we didnt go on skype as often before, but we always communicate thru viber..i always send him pictures daily and i see to it that i have surprises to him like sending him a airmail letter and gifts. on february i open up to him this question last Feb.2016 if he is still has a plan to go here and meet me? He told me he will come here on last quarter of this year. Then i ask him again last June the same question, he said sorry he cant afford for now since he just discovered that one of his son is using a heroin and ne needs to pay a health worker and rehab his son and his youngest child request him to continue support her to her I told him ok I still understand his status as a father..even it hurts deep inside of me..but because i love him and i need to embrace everything about him out of still, he will not go here because of those reasons..i told him how long should we both need to wait for us to meet and be together? He told me to just hold on and everything will be soon ok..just trust God..and he didnt want to happen those things to his i told him: Ok, pls focus on your kids first and i dont want to be selfish for you. I dont want your kids think that im separating you from them.i want them to always think that you are agood father to them and i wish they will admire you too…
But im confused, is he really serious about me?
Hope somebody can advise me here…
My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years this September. We met junior year of high school and started dating shortly after. Our relationship has been full of ups and downs of course but we are meant to be. My boyfriend was very popular in high school. I moved at the end of my sophomore year to his high school and didn’t know anybody. He had tons of friends because he played football. I didn’t participate in any school activities besides mock trial. After graduating it was apparent he was going away to play football four hours away and I was staying in our town going to community college. Every year he has to leave way earlier then when school starts because he has football camp. During football camp his schedule is packed so tight there is no room really for much conversation. This doesn’t really bother me because I know he’s busy and I have his schedule saved. This will be our third year of long distance. We have grown as a couple and I am happy that he is all mine. I find it tough sometimes when I’m thinking of him or I miss him. Tonight we texted for a few minutes and he sent me a picture of himself. His beard was long, his hair was long and it felt like I was looking at a different person. Everything came rushing to me at once. I started to cry thinking about how hard this is but how much it will be worth it in the end. I am very lonely, I do not have many friends, I work a very difficult job while being only 20. And struggle with long distance. I do see him when I can during the year but long distance is the most difficult thing I’ve ever done.
I met my girlfriend last year, through my best friend who had been friends with her for years, at first, things were fine and there wasn’t as rocky and bumpy because she tolerated with me, and all those chances she gave me I stupidly thrown away just because I couldn’t change my habits (She hated me talking to girls and I told her I would change) over the past few months.
We’ve been together for 8 months, but we only saw each other once on our second month together in February, needless to say over the course of 8 months it has come to the point where her tolerance for me has lowered with what I’ve done, she is loyal to me and she did change her ways to prevent me for hurting, and I can’t say how much I appreciate that.
I’m only 18 and she’s 17 and she’s the first who I also hoped to be the last, we made plans of living together, marriage, wanting to have 2 kids even a son named Jason (Sounds naive, but it’s our hearts desires) and we are both pulling through our education lives.
Recently I made her pissed again and now she’s starting to think whether I’m the right person for her and if we really can be together as we hoped, I really do love her and she’s the one I want to proudly introduce to my parents, we haven’t had something this serious and I admit I’m the one at fault here, but without her here it’s close to impossible for me actually turn into a complete female hater for her sake. I really do want to keep her and I do want to change…
I think the great thing about all this is that we’re all desperately in love somehow, with someone. Hopeless romantics.
I’m moving to Canada to finish my last 2 years of school, my family are immigrating and I don’t have much choice. At first I was really happy to be moving. But… I foolishly started talking and hanging out with this guy… At first it was just fun! Fast forward 2 months and we’ve both fallen head over heals.
I didn’t want a long distance relationship at first. Everyone says the same thing; ‘they don’t work’. After I saw him for the last time for 2 years, I couldn’t imagine never holding his hand, having him hug me or kiss me ever again. But I thought it would be harder to stay in touch, and to watch both of us slowly drift away from one another.
I went into depression for about a week. I couldn’t sleep, or eat, it felt like so much effort to lift my head. I guess this would all be okay if one of us fell out of love for the other because then, then you could hate the person for breaking you. Instead all I can feel is heartbreak… I’ve broken his heart by leaving and mine in the process.
After this week he calls me. He says that we’ve got to try something, anything, cause he loves me and can’t let me go. So he has the idea, that we stay in a realationship, we talk everyday (he’s worked out the time difference) send each other letters in the mail; until one of us falls out of love with the other. I’m just scared I can’t do it. I love him. But… Moving to Canada was a new start, and I’m not sure if saying with him will break me, me save me.
Well, there seems to be a lot of mixed stories, some horrible losses, whilst others seem to be going amazing! And, now it’s time for me to share my experience.
December 2010, I met a girl who happened to have a mutual friend! We met on a chat site, known as, Habbo Hotel. I was thirteen, and she was fifteen at the time. I happened to have a little crush on her best friend, who had been a friend of mine a year prior to our meeting, but it was only because she showed me the affection that I wanted.
Within weeks of meeting this girl, I started having feelings for her, but she seemed happy with other guys, so, I became her best friend, and her shoulder to lean on. I never cared about how much it hurt me to see her hurt by guys, I was always there to comfort her. The girl I crushed on previously mentioned that the guy she loved at the time was cheating on her. I had never shied away from telling someone that their partner was cheating, but I just couldn’t tell her, I knew it would wreck her. She soon found out about the guy, and came to me for comfort. I was foolish enough to tell her to follow her heart because she deserves happiness. But, that broke her more.
As half a year went by, she started flirting back with me, and would continuously tell me she loved me. The Summer came, and I went on Holiday for two weeks in Wales, since I live in Manchester, England. We texted every day, I did my usual morning and night texts to her, and one day she replied saying ‘date me?’ I was sixteen now, we had been years for 2 and a half years, so I knew I had to test the waters to see if she was joking or not. She admits her feelings to me, telling me she’d be happy to just have me in her life if I didn’t feel the same. For the rest of my Holiday, we counted down until I got home, and I asked her to be mine.
It’s been three years on, and we’ve pulled through a lot of rubbish. Yet, I’ve broken her last week by talking to someone she hates behind her back because I was friends with the person for eight years. We’re only just pulling through this turmoil, which seems to be escalating due to family and work matters.
She lives right down South on the Isle of Wight, so, it’s not that far between us, but we’ve never met due to financial matters. I’m just afraid that the whole situation of her finding out I spoke to the friend she hates has changed her views on me. I’ve lost her six times before but all were little moments of her worrying I’d leave her first. I always chase after her since I’m still in love with her. Now, I’m doubting she feels the same.
I met a girl. Not just any girl. And after 5 months,here I find myself, 500km away from her. My story is a pretty unique one, a beautiful one at that. You know when you meet someone and instead of nerves, sweaty hands and elevated heart rate, there exists just peace? I’m 23 and a hopeless romantic. My heart is the biggest part of me; I feel deeply and love even deeper.
Unfortunately my past is riddled with fragmented pieces of a broken heart. Maybe I’ve always been slightly insecure but I’ve seen it all. So with this in mind, my mind plays tricks on me and develops these stories because we are so far apart. The thing is, I have not been given any reason to mistrust this girl. Damn, this isn’t easy but I know it will be worth it in the end. And whilst I battle through the downs of an LDR I would like to thank you for all of what you say in this article. Too often people bash LDRs and attain negative perceptions. Your words bring positivity to situations like this and give hope. And what is life without hope?
Thank you
I live in Canada and my boyfriend lives in The Netherlands. We have been together for a year and a half now. I’m 21 and he’s 20 (8 months gap). My friends met him on an online community called Tinychat a year or two before I did. By the time my friends finally convinced me to join their Tinychat room to meet new people some time after my last relationship (which was also LDR), my boyfriend didn’t really go on the chatroom anymore. However, one day in December 2014, I was on broadcast and he happened to be there, and he eventually got my attention. It was a chatroom full of Filipinos and he was the famous white guy so everyone knew him except for me. He added me on facebook and then on snapchat where he asked for my number. We started FaceTiming for hours everyday without any commitments or not knowing if we like each other. We both weren’t looking for a relationship back then and we were both talking to other people as well until things got serious and we started to fall for each other. We haven’t started talking since the day we first did. He asked for permission to be my boyfriend from my strict parents. My parents agreed but I told him to wait until I was ready. January 10, 2015, I gave him my “yes” and I couldn’t be any more happier since that day. August 2015, he came to Canada for 6 weeks to meet me. There was never an awkward moment from the first time we saw each other in person and it seemed like we’ve known each other for years. He stayed at my house and it wasn’t easy knowing that my parents are strict and religious. There were misunderstandings and a lot of fights because of the differences in culture, beliefs and religion but I fought for him. When he went back home, I thought it would be the end of us because of the things he went through because of me, but he stayed with me and we only got stronger. I went to Holland to spend New Year 2016 with him and his family. His parents, big sister and little brother as well as his grandmas and friends are the sweetest people ever! I went back to Canada after 3 weeks because I had to go back to school. Time heals as my parents started to accept him again when they realized that he makes me happy. I went back to Holland for 7 weeks and I just got back to Toronto yesterday. I am teary-eyed as I am writing this as I suffer from separation anxiety so terribly. I could say that our relationship is so much more stronger and we have gotten so much closer and more in love than ever. He loves me for who I am and accepts all my flaws. With him, I don’t have to pretend to be someone he wants me to be and he makes me feel so comfortable no matter what I do. He loves all the little things, even the ones I hate about myself. We both have grown throughout our 1.5 year together. He always tells me how I made him a better person as well and makes me feel that he loves me everyday. It is not perfect, we have our ups and downs but we never resolved it with breaking up. We always talk when something is wrong and avoid to let each other go to sleep upset. It breaks our hearts everytime we have to separate but we put in mind that the next time we see each other, it will be worth it. Now, I just have to finish my last year in university so we can finally move in together next summer. I’m so grateful for him because it is not easy to love a person miles away and to wait for her for 2.5 years, now just 1 year left. He is coming to Toronto in January to celebrate our 2 years, and if my school schedule forbids me, I can come visit him this October as well. To everyone who is in LDR, yes it is not easy and it takes a lot of work and commitment, as you probably know already, but with the right person, it is soooo worth it! I am lucky to have such a great person in my life. I’ve been in another LDR before him but my present relationship is very different. He is my travel buddy, my bestfriend, my rock, my inspiration, my pain in the ass, my soulmate – all rolled into one. I could go on and on about it but I’m ending it here. Team LDR, keep fighting!!!
Hello!(: my names Vivi, I’ve been wanting to share this story for a very long time. I’ve been in two long distance relationships, back to back, one actually involves getting married. So to give a background, I dated my ex since I was 15, our date was 7/15/12; sadly he broke my heart, because he cheating on me for 2years out of 3 and he was being manipulating and lied all the time saying he broke up with her and that she was lying when he was not being truthful. He lived in Ohio while we lived in California, yes I saw ‘we’ because he cheated on me with a girl that lived an hour and a half from me; we both played into his little game (he actually told me he loved me and he loved her) which just broke everything with me. Me and him had so much history that it was all just a punch to the face to me. (btw it was multiple girls but we were the main girls he was in love with) So it’s December of 2014 and I give him a chance to prove he’s changed and I’m just not into him but he’s begging me so I’m just like “do your thang” so whatever, I know I’m not going to want him back because I was just so tired, it took him this much to realize I just knew it wouldn’t work, so I’m on this website called “meetme”, it use to be called Myyearbook, which personally is when it was poppin, I always used it as to meet friends because I’ve had it since I was in the 7th grade, I treated it like MySpace/Facebook. I’d delete it and get it back again because I wouldn’t want it or didn’t find it interesting anymore, so anyway I had an account and it was just a site for me to go to when I needed to vent. I would post whatever status I wanted to on how I felt, or just post pictures, etc. I never replied to anyone because I wasn’t looking and I didn’t find anyone attractive on there really, it was rare, so it’s the beginning of January, and it’s January 4th, I’m scrolling through the timeline and I see this girl ask this guy a question, and so she was all flirty and I was like “let me see what he’s about” so I go on his profile and look at his pictures and I’m just thinking he looks alright, and so I go ahead and ask him a question, I didn’t want to be flirty, I wanted to catch his eye
so I ask this question, “Hey, we should model together” and he replies with something flirtatious and says “no that’s all you”, so we start a conversation on the comments and he tells me to message him, so I didn’t I was playing hard to get, so after that I seen that he viewed my profile more than once! So now it’s past 12AM at this point, now it’s Jan 5 2015 and I receive a message and it’s him ? sounds corny but I knew from messaging each other that he was mine. He lived 6hrs away from me, he lives in Victorville, Ca and I lived in Modesto, Ca. (Mind you we are both 17yrs old) We ended up going on with the relationship, every night we’d both go to sleep on the phone together, talk all night, he’d call me in the morning before I went to school, we’d have skype dates and watch movies together it was cute
(he graduated 2014) by this time it’s April, me and him made plans to finally see each other! But his mom declines. I guess he got so fed up that he didn’t think he’d handle this so he actually broke up with me a day before my birthday, that night we got back together! June rolls around and by this time I saved up my birthday money and my graduation money, I buy my ticket to go see him through Amtrack and head over there June 12 2015, I finally meet the love of my life Long Distance Relationship was definitely hard on both of us, me and him would both take Amtrak to see each other every month until October came, we went on a break and he was off to Basic Training for the military, he was gone for 2months! In December 2015 he called me up and asked me if I’d marry him, and of course I said yes! He came down for Christmas to see me one last time before he goes off to Tech School for another 2 months!! when he did go to tech school he was very off, kinda being different, he’d say he didn’t want to be with me then he would, it was just hard on us because we couldn’t see each other physically. We ended up happily married ,I become Mrs. Moore! And we move to Alaska It was and is not an easy going experience but it was by far the best experience, never give up is the key. If you do want more advice just email me @ I will defineltly get back to you quick, I can give you really good advice on a heartbreak point of view and how to get over it and also just a LDR. Please email me you’re stories I just think LDR stories are the best!(:
Hi… I’ve been a LDR for just a little over 2 years now (on and off). He is from Denmark and I am from England. I met him through omegle because we both had the common interest of ‘league of legends’ which is a video game. It might sound a bit cliche or cringy but when I saw him he gave this smile that lit up my whole world. I was 15 at the time and was going through a pretty rough time in my life…you see I live with my grandparents who are strict Muslims and I am an ex-Muslim, this is a big problem in my life as I’m not free to do anything. So after we spoke, we spoke non stop on Skype for a whole week, I felt alive and like I had a purpose. As I am/used to be a Nihilist life wasn’t the greatest for me, he gave me ambition. He loved physics and was so passionate about it, his eyes would light up whenever he spoke about it, I wanted to be able to understand him and make him happy but before I felt I ever had the chance to he vanished out of my life without saying a word. It turned out that he wasn’t able to handle being in a LDR but still loved me very much, fast forward 3-4 very depressing and lonely dangerous months and he came back, my world felt like it had been restored and all the suicidal thoughts went away, but I was constantly afraid, afraid he would leave me so I tried my hardest to be everything I envisioned he thought as perfect which was stupid, I should have just been myself but it got to the point where I couldn’t handle being so fake and him not speaking to me regularly (he’d disappear for weeks on end) so I decided to leave, WHICH WAS ONE OF THE BIGGEST MISTAKES I EVER MADE. He messaged me for several months and I ignored them all I was so pathetic. I ended up talking to a man much older than I who was the complete opposite of the boy of my dreams, it was the worst thing I ever did. I NEVER FORGOT HIM, not a single day went past that I didn’t think about him, that I didn’t wish that it was him I was talking to and not this man. I used that man. I feel so disgusting, I knew he loved me and I knew I didn’t love anything about him, I lied to everyone around me saying I did when in reality all I wanted was him. I finally stopped lying to myself 9 months ago where I had told that man that I didn’t love him and that o had always loved my wonderful Danish boy. He understood and I messaged him as soon as I could, he came back to me. IT FELT WONDERFUL TO BREATHE. We met 3 months after that for the first time and it was amazing, I’d never felt like someone was so perfect for me. It was like I had no insecurities no nothing , he made me feel beautiful. But after he left he got very very upset and everytime we would Skype (daily) he would cry just looking at me, I felt so indescribable, all I want is for him to be happy. It took him some time to get over it but it happened faster than I thought it would, fast forward a month to my birthday. HE SURPRISED ME AND CAME TO VISIT ME. It was the best moment of my life. Seeing his face makes everything better. He however had to leave the day after which made things very sad but I was so happy I am still so happy. He’s all I’ve ever wanted. So he went back and the same thing as when he first met me happened, I try my best to stay strong for him. I wish that he’d have more faith in our relationship. Fast forward to April, I finally saved up enough money to buy tickets to visit him in Denmark. My family aren’t rich and I have quite a lot of financial issues but I did everything I could to be able to. THEY WERE BOUGHT I WAS GOING IN JULY TO SEE HIM. Because my grandparents are strict I had to beg my mother (whom I don’t live with) to lie for me for the week while I was going. I did everything I could for him. Things were going well for us, he was smiling regularly and my life felt perfect in that moment however a month before I was going there we seemed to be arguing more and questioning our relationship. I hate that. I love him and I want everything to make this work. It’s been a week since I went to visit him and yesterday was one of the hardest days of my life, the same thing as when I first met him happened, he cries whenever he looks at me, he hasn’t smile since, I barely get many words out of him. I’m so worried. He told me yesterday that he couldn’t handle it and that he wants to leave me. MY WORLD AND HEART HAD BROKEN. I love him more than anything and I can’t live without him. I begged him to not leave and I think he listened but now I’m so afraid that anything I do could make him leave me. I’m not in a financial position to see him for the next 3-4 months at least and it just feels like he’s falling out of love with me, I’m very scared. I need him. Help would be appreciated thank you
My bf and I have been dating for two years.
He has been great. We were friends first and he tried persistently for months to get with me.
Our relationship has had its ups and downs. We’ve had disagreements, but have always overcome them.
We are even making do with a long distance relationship. He moved to NYC a year into our relationship (so a year ago now). He is there temporarily for work and will return in a year and a half. We’re making it work. He is super attentive and caring. We FaceTime every week and text each other throughout the day, everyday. Three time zones apart, he texts me when I wake and when he goes to sleep (and so much in between). Plus, he visits five times a year for weeks at a time. I can visit sometimes too, but him more since work pays for some of the trips.
My problem is when he visits…
It seems like he doesn’t want to introduce me to his friends. I could understand when we were physically together–he was busy with work and family that he didn’t hang out with his boys much. Also, there were times when he did invite me, but I wasn’t feeling well or couldn’t make it. Since moving away, it seems he isn’t keen on making the introduction. He makes time to see them, but couldn’t he make life easier for himself if he got us all together when he visits instead of keeping us separate?
He is visiting now and has been here a few days (and has a week and a half more to go). He came for my birthday. I got paranoid when he said he was hanging with his buddies one night. No secrets–he told me and let me know, but I guess I drew bad memories from the past along with nagging insecurities about not meeting them. I snapped at him. Quite out of the blue, I said I was going to hang out with a dear friend who was visiting. Would’ve loved for them to meet, but “we’re not good at meeting each other’s people,” is what I told him. He was surprised at this and a bit hurt. I then apologized. I guess I resent him for not sharing that part of his life with me. I have brought this up before and expressed it would be nice if I met them. It just gets pushed under the rug. Before he could progress with his visit, I let bad memories of our past cut off potentially good memories from happening. He’s still mad at me and I am giving him space.
It’s a frustrating cycle–he doesn’t include me enough in his life to introduce me to his friends, which triggers negative reactions from me. Yet, he doesn’t seem to fully understand why I feel the way I do.
Strange thing is I know his bf and his sis knows about me.
He does make time for me when he visits–we go on dates, we have our time alone. But I am just wondering why I never met his buddies.
I know before he moved away, he was hesitant about the distance, but he had proven in words and actions that he wants me. He has even brought up the prospect of me moving with him for the remainder of his assignment.
I wonder–why does he even keep me around if I can’t fully integrate into his life?
I don’t think he’s cheating. I don’t want to believe that.
The man has had a rough love life, btw, with a two year marriage ending (12 years ago) because she cheated and a string of failed relationships thereafter. So, he has his baggage.
What could he possibly be hiding?! Why is he not fully committing?
I think the little gestures make a big difference in helping long distance relationships work. When my boyfriend and I are apart, we will use HugBot app to send silly messages to each other. <3 Stephanie
Hi! Me and my boyfriend are both 14 and we’ve been together for 5 months and some change {Nearly half a year!} We love eachother more and more with each passing day…but soon… On the 29th of July… He’ll be moving to Tennessee. 10 hours, 700 miles away. For 4 years…or the first chance he can come back for me and start our life together. We’re going to continue dating because we plan on having a future together. Unlike most guys, he wants the same exact thing I do: to stay together FOREVER! I really feel like we can pull through this… But I’d like to know one thing : How do I fix this unfixable heart ache?
Hey! So this is actually more of a question than it is my story, but I’m almost desperate to get a response, so I thought I’d post my question here.
I’m thinking of asking someone out long distance. We’ve never actually met but I do know for a fact this person I’m talking to is who they say they are. I’ve had him do ridiculous things on camera and send some silly pictures that would be impossible to fabricate. I adore this guy and I think he’s taken a liking to me as well, but I was wondering if the way I was planning on asking him to be my boyfriend seemed kinda..iffy..
So what I’ve been doing, is since I started developing feelings for this guy (Let’s call him A), I’ve made a Gmail account where I would send little letters, pictures, snippets of conversations and little moments we shared like that to the same e-mail account as sort of an e-diary sort of thing. I was thinking that maybe I could send A the password to this email and have him look through it..? They aren’t horrible deep and dark secrets either, just little messages like “07-29-16, It was so fun talking to you today! We shared (yadda yadda) Thank you for such a great day A :)” But another side of me is screaming that all of this might be a little much and come across as stalker-ish.. What are your thoughts? I’d really appreciate some input on the situation.
Thank you all kindly!
I know my boyfriend since two years. He lives 6 hours by train from me. We met last year in his city and it was like love at first ssight But after I left, we didn’t keep in touch with each other because of the distance until February. We started to skype again and in July he came to see me in my city. We spent the whole week together, every single moment.. sleeping together, living together, waking up with him by my side. We talked about us and we both agreed it’s worth it, so we decided the year after next year (he’s taking a gap year before college and I still have to finish high school) we are going to university together in another country. But this year I won’t live in the same city, six hours from him, but in one city 7416km far from him. He said he will come to me for my birthday in December, but in December means in 4 months.. How is it better to keep in touch? Skype? And how often?
I finally got the chance to meet my boyfriend of a year in person last month I stayed for 2 weeks we had been introduced through some mutual friends I live in California and he in Texas we’re 1,500 miles away from each other sadly, we were 16 and best friends and now we’ll both be 18. we have a lot of disagreements because of the distance it hurts us not being able to do things other couples do and although it hurts ldr isn’t impossible if you really love someone, the heart wants what it wants don’t stress over something as temporary as distance and time just be happy and soon all the waiting would’ve been worth it! I plan on moving to Dallas next fall to begin my college courses there with him and my dream is slowly falling into place don’t give up when things get hard trust me
Hey, I met my heart at age 16 on a vacation to see my family in Dominican Republic. We were young and all thought that it would be a brief part in my life . Boy were they wrong we now have two years . And we are both currently 18. Turning 19 soon. It’s been the hardest moments of my life …. I sometimes wish I would have never went through with it. But in lying when I say it because even with all the tears , the struggles , the depression . The heartbreak … It all makes up when we see each other again .. We are in love and people , family and friends tend to get in the relationship. It’s very upsetting because know one truly knows how hard we’ve faught to be together . We wish to one day have a family and be able to settle down together but with time maybe it’ll happen .
Hey, I’m 14 and my bf is now 15. we’ve been together since 5/25/2016. we love each other a lot. but I’m not sure he wants us to be together forever. and me on the other hand want us to be married and have a future together. we haven’t talked about this much but I cant lose him at any cost. I’m madly in love with each other but I’m not what I want anymore and ideas?
My boyfriend and I met in 8th grade and as stupid as it sounds we fell in love. We were together until the next summer when I had to move to another country. We both struggled with our own family problems so our bond was very close and we wanted more than anything to have somewhat of a future together. We decided that if we still had feelings for each other that when I finally moved back home then we would meet up and try it all again. So we continued to talk everyday for the next 4 years. At one point in those 4 years my boyfriend decided he had found someone he liked enough and that maybe it would make his parents happy and it would make us more happy to have someone nearby that cared about us so for about a year we just talked every once in a while a friends as we saw other people but the other relationships never turned out quite right and we ended up not even trying to date anyone else after that. After 5 years I move back and we met up again. We’ve been dating ever since and I’m beyond happy that our love stuck through even when it got hard :)
Wow.. It’s really amazing how many people share their LDT story…
Well, hello. I’m not gonna say my real name but let’s say that you can call me Maya, haha! This is my story…
Nobody in my family knows about my LDR and the same goes for him (except his brother-in-law)…
I’m French-Canadian and he’s American.
I met him on a PC game on October 2015. I was only 12 years old and he was 14.At first, we were COMPLETE strangers, but thanks to my friend (who already knew him), we became friends. We started to talk to eachother and well, I wanted to know if he wasn’t a creepy old man (hehe) so I kinda asked him his age. He said “I’m 14! No worries, I ain’t no pedophile! x)” and I believed him. I asked his Skype name and I gave him mine and ever since that day, we kept talking to eachother, every day…
At first, we didn’t know anything from eachother (obviously) so we exchanges some… private information. He lives in Detroit and his parents are from Bangladesh. I live in Montreal and my parents are from Central America. Every since the day we exchange our Skype names, we didn’t stop talking to eachother. I remember that he was really flirty with me (Calling me “beautiful”, “cute”…) and I promised myself not to fell in love with him. The first time we face-camed, the first time we saw eachothers faces… I think you could say that it was magical. I said to myself back then “Oh my, he’s cute.” and I hope he had the same thought as me :). So yeah… The more we started to talk, the more we were getting closer. After 1 month, he started to say to me “ily… i’m not even joking.” and I didn’t believe him because I thought that if we go out, it’ll never work out because we don’t live in the same country. But I was wrong.. Thanks to Skype, Video Games, Chatting, Singing songs, listening to out stupid jokes… I broke my own promise. I fell in love with him! He asked me out during a face-cam and I said yes, even though I didn’t care that we don’t live in the same city. I love him so much but I noticed that he’s not the kind of guy that my parents would accept as my partner. :/ First of all, he’s muslim and I’m catholic (I honestly do not care about the fact that we’re not from the same religion…), he’s a 15 year old tht drinks beer, smokes weed, gets into fights… One day, he was high during a call and I told him to stop smoking weed but he said “I’ll stop when we we’ll meet…”. I don’t like him being in that condition but, really, I should accept the way he is and that is what I’m doing right now…
Despite his bad habits, our relationship hasn’t any problems (for now…) and I think we can do it for at least 5 years. :) We promised to eachother that we’ll meet in five years or even sooner if time allow us to.
I’m now 16 years old, I met my girlfriend when I was 15 around mid September it’s just we live 4 hours apart I’m a Jounior in high school and I’m getting a car soon so maybe I’ll be able to drive down there to see her one day. But for now all we have is FaceTime and talking on the phone. We’ve been together for 9months now. I don’t listen to what people say about her and I not making it and it’s puppy love but out of all the people I’ve went out with that we’re in close range to me, They don’t compare to her even though she lives so far. It’s like a connection that is stronger than anything you can ever think of. I planned after high school to go to a college near her live down there until I finished college then after we both finish college then we will be together. Call me young and unexperienced if you want but distance doesn’t mean anything I talk to her everyday. And everyday I see her over FaceTime making her smile it just brings us closer and closer even though we are so far away, I’ll see her in 2 years maybe less I might take a coach bus to her to meet her in person for the first time. Love has no distance.. She’s so far away from me but somehow I found her. Now that I found her we will soon be together, distance doesn’t mean a thing to me
Hi, my name is Maria. I met my lovely boyfriend on October 2015. I was going to a university in Canada. I met him in a spanish course that he was taking, me on the other hand, I was just there to help the professor. I am not the kind of girl that will fall in love at first sight, him on the other hand did. So then we started talking and then I fell for him, and so profoundly. We started dating on November 20, 2015. It was so magical, we used to watch movies on his room, cook and had a lot of fun. I swear I’ve never felt this way for someone before, and I felt like we were perfectly made for each other. I come from a latin american country where I don’t met a lot of asian people, but ever since I started studying in Canada I started liking asian guys. And my boyfriend has never liked asian girls, for personal reasons. Besides, I didn’t had amazingly good grades on my first year of university, so I wasn’t supposed to go back for my second year, but I did. And that was his third semester there. I swear, all of this made me feel like I was supposed to meet him no matter what, and that we are meant for each other. My fourth semester in the university, I worked hard, I swear I did, but my final exams brought my grades a bit down and my mom is not glad with it. Now she’s going to make me stay in my country to finish my degree, and I don’t want that. The university here is not really good and very dangerous. I want to go back to Canada, I’ll admit I want to go back for him as well but I want to have a very good future for myself and my future family once I graduate over there as well. But if I can’t go back for this september, then I don’t know what’s going to happen. I love my honey so much, like crazy, but if i stay then our future will be uncertain. I keep telling him that if I have to stay here then I’ll work my ass off and graduate as soon as possible, and work for at least one year or two to go back, but those will be 4 years away. He keeps telling me that in 4 years he might change and I might change, that one of us might move on, but I am very stubborn and I don’t want someone else. He is the most amazing man I’ve ever met, the only man I want for my life, the only one I want to have a future with. I don’t wanna let go of him. But I don’t know what will happen.
I’ve been working, showing my mom how much I want to go back, how much I really want to have a good future for myself, my future family ans my sister. I don’t know what to do.
Can someone please help me?
My girlfriend and I have been dating for a year and a half, long distant that is. We’ve know each other for 3 years though. We met on a random game one day but became really close friends and then a couple. She lives in Las Vegas, Nevada and I live in Atlanta, Georgia. That’s basically on opposite ends of the US. I’ve never been in a LDR before where I felt like I could actually be with this person and be together for a long time. I turned 18 back in March and graduated high school in May. Now that I’m old enough and have the time to freely do what I want, I had planned on visiting her over the summer before my college classes start in August. However neither of our families have enough money for a plane ticket. I’ve done everything I can to raise enough money to get to her. I’ve tried getting a job, opening commissions, asking for money (from my parents), and even the lottery. However all of them failed; no one called me back for a job, no on requested a commission, my parents would give me SOME money but ask for it back in a few days, and we all know how the lottery goes. Also, my girlfriend is a bipolar-depressant who had a history of being suicdal. She recovered from being suicidal a few years ago but she’s been more and more sad, anxious, and secluded lately I’m really worried that she might lapse back into being suicidal. I want to visit her before it’s too late and give her support and comfort so that she won’t lose the value of life. I made a GoFundMe (
) where the full story is. I was hoping that someone would be nice enough to donate to help us finally meet each other. The goal isn’t even a huge one. I don’t even have any facebook friends or a huge following on social media for it to get a lot of attention so I’m starting here I guess. It’s a long shot but I hope someone donates…
My name is Jackie and I need some advise/encouragement- I was accepted into a 3 year Doctorate program for my major which is very exciting. However, it is in Florida and I am from Pennsylvania. My boyfriend and I have been together about 2 years now. I hate making this decision because I do not want to leave him and put a strain on my relationship. However, it is the only program I was accepted to, and it is such a huge opportunity I’ve been given. I do not need a doctorate to practice what I want to practice because you can be certified with a 2-3 year masters degree. But if I stay in PA, I would be taking a year off to work, take more classes, and reapply to more places next year for masters programs. It is a risk if I do that because I may not get in since I do not have the best GPA and such. I just don’t want to regret nit taking the chance if I find myself next year sitting at a local bar in my hometown on a Saturday night wondering “what if?” Or regretting taking the opportunity that was given to me. While my family and many others are telling me to go to Florida and make the move, my boyfriend is the one person ignoring the topic and telling me that I do not need my doctorate right away (which is true because there are 1 year online programs available after a masters)… And I do not need to move across the country to become what I want to become, (also true). I know that I have breaks in my doctorate program about once every 4-6 weeks, which is great because I will either come home to visit my family/boyfriend or they can come visit me. Plane tickets are pretty cheap to fly down to Florida from PA, also. It is so hard to pick up and leave everything you love. I just want my relationship to work and I know it can with a positive attitude and visits about once a month. I just wish my boyfriend could view this opportunity as positive. He strongly does not want me to leave. But with the 1st summer semester off (I’ll be back home) and the 2nd summer and fall semesters off (I’ll be back home for fieldwork), I think it is doable. Hard, but doable because I feel guilty for leaving and purposely putting a strain on our relationship if I don’t “have” to. Any advise or help on either my decision to move to Florida, what to say to my boyfriend that can make him more positive about this move, and what to do to make sure that it does work ?! Please! Thank you!
I was 16 years old when I met this guy online. He’s 5 years older than me. We’re both Filipino and same school as well. But when we start talking he’s already in Canada while I’m in the Philippines. We talk everyday and sometime we get a chance to see each other in cam. We randomly talk everything about pur lives and it’s pretty interesting and fun that you have someone to talk to some serious stuff. Weeks go by, and I’m starting having a feelings for him. And week after, he told me that, if it’s okay for me if he say “I love you” and I’m really surprise because I already have feelings for him. He courted me through online (I know it’s kinda easy to get ?) so I’m thinking about I’m gonna say “yes” before his birthday but you know what? I say “yes” a week after his birthday. Yah it’s weir
We just ended out phone calls, we missed each other.
I met her 3 years ago in a college, we fall in love with each other, we love deep and we are clear of our love. We live far away from each other, I already knew that before I decided to take the steps to fall in love with her. I remember the first time we have to separate, it was the semester break. We cried and we hug each other saying countless times of “I love you, I will miss you”. We visited aquarium the day before, it was the moment of our life and we never forget every precious moment during that day.
And now, we had to separate for more than 4 months before we can meet each other for 5 days, we work at different country and I knew this day will come and I had a hard time to face the truth, I became depressed and angry and anxious, I dont want to separate for so long, I want to see her, take her to places, hug her, tell her stories, enjoy movies with her, wake up next to her.
I take a deep breathe and dive into the deep, dark, empty cave inside my mind, I wish I never sees her again, because it keep reminds me each time we meet is another goodbye to all of us and I hated it. She had her jobs now, she live comfortably with her family and friends, she is safe I know that, I tell myself to let go, to trust our relationship and let my worries sink into the deep ocean. I let go, I breathe again, I focus.
We have countless arguements, fights, tears but we still stuck with each other. I am very proud of her, her courage to wait for me, her courage to take the leap of faith into our LDR. In the first time ever, I can really told myself: you all had done great.
My advice for LDR is : Make sure you really loves each other, and you could take the pain to be separate into different time zone and such.
LDR is not pretty but it helps us to keep our promises and every time we meet we had more to share and surprise for each other.
We had our LDR worked, we wishes you to stay a healthy lifestyle and a healthy relationship :)
My name is Niklas, I’m 18 live in Berlin and just finished school, as a result of playing professional youth football I met a girl one can only dream of on a tournament in Milan two years ago. We stared talking to each other and immediately knew it was something different/special between us. Every time I met her it felt special to me and we two had the best moment together. She plays professional tennis and moves around the word. We’ve seen each other once every now and then from there on. Just recently we’ve met again in Barcelona and agreed on trying to get over each other, which I’ve tried before, but it is nearly impossible for me. I constantly think about her and I know she does the same. I really don’t know what to do. The distance and knowing that it is the only barrier hurts.
Ich bin Sammy und mein Freund heißt Zee. Ich bin aus Deutschland und er lebt in Indien. Wir beide haben uns auf Facebook durch ein paar Freunde kennengelernt. Damals ging mein Freund und ich durch eine emotionale Phase, die uns das ein oder andere Mal sowohl zusammen, als auch auseinander gerissen hat. Wir beide waren jedoch unzertrennlich und haben alles überstanden, was uns versucht hat auseinander zu bringen. Wir kenne uns nun seit etwa 2 1/2 Jahren und ich hoffe, dass wir uns bald persönlich sehen können :) LDR sind nicht einfach. Aber meiner Meinung nach ist keine Beziehung einfach. Wenn du ihn liebst, ist die Antwort jedoch eindeutig. Ja, du bist es wert. Für dich reise ich ans andere Ende der Welt! :D (bei mir nicht ganz so ^^).
Lasst euch nicht einschüchtern. Zweifelt nicht an eurem Partner und glaubt fest daran. LDR work if both partners love each other :))
I met my bf online and we’ve been together for about a year and one month now. He lives in the US and I’m in the UK. We’re both the same age (22) and our lives are pretty busy as I’m currently training to teach primary and he works long hours too. I go through these rough patches when I get stressed out and wish we could be together physically. I become sad, impatient and frustrated and it’s not fair to him. It’s hard but it’s important to remind myself to appreciate what we do have. Our schedules prevent us from meeting for now but I’m hoping for it to happen this fall. We would only be able to meet once a year while he’s in his profession so it’s a real luxury.
Im from chicago me and my boyfriend have been together 4 years and we have been apart for 10 months. He used to live here as well but last year he got deported and now cant come back to the U.S. So i feel like im stuck he cant live here with me and i really dont want to live there with him. I would have no one but him. My whole family and friends are in chicago. And i dont want to leave i was born here i like it here, ive tried staying with him for a month but i cried almost everyday i know nothing or noone but him. Having no support or just someone to vent sucks, i can tell he feels bad about the situation but were both kind of stuck. I just want to know what to do should i suck it up and go be with him and leave everything.. or should i end it now.. The last thing i want is to get cheated on and i honestly think it will happen eventually if we keep going with this long distance relationship.
I am Hiba from Pakistan. I was in a Long distance relationship for 3 and a half years.. the last year was kinda bumpy. He thought we can’t make it. I kept giving hI’m hope over and over again he left maybe he was frustrated but maybe he didn’t realise that he’s not the only one going through it. Well according to hI’m our chances of being together and having a perfect life weere not even 50% When this last time he said all these things instead of giving him hope.. I told him I give up on is too. Even though I didn’t. I never did. He did always.. I told him to leave because I felt so worthless I mean He wouldn’t even try and just give up you do that when you don’t really want that specific something to happen. So we broke up. He told me goodbye I said nothing. Still nothing. Even if he can make it now I will never think about it. He ruined me. He left when I needed him. While I was there for him. Our love was undoubtedly strong and very deep. I still love him I can tell it. Maybe he doesn’t love me enough back. I will fall in love with someone new, I know. But it’ll never be the same. I miss you. But I never would want you back.
I would have never thought of writing my LDR story here but I’m just so desperate that I need to let it all out.
So first, I’ve been in an LDR relationship for 5 months and a half. Just so you know, I am a bit too emotionally unstable (I don’t think I’m bipolar but just close)! Oh and also, my boyfriend lives in the US and I live in Canada.
So it all started October 2015 when I wrote in a group chat on Facebook about how depressed I was. The problem was that it was about my ex best friend but I didn’t notice she was in the group. That guy was the only one that asked me why. So I sent him a private message and we chatted the rest of the evening. Before that, I had seen him once during a skype group video and thought he was cute but I never dared to talk to him. So that evening, we talked and I even told him the first time I saw him i thought he was cute and everything. Anyways, 2 months passed and feelings started growing and growing. One day, I got a letter from him. I also sent him a letter and that day we both got our letter so we decided to open them at the same time. His was a poem he made. I know it probably sounds cliché but he asked me out through that. I cried and kept telling him how much I loved him. So that was the beginning. It was going well until I cheated on him with a guy in the same group chat as before. I felt terrible and one day, when we were both telling the whole story of our life, I included the fact that I cheated on him… he was sad for some days and I was too. I knew I loved him more than anything and I know sometimes I’m just being too nice with people. It got much better and we’re still together but it is so hard…
We keep talking about our future and sometimes I feel like we have hope and we’ll meet and 3 years is not that long. Yes 3 years because I don’t have a passport (mother doesn’t want) and he has social anxiety and doesn’t want to meet my parents. So I’m waiting to become 18 but it is just so hard… I have huge mood changes and today is one of the days that I feel totally hopeless… He’s going to college next year and I’m scared he meets a girl better than me that he can see everyday. I’m scared we don’t make it and never meet. I feel so frustrated not to be able to do anything but hope and wait. We constantly talk about our future and sometimes it feels close but today I’m realizing it’s so far away… Anyways, I just needed to open up a little..
Hi , I don’t even know how to start .. but I am suffering lot of pain from this . I loved a boy in our relation when I was 16 years old , I don’t exactly call that as love at that time but I had feelings for him, later I go to know he too loved me at age of 18, we sincerely love and respect each other.. now the problem is as we grew elder we came to know that ours is brother-sister relationship we are not able to digest this.. but we are not able to forget each other both our family know regarding our love but they are opposing it even we too feel it is wrong sometimes but we are not able to forget each other , I am not understanding what to do in this situation I don’t want both of our family members to get bad name because of us as my parents are very supportive to me , I don’t want to lose my parents and even him am in totally confused state of mind as what to do, more over I have many dreams to be achieved but as he is five years older than me they are seeing matches for him , I don’t want him to marry another girl , if he does not marry me also he should not marry other girl I feel , am I doing wrong please suggest or guide me..
I was after my boyfriend for two years and decided to stop at the end of 2015. We met through our parents and goes to different colleges.
I like him because his success inspired me to be a better person, therefore I was quite deviscated when he didn’t respond to my feelings for nearly 2 years.
Anyways he started to like me right after and after he confessed we started our relationship long distance.
I was very emotionally depended on him at first, every single time he didn’t reply my message I would get really upset. I’ve learned to control myself and become more and more independent but the distance is really killing me.
He was recently sick and I was feeling really bad since I couldn’t be there for him. Most of times it’s like I’m dating my phone, who is busy most of the times because of school.
I miss him so much, there isn’t one second I’m not thinking of him. I’m doing great on the outside and all but inside I’m always thinking of him. I want to give him a hug after a long day at school and want to hold his hand during a chilly morning. I try to keep myself busy but I’m still sad.
We are never emotionally close because it’s really hard to develop a relationship when we are both busy and are hundreds of miles apart…although I do really like him, I’m starting to consider maybe this is just a really bad timey for both of us to be in a relationship.
Should I break up with him? I don’t want to be sad anymore but I really don’t want to leave him…
so hi … so let me start .. me and my bf we are in long distance from 1 year and four months .. whn he askd me to be his girl it’s kinda cute :) everything was going great we talked alot ,text mssgs , late night talks over the phone oh it was going grear :) actually best … But one day when I got to know that the boy im in love with was fake :( that was the hardest part cuz I loved him so deeply and I couldn’t acpt the truth and whn i asked him why did he do that he said that he looks ugly that’s why he used fake pics of his brother .. though I loved him very much I forgive him for whatever he done cuz I loved him I loved his soul not his face I gave him one more chance …after that again everything was going good when we reached 9 months again I got to know that he was using fake pics like before damn I was totally hurt I didn’t knew what to do that time I was so hurt my heart just broked . I can feel the pain in my chest but I knew that he really love me and it was too late for me to late him go I couldn’t do that he was the first boy that i had feelings more then anyone … I gave him another second chances everything was going really hard for me by the mean while when I gave him second chance he was in relationship with a other girl by using fake profile I was so pissed off but I’m so scared to lose him so I asked him that what he’s problm is he cry alot and asked me sorry he said that he himself don’t know what’s going on with him he was sad I figured that it happens cuz of loneliness we are too far from each other we can’t meet also maybe that’s why .. so by doing this we are still in love but now again he got changed he said he don’t trust me he think I flirt with other boys … he was way too JelOus and over possessive I just don’t know what is going on was it me who is only sacrificing love from my side ?? do he really love me :( I hope he do and I got that feeling yes he do love me :( I hope we will be together for forever :) I love you
I’m from India and i met my boyfriend on chatous. we’ve been dating since 15 months now.things surely haven’t been very smooth for us but i can say that we’ve managed to make it this far.i love him a lot and even though I’ve had normal relationships before, i consider this to be the best one of my life.We’ve met 3 times but i do miss him a lot. now I’m going to London for further studies and i don’t really know what to to. i don’t think that I’ll be able to live without him because he has given me the best memories of my life. i just hope that we can be together soon because he is all I’ve ever wished for.I’m scared that this might be the end but I’ll try to make this last for as long as i can.
Well my story starts at the beginning of October 2015. I was a member of an online poetry group,that’s how I met him,I didn’t think that we’d come far from there.One night I was just being cheerful and happy and another member of the group attacked me for it saying how I was a fake,considering he was the one asking me to join.I was so upset I spend my night crying.But then suddenly I hear my phone,a text,it was A….I don’t want to mention a name.He texted to see if I was alright and that he could provide a shoulder for me to cry on.I thought it was sweet,bud I didn’t think that I would see a text from him the next morning.So day after day we got closer,he got to know my deepest secrets and I his,we didn’t go a day without texting each other.It never crossed my mind that I could fall for him.I mean he lives a continent away,I was 17 he was 21.And then one night over a game of truth or dare he confessed that he had feelings for me,I couldn’t keep a secret from him so I confessed to,I mean he made me happy when I hit rock bottom no one by that time could do that,but he was special.We would stay up late talking about a future together,a beach house,him,me,our two daughters and a dog.It was perfect.He filled my days with happiness.Months went by we were more in love with each other.Then one night I felt he was pushing me out.And after a while he spilled out about another member from group meeting his mother,she was pretty and he started posting pictures with her,and the I love you’s turned into take care.By then I realized hey were dating.I was heartbroken,even tho he didn’t stop talking to me I felt replaced and not good enough.They didn’t get along well tho,always having fights and she would ask me for advice considering she knew that him and I were friends.I tried my best to keep them together I wanted him happy even tho I was miserable.Their relationship hasn’t ended yet,they’re both stubborn tho they don’t feel nothing for each other,A few says ago he was honest with me and told me that he still loves me,that he always has and the only reason he is dating her is because she was going through a tough time and she needed help.It’s been eight months since I met him,and I have loved him every single day of every month.I’m not sure how he really feels about me,and I know he is not single so I guess I should leave for time to do it’s own,God knows I don’t want to ruin his relationship.All I ever wanted was for him to be happy,that’s the only way I am happy too.
Hello ? My first ever relationship was an LDR and though it was a wonderful experience I promised to myself I’d never do that again. Well, here I am on my 4th year in college-need one more to graduate- having a LDR with a beautiful inside out French guy that originally started being both in the same place-that is Greece- for the first 2 months. I cannot say much, apart from the fact that I had plenty experiences and I always felt liberated from attachments. Now in my 23 years and for the first time I truly feel in love and ready to be with that person for long time. And that is why…i feel that this is so unfair..but I am trying to be positive and even thinking I could give up lotz of stuff for this guy…
Here is my story….My boyfriend and I dated all through high school and was even engaged the night of my Senior prom. We had an amazing relationship, but I went off to college and he went into the Marines. Everyone was saying we were too young for it to work, there were people telling him I was cheating on him and vice versa. None of that was true, but we ended up breaking up and moving on. We both married other people and had we each had three amazing children. After both our marriages failed we ended up finding each other by accident through facebook. It has been two years since we found each other and we are more in love than we ever have been. The problem is…we live across the country from one another so we only get to see each other maybe once a month, if we are lucky. Our kids are all teenagers and theirs lives and other parents are where they are. We cant figure our how to get together. My divorce decree states that my kids are to stay in this school district and so does his. Our youngest children have five more years of school left. Any advice out there?
Oh I made a mistake I said his 4th birthday I meant to say his 45th birthday
Hi. I’m in LDR. I’m 31 from Wa. My boyfriend 45 is from Florida. He is a truck driver. We met on facebook, we didn’t talk much maybe a hi here and there. Last yr. We talk quite more than before. He develop feelings for me. I didn’t know if I wanted to give a shot at love again. Been cheated and hurt in the past. We talk alot…. in Oct 2015 I guess I had alot on my plate I told him to not call me leave me alone. I didn’t hear from him after that. November roll by he text me saying he’s coming to Seattle. I will see you soon. I called him asking what for. He wanted to know what happen between us. He was talking to someone else at that point in October. He told her that he wasn’t into her. He had feelings for someone else which that was me. It was his idea that I should fly out to Florida to see him to see where it was going to go. I booked my flight for Dec.
I was excited and scared meeting him for the first time. He was amazing everything what he said was true. I fell in love with him. We made it official that we were dating right on his 4th birthday. I was their to celebrate with him on his special day.
Hardest part came on Jan 3,2016 was the day I was leaving. We wrote each other a letter on how we felt towards eachother. As we got to the airline getting my bordering pass saying our goodbye and sweet kisses was the hardest thing. I went my ways to get ready to go home. He called me after I got through security telling me he was trying to hold his tears back walking back to car. That really made me sad. As I was on my way home… it felt different. I had a good time and I can’t wait to see what happens next.
We haven’t seen each other now in over 3 months it’s been hards. With up and downs. We always talk,videochat,text just try to make the most of it. He got me a promise ring the symbol of his love to me that he wants to be with forever. I will be moving to Florida to be with him next yr in March to have our life and future together. We will be getting married and I will grant him a daughter he always wanted so do i. Just to let everyone know who is in a LDR that it does work. I know it’s hard an it’s not easy but if truly love one another it will pay off at the end to have a happy life!!
To “ILoveAngel” …Thomas..ask her sincerely if she hasn’t give up on both of you. Tell her you are willing to see her and really DO it. But if she really has moved on, I am so sorry, there is a girl out there close or far who is much worthy of your love and who will love you back as much you love her. I am in a LDR for 4 yrs now and communication, trust, honesty and constant reminding the other of our love what keeps us both solid and together. We are 8500+ miles apart and so it is so hard. There should be reciprocity of love between the two of you or else one will be depleted, with all his or her love spent already. You empty love and get filled with love by the other. Both should be willing to fight for the other. Go and visit her if you must and talk to her in person or prove to her you meant it…your love for her. I hope this helps…Good luck..God bless.
My name’s Jacob, I was in a LDR for 4 years.
I am super happy to say me and my lovely GF are together now and about to move into an apartment together this summer (2016) and our relationship has never been better!
We’ve had a bumpy road together, but we have learned from our mistakes. and I only wright this post to hopefully encourage other to learn from my dumb ass self!
All the things we’ve been through have been tough and what I would consider extra ordinary for a relationship to continue. But there has been an overwhelming amount of forgiveness and realism.
Not saying she didn’t get upset and offended when I cheated like the idiot I was!
Also not to say I shouldn’t of got upset when we broke up because she saw a small glimpse of happiness inside a local guy and left despite claiming she loved me more. She just couldn’t handle being so far.
Despite all the bumps and extreme emotions that come with all of our mistakes, we kept a realistic out look on our relationship. She had to decide if she still loved me after I could make such an extremely dumb decision. And it look about 6 months for her to really start to trust me again. Which is more than understandable if you ask me!
I had to make a similar decision when we wanted to get back together after she left me for another guy. This bump in our road is still kind of a sensitive one, but one we AREN’T afraid to talk about, which is how we’re healing from this.
I would say communication is the most important thing in a relationship for many reasons.
If I didn’t tell her that I’m hurt by the actions she took while we where separated, than I would be an emotional wreck and quickly become bitter. And if she didn’t ask the same thing back at me, she would be bitter and jealous.
If there’s any question that you have or the they have, it’s so important that they all get talked about. I don’t necessarily mean questions like “was he better in bed?” or “was she prettier than me?” (Which if you’re questioning those things, ASK THEM! If you can’t talk about frivolous things like that, than there’s a major problem in talking)
But I more so mean questions like “why do I still make you happy?” and get to the deep root of how and why of every question.
There’s over a million things that try to tear your relationship down, statistics show that long distance relationships on average can be as solid and dependable as a “normal” relationship. (whatever “normal” means, most of the time it means local dating I guess) So don’t feed into the thought that things have to be rough because it just natural for a LDR.
With so many things that fly at all types of relationships, my biggest encouragement would be Don’t treat a LDR as if it’s a “Normal” relationship.
Every relationship is gonna take its own form of communication. If you don’t consciously change the way you talk to your LDR BF/GF than there’s nothing defending you from falling apart. It takes a reprogramming of your brain almost. Were taught from a young age that prince charming will come on a magic carpet singing that he’ll show you the world. They never mention the times where it takes his dumb ass 4 years to commit to even see you. *Raises hand*
IDK I hope somewhere inside this, someone can get a glimpse that every relationship is flawed but it takes the extra care and communication to take any relationship to the marriage phase.
Marriage may seem like this wonderful rainbow that a unicorn farts out for once you become a certain age, but let me tell you as someone fresh out of a LDR and about to be engaged. Its scary as SHIT!
P.S. if anyone has a thousand dollars they’d love to give us, she wants about a million pets inside a 1 bed apartment. I also take payments in food. (she likes Mexican and Italian)
..its Thomas again, i forgot to add that…well.. i do believe her when she says she loves me and hasn’t given up….and all that….but sometimes i feel she doesn’t mean it the same….or is just saying sweet things to make me feel better…..and sometimes i fear that the other guy and time will take her from me…..please anyone, i really need advice and help on how to fix this……ive thought of counseling but am not sure if she would want too…please anyone with advice… please help…..I LOVE YOU ANGEL, I ALWAYS WILL, I LOVE YOU, FOREVER AND ALWAYS, ALWAYS AND FOREVER..
Hi, my name is Thomas I’m from California
and i’ve been in an LDR with an amazing girl from Texas….we’ve been in this relationship for 6 years….we met when I was 13 about to be 14 and she was 12 about to be 13, we met around December and immediately liked each other. And we got together. I knew from the start I loved her, I was just always worried about my personal problems, which made me think will cause me to loose her. We’ve been through EVERYTHING in our relationship. I honestly sadly tried to break it off, for the fear we were biting off more than we can chew, but each day after our ‘break up’ we’d act as if it never happened. And I didn’t care, because I always knew I never meant them, I love her to much to ever let go. She always want to try to come, but I didn’t think I was ready, and worried I wouldn’t be up to her expectations. And I was trying to get more settled for us. I was a pretty bad fuck up in high school, so I was trying to get done with school, get a job, raise enough money and go see her. She even agreed to the idea and everything. But one problem was she always thought something was holding me back, but that was just school, money, and me. So finally i graduated high school, as a super senior, but early within the year than actually expected. And now i was trying to get a job, but was having trouble. And she still thought i wasn’t trying or doing anything for us. I understood why, and was was because I didn’t show much of me trying. And I understood if she didn’t believe me, my mind set was totally immature in the beginning, we argued and fought, and i was too blind, stubborn, and dumb to see anything. But we finally had a HUGE talk one night and she told me everything where I was wrong, and put me in my place to say, so then I decided we needed to compromise and so we gave each other many, many promises, and I finally stopped holding back and see each other and gave up my fears of it. So we decided to see each other after 6 years, and we were going to see each other in February of this year for her birthday, she planned to come see me and luckily by then i finally got a job right in the beginning of February, so everything seemed okay…but we didn’t end up seeing each other, and so we planned it again, except my job requires me to work overtime for the whole month of March, including most of my days off. So we then decided to meet in April, excpet this time i’d go to Texas since she started school. So now it is March, and sadly we got into a little fight which turned into something else. She ended telling me she wants to be with another guy, because he has his own place, job and started school again. Keep in mind we were planning to do all of this, right when I get back on track from being a fuck up, and i did all we needed was to meet in April, we even “married” each other, and i’d constantly try to be cute and roleplay me kneeling down asking her to be my wife, and she always said yes. We planned and promised so much, and now she’s about to move in with him in this coming week. She also said they’ve been planning on it..when we only needed about 20 or so days. We waited 6 years, and I know I made the HUGE mistake of making us wait..but it was.only so i can get back on track for her, she was my only motivation for everything..and we only needed about 20days now..and now i don’t think she wants us together…we’ve stuck through EVERYTHING…and i’m still here fighting..but i feel like she gave up..although she says she didn’t. She says she is only doing it for us…and because she is tired of living with her parents…even when we planned and were going to try figuring out how to be able to live together so she won’t anymore. Even before she planned on going to school here so we can live and be together but she decided to stay. And at first i was a bit sad she started school, because we planned on.starting and.going together, but then I convinced myself to be okay with that, especially since she is doing what she wants and makes her happy, and will help her for her future and i didnt want to be in.her way and i even decided to go see her and while being there figure out everything, living wise, economic wise, and anything to figure out how to stay and be with her. I love her so much and i am trying soo hsrd but i don’t know what to do..i still plan on going in April..but sometimes.she’s okay with it and says itll mean the world and make her the happiest girl ever…but then she tells me to not do it and to not even bother..and that she doesn’t care if i do…she once told me to give up…and still no matter what im not breaking any of my promises especially the promise i made 6 years ago promising that I will go see her….but i worry she doesn’t care or love me or would even want to see me……please anyone any advice…..please help…….i really need it…i really love her and am willing to do anything to fix us and get us back on track she is my forever and always, always and forever…i love you Angel….
I met my love on 9-12-15 we haven’t known each other tht long but we both agree tht we’re rite for each other. We haven’t met in person yet and we call and text all the time.we live in the same state but we’re both really young.we plan about meeting and wht if would be like and wht we would do.Ive been down for Zach since we met and he said he feels the same. We have one of those off and on relationships like we argue one day then the next we’re together. When we’re not together we find other people but we always end up together again. We tell each other we love each other atleast 20 times in a hour. He’s the bad boy type and the good girl type but it’s like he’s the nicest person in the world when he talks to me and he got me kinda bad so he got my bad side out and I got his soft side out. We plan on moving in together in the future. We’re really young but I hope he’s the one for me!!¡
My friends and my family said long distance relationship won’t work when my girl friend followed her passion and moved out to the West Coast for college. However 32 months later, We finally proved them wrong. Me and my girl friend got back together with more love and passion. If you’re in LDR right now, don’t give up! It will work if you work it.
My name is Karna. and I’m 15 years old. I am norwegian and I have been together with my boyfriend for 2 years. He is from16 and from Chile, although we met in South-Korea, where we both lived because of our family business. We met in January 2014 and dated ever since. We have been in a LDR for 5 months now, however he broke up with me yesterday. Currently I am living in Spain in boarding school, and I’ve been having a hard time adjusting to my new “home”. My whole life I have been a very “good girl”. I never smoke, drank or messed around with boys – until i met my boyfriend (x-boyfriend). I lost my virginity to him when i was 13. But we loved each other. My parents knew we were young but they loved my boyfriend, and his family loved me. Our relationship was perfect until I moved away from Korea.
I was spending the summer of 2015 in Norway with my friends and family before I moved to Spain for 1 year. My boyfriends parents were so nice, letting him come to Norway for half the summer, which was the best time of my life. I fell in love with him even more, seeing him get along with my friends and family.
To be honest, our LDR has been going great. We skyped everyday and all day on Sundays (despite the time difference, which was the major battle in our LDR), and we communicated lots. We had already set boundaries to what we were, and weren’t allowed to do, so everything was fine – up until he cheated on me about 2 months ago. he got drunk and kissed a girl (who actually was OUR friend- and had a boyfriend). But since he was drunk and only kissed her, i decided to give him a second chance.
Lately we have been arguing a lot about the future. When were we going to see each other again? What happens after we see each other? How long can we continue our LDR? Until the end of collage? In 6/7 years??
I am going home for Norway this christmas to see my family, and I really wanted him to come, but it’s to expensive. The next time we might be able to see each other would be next summer. But, 1 year apart? We love each other, but I cry myself to sleep almost every night and he suffers from great depression. He doesn’t want to spend time with his friends or family and he is doing very bad in school – just like me. Even though he is depressed and I am suffering from anxiety, everything goes away when we skype. However it doesn’t last very long, because before we know it, reality hits us, and we are back in our bedrooms, thousands of miles away, in front of our computer screens. For the last week, we have been debating whether or not we should simply just break up – and that maybe it was for the best.
This weekend (2 days ago), I decided to forget about everything that was going on and go to my friends birthday party, at a pub. I got drunk for the very first time. I wasn’t planning on it, although I had a great time. When I woke up the next morning I was so nervous to tell my boyfriend. This is because I promised him that my first time getting drunk would be with him; i would be safe in his arms. I didn’t tell him right away because he kept asking me about our relationship, and I thought if i tell him he will get mad. So we had been talking all day trying to figure things out when I couldn’t keep it in any longer (I am not a very good liar). I asked him “pinkie promise me, you won’t get mad?”, and after he replied yes and I told him I got drunk he screamed “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? I’M BREAKING UP WITH YOU”. And then he hung up.
My heart sank to the bottom of the ocean. I expected him to get mad but not this. I did not cheat on him, so I was in complete shock. How could he react this way? He broke a promise, to stay faithful to me, but i still gave him a second chance. Why wouldn’t he give me a second chance? He sent me a text right after he hung up, telling me what a terrible person I was, complaining about how he thought I was different and independent, and loyal. Later he texted me saying “I hope you reply to this message, because it would suck not to talk to you ever again”. This text made me even more confused. I have not replied or called since.
We haven’t talked for a day (which actually is a long time for us- considering it’s sunday skypeday. And I think he is expecting me to ask for forgiveness, and he would forgive. Normally this is what would happen in our relationship, since this has happened many times before. But perhaps its best this way. I would want to end our relationship in peace but I’m not sure it can. He was my best friend, and I would still want to talk to him everyday. However I don’t think I would be able to let him go. Maybe he would take me back and things would go back to normal, but than what will happen? I don’t know if I can keep doing this for so long. Im only 15 and I know I have a whole life ahead of me, and sorry if this sounds totally insane, but I can only imagine my future with him! I am so comfused. I love him and I want to be with him but even IF he did take me back, what will the future hold?
I have read all the other stories, and it really helps to relate with other people. I am in so much pain.. and I don’t know what to do.
My serious relationship with Cody started this summer, but we’ve known each other since 2011. We were acquaintance at first, but we weren’t close enough to hang or have a conversation. I was thirteen and he was sixteen at the time. Every summer after the first year, I kept coming back for hope of improving our “relationship” and at least be friends with him. When I was fourteen, we started to be in the same activity and having fun what we like to do together. Such as, swimming in the lake, climbing, running, cooking, jumping on the trampoline, and tubing. The only different about that year (2012) was that we were being check over, because at the time. There was a disease or illness spreading around the camp (which is not anymore) and my back had scrapes from my previous surgery, but Cody has this cold and they automatic put him with the other (including myself). We went to the nearest hospital and we were alright (for those who’s wondering). On our way back to camp, I fell asleep and landed on his shoulder. That was when I first realized that I’m home and safe for the first time, but at the time I was afraid that he wouldn’t understand about me being in foster care. Also, I was afraid about my parent’s approval if we were ever going to be together, but I managed to think of the present and enjoyed the comfort of his touch. When I was fifteen when I came back the next summer, he was beginning to act weird around me. At first I thought that he finally realize that I like hime and was disgusted like all the other guys I liked, so I stayed my distance from him for my own sake, but he was always seem to make me laugh and smile. Despite all the feeling I’ve been having about being rejected. By the time I was sixteen, everything started to be hard for me to move on. When I thought I accepted the fact that he doesn’t like me back. Near the end of the summer when I was smiling away from the feelings of being close to Cody. My friend has to tell him that I like him, right in front of me and he responding that he have a girlfriend. At the moment, I was embarrassed for the first time, but I managed to play it cool when he was around. Then before I know what was going on, I was going back to camp for the last time and I couldn’t stop thinking of seeing Cody again and I knew that I haven’t gotten over him yet. When I got back and unpack my stuff, I was headed to the diner and was happy to finally see Cody again after a whole year of pain, loss, and betrayal that I have to go through at home/school/foster home. When I realized that it was my last year of coming back, I told myself that I have to move on from Cody and forget about him. The first week, I spend my time with a good friend of mine and kept myself busy. I also sign myself out of a activity that I’ve been assign to with Cody and kept my distance far from him. It worked for a week, but when I signed up for the overnight island trip, I didn’t realized that Cody also signed up for it. When the day came, I went to the boat to load my bags and the next thing I knew it. He was behind me asking me if I was going to the trip. I answered him that I was going and curse myself in my mind, but I also realized that he signed up for fishing before so he would be meeting us at the island. When I got there, I swam and got foot cramps. By the time it was near dinner, he finally came and jumped in the water with his clothes on. It made me laugh of course and he went back with his trunk on. We swam for a long period of time and came back in to have dinner. We ate and I swam again but I just floated around with noodles. He came back in and we swam another hour before the sunset. I was talking to my friend about my previous crushes and told her that I liked a girl once. Cody came up to me and ask if I was gay. I told him, no I’m bisexual but it took me a while to explain it to him. But it was the longest conversation that we ever had so I was happy that I was talking to him. That was when he finally told me that he always likes me from the beginning, but was shy to admit it. I told him that I like him too, but I was afraid that he just saying that, because I told him that I like girls. It was when he first started to ask me to be his girlfriend and I said no at the time, but the next morning after he explain to me about what we did in the past. I finally made a choice to say yes and it was the happiness time I ever had. For that week, we were together like glue, but we managed to keep our relationship balance with our friends and keep our affection out of the public. Everything was going perfect and I knew that something bad going to happens and I was getting ready with the pain that I would have to go through. My friend was trying to take Cody away from me, by letting her friend spread rumours that I was talking behind her back, because Cody picked me over her and I was handling it fine. I didn’t tell her off or got mad or anything. All I did was that I told Cody the truth and wait for his answer to choose again. I knew that it was the time that we need to have trust and I also knew that it was his time to show me that if he actually does like me to know that I wouldn’t do it. For the next four days of feeling empty, I distracted myself and waited. By the next week he realized that I wouldn’t do it and speak with his friends about spreading lies around about “his girlfriend” and didn’t spend much time with them as usually. I was happy again and I was fine with the outcome. The only problem was that it was the end of the summer and we needed to go back home. I didn’t have much time to give him the note with my contact in person, so I left it with his mentor and went home. I got a email from his mentor and he said, “He stares at the note, kiss it, then rub it over his heart and put it in his pocket.” I was happy that he got the note, but realized that he never once email, Skype, or call me, so I got worry and waited another week. After the third week I gave up on waiting and was trying to accept the fact that he will never contact me. I tried to convince myself that he lost the note somehow or anything, but deep down I miss him. It has been almost two months since I last heard of Cody, and I don’t know what to do.
I just wanted to share my story with you all cause at this point of my relationship, it feels like everything is tearing apart. I’ve been in a ldr for 2 years now. I met him trough omegle on july and since day one we fell in love. Everything seems to be going great, he already had planned to come over during two weeks in August the year after and he surely seemed in love. Later in November he had a new coworker but he didn’t tell me about her. A few months later I started to notice he was a bit different so I decided to check what was going on. He didn’t have me on fb, either instagram or anything like that because he didn’t have accounts on it. One day I was curious and decided to see if what he was saying was the truth, well it wasn’t; turns out he actually had instagram and he had flirty comments all over it with his coworker. I didn’t say anything to him but I made sure to gave him little hints saying it how much I love him and that if he ever felt that I wasn’t enough for him, he should tell me right away. He always denied it and keep telling me how much I meant to him. Two months later, he kept going out with this girl and I finally decided to talk about it but he said she was just a friend. He came over to visited me and after he got back to his country things started to get weird again. He even completely disappeared for 3 days and I found it he was with this girl! He had a massive argument and he told me nothing happened. I still feel I’m second place in his life, I constantly feel I have to fight for his love and attention. I have doe nothing but being faithfully and love him all along. I even left uni twice cause my first career didn’t let me have time for our relationship and my second one was too expensive and seeing he always kept telling me he wants to marry me and have a future together I decided to stop so we can go travel next year as he wants. I don’t know what to do anymore, it’s like not a single thing I do is enough for him, I barely see my friends just to stay at home and talk to him but whenever he has the chance to go out, he does and completely ignores me for the whole weekend. I love him, I really do and every time he says something about “our” future together, I can’t help it by believe him but everything falls apart every time I find out he’s still seeing that girl.
Hi! My name is Breanna, and I used to live in Georgia. The summer after my freshman year I moved to Kentucky, and ironically so was one of my friends, Brandt. Eventually, he moved back, but I stayed, but when we both lived here we started dating. He thinks I don’t know that he wants to surprise me for homecoming, but I know. He needs help raising money to drive here, and we would both really appreciate it if someone would donate! Thank you all, I love all of these stories!
Did you ever get your donation? Are ya’ll still even together? LOL
Trust me…I know the issues of trying to keep a long distance relationship alive…especially one across time zones and hemispheres. That’s why I created this project: OrbMi – Voice Messaging To The Orb, Not The Phone
We would love support from others who have tried to keep things close despite the distance.
We met on December 29, 2011, I now been living in Texas while he lives in California we were 14 at the time not much we could do. Now we’re 18, nervous because I know I will visit him soon. We had a long distance relationship for four years. It was and continues to be hard, I don’t know what to expect. But I love him, and I know he loves me too.
I would like to submit a comment to Carol because I am in a similar relationship. I can sympathize with your situation a lot. Including my friend’s own history with AA and anger when I try to discuss the relationship. I never had a long distance relationship before and am feeling the pain.
I often imagine saying to him, “I want a boyfriend who is in the same town as me and who spends time with me so I must break this off. If you want a committed relationship with me, we will have to make changes.”
But I have not said this because I would rather be connected to him.
He is not storing anything at my home or using me for anything, says he is faithful, but wants to be free to roam the country alone and have his adventures. (retired also)
i am dating my boyfriend and its has been two years full and 10 months now for the past two years we were in a long distance relationship was working perfectly he then decided to move to where I am staying he was always loving and make me happy at all times and he always calls like we could spent more than two hours on the phone he cheated on me once and i caught him he assured me he is no longer cheating we continue dating things started to get ugly when he found out that i lied about my previous relationship and told him i never dated anyone before him and that i have been flirting with other guys the time he was away he doesn’t trust me anymore but he says he loves me he is always mood and shout all the time plus he doesn’t call as he used to how do i win his trust back i need an advice
Sort of new at this. Divorce finalized in September 2013. I was married for forty years to a man I was with since I was 16. I am 61 years old, and had a wonderful romance with a man who’d been interested in me for many years, ever since I was in a movie he made (about poetry, of all things)… Started out that he felt more than I did…. Then we met for a most passionate weekend….. Fit ideally into both of our schedules. But now distance is becoming a problem…. Hundreds of miles apart. And I crave physical closeness. No problem when we were together…. At our age (he’s older than me 67), we both have rather established lives –so we can’t see each other often even if we want to. I’m just not sure. I really love this man, but he’s giving into challenges of distance, and I’m not the kind of woman who will involve herself with indiscriminate sex –have to accept that I’m not the only woman with whom he will have sex… Not easy for me to accept this…. NYC (him) and Michigan (me)
I am exclusive, by choice, but he is not. What should be done?
Well I’m in a LDR since September 2014, and we are always fighting because I am listening to what people are saying. One of my good friends asked me! he used to go to school but he got in a fight with his teacher so they kicked him out, and he joined the army, and they kicked him out too because his uncle join a terrorist group and the both have the same last name. So now he is working as a security, and he lives in Algeria. I’m like so confused I don’t know what to do. I love him so much and I know his the right one for me.
I just want to share for a second that long distance is possible! It is not how relationships are supposed to be, but I can attest to it. We celebrated five years together yesterday, and this weekend we will celebrate four years together long distance. now, tell me that isn’t impressive. Relationships are hard work and long distance relationships are even harder. But keep it up, maintain a lot of communication, and do not idealize your partner so that when you see each other next you are not thinking that your partner is the best person in the world (because he/she probably isn’t). And…. love one another! It is possible.
My partner and I met and fell in love 11 years ago when I rescued his golden retriever into my foster home. He has his own IT consulting company, his job takes him all over the country on long term contracts. We have lived and worked in 2 different cities/states for almost all of those 11 years. He is rarely at home, only on most weekends, which amounts to about 48 hours.. I am 62, he is 57. I am preparing to retire next year (2016), his plans are to work for at least another 10 years with his own company traveling the country or the globe (he has had contracts in foreign countries). I am growing so very tired of being alone most of the time, and not really being able to help our relationship grow-I need a ‘tangible’ person, which he is not and has no desire to be. He seems quite content to do the traveling and remain uninvolved with a permanent realtionship…no desire to change. I’ve met his ‘ex’s’ and they all say the same thing: he will never change. I feel sometimes like his storage unit-he has all of his belongings in my house, which does not amount to much besides clothes and a car, no more than he can move out in 8 hours (he told me that initially when we moved together). Right now he is away on a contract that is scheduled to end in October 2015, and another contract will follow that one, but I do not know anything about it at this time. He is also very involved in AA, so much of his time when he is at my place is spent at meetings, or otherwise involved with his AA family, I am growing weary of this situation, talking about it to him has done nothing except anger him to the point of him threatening to end the relationship. Any advice out there as to how to handle this? My friends are telling me to break it off and stop carrying the torch…it’s quite hard to end 11 years…..any thoughts?
What do you do when your gf lives 5 hours away works all day then comes home to her kids at 5pm n gives them all her attention don’t even bother texting you we don’t see each other but she calls when she gets in bed I feel alone and like I can’t even talk to her durring the day she said her kids come first which I agree but she can’t even text me when she’s home it sucks I’m lost
My partner and I met in France, I live in Canada with my three children. We fell in love and after 1 1/2 years he came to Canada. We lived happily and had a great family, but not a lot of money. So we didn’t get his visa application in when we should have…. He got deported 16 months ago. We got married 6 months ago. He is living in Rngland while we remain in Canada. I could never leave my kids, their dad would never let me take them,(but I couldn’t take them from their dad anyways),so I am stuck with feeling like I have to choose between my kids and my husband. We miss each other terribly, but luckily we see each other about every twoontgs for a long weekend. My heart breaks every time I leave him. He struggles with depression… He misses his family. It is so hard but I am determined we will be together again. We have an immigration lawyer (who is moving sooooooo slowly), but it will be two years IF they even approve his return. It’s hard. I’m stressed. I’m lonely. I want my husband home.
I am 18 and currently a freshman in college in Ohio. My boyfriend of four years is 20 and in the marines corps. He has been in the marines for 2 years so far. His permanent station is in North Carolina and he goes on deployment over seas for around 6 months at a time. He has three more years of being in the military until we can finally be together. Currently we see each other about twice a year, and it’s really taking a toll on me. We can call each other everyday but it’s like we still are not apart of each other’s lives at all. There is no way that we can live together since I’m attending college in Ohio and I would have to drop out of school. We dated all throughout highschool and I would love to get married but we have never lived together. And we won’t be able to live together until three more years of only seeing each other twice a year. I guess I’m telling you all this because I really do not know what to do. I love this man with all my heart and I only want him, and he feels the same about me. But because of the circumstances it’s like we can’t have each other. I just don’t know whether to keep trying or what will happen with us. Like I said, it’s like we aren’t even apart of each others lives any more. And at the rate things are going now I’m not sure what these next three years will do to us. Please if you are or have been in a similar situation I would love to hear your opinion, or some advice, anything that would help I would be so grateful.
Hey Erin I don’t know if you’ll see this but I’d like to know if how your situation ended up because I’m kind of in a similar position atm
You two are headed in two different direction. My advice is to end the relationship find someone who is pursuing a college education like yourself.
sweetie, he ain’t in the military. those posts you see on his Instagram accounts of a cute ethnic child. those aren’t of some sweet local boy, that’s his son, Ernesto. move on!
You see each twice a year and speak daily.
I’ve been with my boyfriend with three years and we still haven’t meet because of some circumstances.
If you think twice a year is hard, imagine going three years without seeing him.
Correction: I’ve been with my boyfriend for three years and we still haven’t meet because of some circumstances
Ugh! Why am I making so many typos?!
I’m 16 and Currently a Sophomore in High school, I met this girl on Instagram and we have met a few times….
As a 16 year old and a Sophomore… That means I must wait 2 and a half years to ever be with her…..
She, Means the world to me… We try to talk every day as possible, I’ve begged my mother to possibly move down there, Not to be selfish and all about me… But maybe finally have friends a new environment. My mom and dad had divorced when I was 7, My mom struggled financially and still does to this day.
I have made plans maybe when I get a car drive down every other weekend, But her mom is Bi-Polar and drinks… As well as my GF Is Bi-Polar but I dont wanna give up on her for such a stupid reason..
Any Ideas to keep this going????